Alien Classification - Alternative View

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Alien Classification - Alternative View
Alien Classification - Alternative View

Video: Alien Classification - Alternative View

Video: Alien Classification - Alternative View
Video: Как выглядят инопланетные цивилизации - шкала Кардашёва 2024, October

With thin long arms to the ground and wearing masks for breathing, they calmly walk through the German forests. The newcomers, and this is what eyewitnesses and journalists consider them to be, wander around, looking for something, but do not make contact. They behave like scouts before the future occupation of the region. Our magazine has repeatedly addressed the topic of aliens, including the testimony of eyewitnesses of this phenomenon. In this issue we bring to the attention of our readers an article by Academician of the Academy of Cosmonautics L. N. Melnikov, who, according to the foreign press, compiled a classification of mysterious creatures encountered by people in different parts of the world.


There are regions on Earth - a kind of channels, or windows, for the penetration of extraterrestrial intelligence into our planet. Such windows are available in Germany, Brazil, USA, UK, Australia, Japan, France and other countries. In particular, the American state of New Mexico is rich in ufological events. There are also preferred routes, along which guides (they are called "fiducial marks") alien ships arrive. It is with their help that one can explain the phenomenon of UFO concentration at certain points of the globe. Fiducial guides are navigated day and night. We do not see many phenomena only because these areas are far from settlements, and UFO events occur mainly at night. Can we expect an invasion of such creatures on Earth in the near future? What are they? Who might we have to deal with?


They are humanoids that resemble insects. Quite rare, but characteristic type. They have long, slender limbs, the front limbs end with something like a grip or pincer, their eyes are huge, faceted. If this type of humanoid really exists (and this is how witnesses describe aliens in some cases), then such creatures could most easily endure monstrous accelerations (up to 40 days) that occur during long interplanetary and interstellar flights. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who personally conducted similar experiments with cockroaches, knew that insects are better than mammals and highly organized animals in general to withstand gigantic gravitational overloads. Overloads can also occur not only during the start and deceleration of a spacecraft, but also when it performs those difficult, and by earthly standards, unthinkable,pirouettes, when the UFO, without reducing the speed, changes the direction of flight by 90T. Sharp maneuvers of alien ships, it is assumed, can only be tolerated by insectoids.

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Some humanoids can be classified as reptoids. Their distinguishing feature is the skin of a scaly structure, like in snakes, crocodiles and other reptiles. The body is folded, with claws on the arms and legs. The eyes glow with yellow and green light. Humanoids of this type are distinguished by their cruelty and commit violence against people. Some witnesses identify the Reptoids with Satan or the Satanic army. It is believed that they belong to the infernal spheres of the Universe, to the hellish forces. If the testimonies are to be believed, the mention of the name of Christ evokes strong reactions from them. It is believed that it was the Reptoids who were the prototype of the devil in the New Testament, who appeared in the form of a serpent who tempted the first people.


A favorite place to visit is Lower Saxony. The growth of these creatures is 2-2.6 m. The head is huge in relation to the body. The eyes are as distinct as two headlights on a truck. Ears and nose are not visible. The skin of the giants has a light blue hue (isn't their blood blue?). The hands of giants are especially impressive: the hand is almost twice the size of the head. The hand is three-fingered, two fingers and a thumb. In appearance, these cosmic Polyphemes seemed to be males. Extraterrestrial basketball players were usually accompanied by creatures of small stature: so to speak, a tank is advancing, followed by the space infantry.


These are exactly the ones that accompany. But there are also one by one. The growth of these creatures barely reaches 90-100 cm. The legs are short, ending in some kind of hoof, which does not prevent these humanoids from moving quickly and avoiding intrusive bystanders. Surprisingly, this race is also three-toed. The arms are disproportionately long, monstrously thin, and hang down to the ground. There can be no question of a masquerade or disguised people. There are simply no people with such anatomical features on Earth. And who needs this masquerade in the wilderness of Lower Saxony? Large, slightly almond-shaped black eyes are clearly visible on the face. Nose, mouth and ears are indistinguishable. It seems that the micro-inhabitants of the Universe wear a protective breathing mask on their face, which hides the details of the face. Space Lilliputians are dressed in silvery jumpsuits. Peaceful character.


