Kola Pyramids - Alternative View

Kola Pyramids - Alternative View
Kola Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: Kola Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: Kola Pyramids - Alternative View
Video: How the Pyramids Were Built (Pyramid Science Part 2!) 2024, October

The Kola pyramids are hills that strongly resemble the pyramids discovered in 1922 near Seydozero in the Murmansk region.

The Sami, shamans of the Kola Peninsula, used the ancient pyramids for performing magical rituals. Shamanic stone pillars have also survived here, and travelers feel a little sick in them.

The last official expedition with the name "Hyperborea-98" to the Kola Peninsula was sent in 1998, which included archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, geologists, ufologists and philosophers. On the slope of Mount Ninchurta, archaeologists have discovered the stonework of the wall, despite the fact that it is almost not preserved.

Near the Holy Lake, they were lucky enough to find an ancient seid - a huge stone of regular geometric shape with a cavity inside, at the bottom of which coals were preserved. Perhaps these are traces of a once magical ritual.

Another important discovery was the discovery of the remains of an ancient observatory - man-made pyramids and a 15-meter trench with two sighting devices. The pyramids are at least 9 thousand years old. In addition, the shape of the pyramids resembles Mount Meru, known as the "axis of the world."

These and other discoveries confirmed the concept of world science that the ancestors of the human race came from the North, and a natural disaster forced them to migrate. The Kola Peninsula has preserved the Hyperborean pyramids, secret dungeons and much more, which confirms the existence of the once Hyperborean civilization.

The Kola Peninsula has long attracted the attention of researchers, travelers and tourists. According to legend, it was in these parts that the famous Hyperborea was once located.

In the early 1920s. a scientific expedition headed by the famous researcher and writer Alexander Barchenko headed here. The OGPU became the "sponsor" of an unusual campaign for its time, so it is not surprising that the developments were classified. According to Barchenko's hypothesis, mankind originated in the North during the so-called Golden Age, that is, approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. The Flood forced the Aryan tribes who lived there to leave the area of the present Kola Peninsula and move south.

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Barchenko was convinced that the Hyperboreans were a fairly highly developed civilization - they knew the secret of atomic energy, they knew how to build aircraft and control them … The researcher drew information about this from the Masonic literature available to him. He also believed that the Sami shamans who lived on the Kola Peninsula are the carriers of the ancient knowledge about Hyperborea.