Gray creatures are also short (90 to 120 centimeters). They have gray skin, a disproportionately large head without vegetation, outwardly poorly developed limbs, and a thin torso. The classic type of gray humanoid has either a small or indistinguishable nose, a small lipless mouth, thin fingers. The fingers end in claws or suckers. Reports of gray humanoids come primarily from the United States. In the 1947 Roswell events in the state of New Mexico, when the bodies of aliens were found, they were precisely gray humanoids. The bodies were dissected and revealed a number of amazing anatomical features of the internal structure. So, they do not have a digestive canal, an outlet, instead of blood, some kind of liquid. Heart and liver were either missing or not found by pathologists. The brain was well developed,but its structure is different from human gray matter. In the state of New Mexico and Texas, several flying saucers with crews of gray creatures crashed. It seems that the Grays chose the United States of America for their expeditions. The number of UFO disasters in 1947 in the area was so great that the authorities seriously expected an alien invasion. As it turned out, then - carried by …


This type of humanoid differs in that they are very similar to humans, but are dressed in black clothes, which make a very frightening impression on bystanders. Men in black, reminiscent of the SS teams of Nazi Germany, are found in almost every region of the globe. They usually appear from aircraft landing in full view of people in connection with repairs. Exit UFOs in groups of two or three. They treat the population rudely and demandingly. They speak good English or some other language, sometimes even slang, which is used by criminal villains and gangsters. These creatures are dressed in well-ironed costumes and wear black headbands. They willingly ask interlocutors about their occupation, are interested in such trifles as ballpoint pens, and other purely household details, creating the impression thatthat these are some hermits, isolated from civilization for a long time, for example, in secret military bases of the 4th Reich, left over from Nazi Germany and located in remote corners of the globe. In conversations with witnesses, they constantly used threats, demanding non-disclosure of information about their aircraft. Usually they terrified those who communicated with them.


Again, a reminiscence with the Germans, since this type of humanoid is very reminiscent of people, but it is distinguished by its special stateliness, beauty, blond hair, as we are accustomed to consider inherent in the truly Nordic type. They were mostly men, but occasionally there were women of rare beauty. According to the testimony of the American contactee T. Beturum, he met with a female, whom, according to him, was called "Captain Aura Earlier". She was the commander of an alien spacecraft that arrived on Earth in 1952. She met with Beturum at night in secluded places (!). The last two meetings took place at the American's home. The alien persuaded Beturum to found on Earth the "Sanctuary of Thought" - an international organization whose activities would be aimed at preserving peace on our planet. Humanoids of this type refuse to be photographed and avoid appearing in front of many earthlings at once. Thus, judging by eyewitness accounts, the Nordic type is the most humane and peaceful of all the races of extraterrestrial intelligence. Consideration of different types of aliens allows us to conclude: among the extraterrestrial J3ac civilizations there are both extremely aggressive and extremely peaceful. Most of the aliens talk about the need to save the Earth, end wars, but some, on the contrary, threaten disasters and reprisals for the population of our planet. There are those who seek to colonize the civilization of earthlings, already now using it for some of their own selfish purposes, in particular, to change and improve their gene pool, for which they kidnap people and conduct genetic experiments with them.


The cases of such contacts between aliens and representatives of the civilization of earthlings have recently become more frequent. Aliens implant extraterrestrial genetic material in terrestrial women. Women give birth to so-called hybrid children. According to the testimony of some women who were subjected to such violence by extraterrestrials, they conceived and gave birth to children who were then taken away from them. However, occasionally they are allowed to see and even hold hybrid offspring. According to women, such children are genius already in infancy, they are distinguished by rare physical strength and intelligence. The most famous cases of abductions with a "special" contact of American women Betty Andreasson Luca and Betty Hill. The last case is described in the book by J. Fuller "The Interrupted Journey" (1966). Half-human half-aliens, perhaps, are now also among us. Rarely, there are reports of people with unusual properties or anatomy. So, I myself witnessed that one young girl had vertical pupils, like a cat's, which is impossible and never happens in humans. This girl, whose photograph was shown to me, lives in Russia in Orel. Even amazing babies are found under circumstances that exceed the imagination of a person, but, undoubtedly, testifying that they are not people. We are talking about a child of unearthly, or at least hybrid, origin. Swiss explorer B. Spiller in the Brazilian jungle near the city of Anori found a baby about 14-16 months old. The child's appearance is unusual. He has natural pointed ears, colorless eyes with small, pinpoint pupils that sometimes become mirrored, and a tubular nose. The child is being held at a military base near Anori. The kid is strong physically. Speaks an unknown language, which has not yet been deciphered! The tubular nose is a strange detail for an earthly person. I myself personally, twenty years ago, in a completely ordinary situation, I met a man, at the sight of whom the thought immediately arose: "Is this not an alien?" The meeting took place in a Moscow bus filled with people near the Dynamo metro station. I was sitting, a man of about 60 was standing. One thing struck me right away: he had a nose that shone through to me from below, and this nose had one nasal opening. The impression was that the person's nose was cut off and a prosthesis, which looked made of plastic, was put in its place. I'm only talking about the impression. In fact, the feeling was eerie, and I hurried off the bus at the nearest stop. The rest of the man also frightened with his strangeness and incomprehensibility,it was difficult to explain. Maybe with some special cold, icy, dispassionate look. In short, then I had almost no doubts that I had met an alien …


According to one of the quatrains of Nostradamus, after 1999, an invasion of aliens is expected on Earth. It speaks of a great king who will descend from heaven during a terrible war, "And everyone will see that he is sent by Heaven" (Quatrain 4.93). Prophecies and predictions regarding the invasion of aliens are seen not only in Nostradamus, but also in the Bible. If we translate the description contained in the first chapter of the book of the prophet Ezek-il into modern language, then we can see that something resembling a tornado is approaching from the north. The tornado includes a sparkling cloud. In the center of the cloud is a silvery metal object. There are four beings within the object, endowed with both human and non-human traits, such as wings. The creatures move quickly in space, etc. Ezekiel was so frightened by the vision that he fell face down on the ground. Then he heard a voiceaddressed from above. The "Wheels of Ezekiel" is usually interpreted in terms of a disc-shaped UFO, and the vision itself is interpreted as a prediction of a future alien invasion. In 1973, NASA engineer J. Blahmrich, who helped build the Saturn launch vehicle that flew the Americans to the moon, tried to interpret Ezekiel's vision. Using elements of aerospace technology, he modeled a hypothetical aircraft seen by the prophet. And I realized: many of the details of the ancient description coincide with modern technology. These are the nodes of the landing equipment, and the rotor blades of helicopter engines, etc. Theologians also predict the invasion and intervention of extraterrestrial forces, but in the form of a model of the Last Judgment. Theologian of Eastern Orthodoxy Father Seraphim Rose, abbot of a monastery in the USA,correlated the frequent contacts of the inhabitants of the Earth and aliens with the biblical prophecies about the end of the world. He classified UFOs in the category of signs, the appearance of which will testify to the proximity of the appearance of the Antichrist, his brief reign, and then the second coming of Jesus Christ. UFOs are a system of extraterrestrial control and are designed to cause disturbing influences in the souls of people. Several other Bible prophecies are also interpreted in light of the UFO phenomenon. In this regard, the Gospel according to Luke is most often mentioned, which speaks of "terrible spectacles and great omens" that will precede the coming of Christ at the end of this millennium. It is characteristic that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is called the "Sign".the appearance of which will testify to the proximity of the appearance of the Antichrist, his brief reign and then about the second coming of Jesus Christ. UFOs are a system of extraterrestrial control and are designed to cause disturbing influences in the souls of people. Several other Bible prophecies are also interpreted in light of the UFO phenomenon. In this regard, the Gospel according to Luke is most often mentioned, which speaks of "terrible spectacles and great omens" that will precede the coming of Christ at the end of this millennium. It is characteristic that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is called the "Sign".the appearance of which will testify to the proximity of the appearance of the Antichrist, his brief reign and then about the second coming of Jesus Christ. UFOs are a system of extraterrestrial control and are designed to cause disturbing influences in the souls of people. Several other Bible prophecies are also interpreted in light of the UFO phenomenon. In this regard, the Gospel according to Luke is most often mentioned, which speaks of "terrible spectacles and great omens" that will precede the coming of Christ at the end of this millennium. It is characteristic that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is called the "Sign". UFOs are a system of extraterrestrial control and are designed to cause disturbing influences in the souls of people. Several other Bible prophecies are also interpreted in light of the UFO phenomenon. In this regard, the Gospel according to Luke is most often mentioned, which speaks of "terrible spectacles and great omens" that will precede the coming of Christ at the end of this millennium. It is characteristic that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is called the "Sign". UFOs are a system of extraterrestrial control and are designed to cause disturbing influences in the souls of people. Several other Bible prophecies are also interpreted in light of the UFO phenomenon. In this regard, the Gospel according to Luke is most often mentioned, which speaks of "terrible spectacles and great omens" that will precede the coming of Christ at the end of this millennium. It is characteristic that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is called the "Sign".that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is named so - "The Sign".that one of the projects of the US government on the study of UFOs is named so - "The Sign".