Facets Of The Subtle World - Alternative View

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Facets Of The Subtle World - Alternative View
Facets Of The Subtle World - Alternative View

Video: Facets Of The Subtle World - Alternative View

Video: Facets Of The Subtle World - Alternative View
Video: Searching with Facets 2024, October

The boundaries of the Subtle World

Space and time

It is in vain that man considers the boundaries of the super dense Worlds to be distant. No one is aware of the exact border with the Subtle World, it is elusive for the consciousness. … But such boundaries are immeasurably close!

The laws of the Subtle World are different from those of the physical world. There is no distance and no time in the usual sense. But at the same time there is movement, perspective and arrangement of objects in interconnection with each other. It is possible to move in all directions, but movement and distance are regulated by thought. Big and small, near and far are relative, that is, by taking them into consciousness. The logic of infinitely small and large quantities differs from the logic of ordinary (earthly quantities), the same happens with the logic of thinking of the Subtle World.

Thousands of years on Earth may seem in an instant and in an instant as an eternity … Some semblance of such experiences of the Subtle World are also in the Dense World. When a person is captured by some idea or immersed in the joy of creativity or even simply purely selfish happiness, he does not notice how the years pass, and vice versa, one terrible minute will seem infinitely long to a person and can turn a young person into an old man.

Even the most knowledgeable people can hardly transfer the action of the Subtle World to physical time! It is almost inconceivable to imagine that physical time is almost not required for absences in the Subtle World. One can make the most distant flights to the Subtle World, but the earthly clock will mark it only in seconds, so the dimension of the Subtle World is different from the physical …

In the Subtle World, all phenomena and things are reflected and refracted in human consciousness in a different way. There, any creature and any thing is transparent, visible both inside and from all sides equally. In the Subtle World, there are no existing laws of perspective that distort our understanding of the form and size of objects along with an increase in distance.

In the physical world, distances, that is, proximity and distance, are measured in kilometers, in the Subtle world - by aspiration and state of mind. Thought, which sets everything in motion, overcomes distances instantly. If a person has mastered a thought, he directs his flights, if a thought owns a person, it moves him to where it is directed …

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It is characteristic of the Subtle World that there is no up and down, far and near: close is that which is illuminated by the ray of thought, because there thought creates the environment of man. It is enough to think about a distant object or person, as they are already before your eyes. The magnetism of thought is great.

Far and near are determined not by the number of kilometers, but by thought and striving. What is unattainable is that which cannot be touched by thought and realized. To think about something and to strive ardently for something means having it around you.

Distances in the Subtle World still exist, but not at all in the same form as on Earth. They can be huge and insurmountable for one and easily overcome by another (person). So, for example, from the lower strata of the astral plane it is impossible to rise upward for a person burdened with low passions … Of course, in the earthly sense there are no distances in the Subtle World, but they still exist and are insurmountable for low spirits. Sorcerers and dark hierophants who own some fires can move and even fly, but only in the lower layers of the astral. The Spheres of Light are inaccessible to them. Thus, the understanding of spatial distances in the Subtle World must be approached from a different point of view than on Earth. Of course, everything there moves by thought, but if thought is motionless and ossified in ignorance and denial, then it, that is, thought, is capable of turning a person into a motionless idol. You can see both living and dead people standing there motionless. For them there is no movement and there is no distance that is overcome and covered with the help of the fiery energy of thought. The thinking of the Subtle World is peculiar and different from the earthly one.

Time in the Subtle World is also subject to changes. The sense of time remains, but in other forms. There is a known sequence of perceptions and experiences, but there are no hours. Time, as it were, stops, that is, it cannot be marked in an earthly way, and yet it can seem to flow either very fast or slow. They know when it's day and when it's night on Earth. But it is precisely the relativity of the sensation of time that manifests itself there with all its might. That which is accepted into consciousness on the earthly plane and affirmed in it continues to vary there indefinitely, depending on the energy invested in perception on earth. It is very difficult to free oneself there from ossified concepts, habits and beliefs, confirmed by actions and deeds on Earth …

Millions of years seem long, for neither year nor century exists. Man broke existence into seconds and drowned in zeros. Therefore, the psychology of the Subtle World is so important, where hours are not needed and only the consequences are significant.

There, every earthly object is elongated in time, for example, a tree, from the moment of its inception to the end. There you can see these forms no longer in the context of time, as on earth, but taken as a whole, from beginning to end. There it is possible to stop at any moment of this duration (the life of an object or thing).

“Distances exist for the three-dimensional consciousness and objects of the three-dimensional - the physical world. The ray of a distant star, rushing into Space, carries with it the imprints of everything that happens on it. The planet can go out and be destroyed, but the rays from it, flying in boundless Space, carry with them everything that once happened on it, everything from the beginning of its life to the end. The past is imprinted in these rays rushing into Infinity and exists in them. The present is a section of this ray taken at one point or another of its cosmic location. And since there are no distances in the higher dimensions of Space, then this present exists now, here and always.

A ray striving into Space from the beginning to the end of the life of the planet is a material body stretched out in this Space in all directions. The planet no longer exists for a long time, but the ray exists in space, it exists materially, but not in the form of planetary matter. Likewise, human memory, the structure of thought, and consciousness of other dimensions are not three-dimensional. Just as yesterday is not on the planet, because it rushed into Space in the rays reflected by the planet, there is also no past, imprinted in memory in the human body, it is outside it, in the same place as yesterday. It is mentally possible to penetrate into these layers and feel the reality of the vibrations that fill them.

So, by immersing a person in a state of hypnotic sleep, it is possible to make him experience realistically and vividly what happened many years ago. Everything here and now is for the consciousness that can tune itself to a certain wave that is in tune with the desired phenomenon. If the drowning man flashes his entire past life as a whole, then somewhere, probably, there is a captured film of it. The spatial cliche of the past exists in the Akasha scrolls, in the layers of the subtlest Matter of high dimensions. Thanks to the striving forward movement of all non-dense bodies, nothing is repeated, and every moment of life is new. The spirit (man) has access to the past, because it is in the present. The ray of a distant star, once extinct, but only now reaching the Earth, carries this past, manifested in the present. The star is gonebut the ray conveys its content in the aspect of the present and is real for the perceiving consciousness.

So the past is finished in the present, at some point in Space, the proximity or range of which exists only for the three-dimensional world, but not in Reality. In Reality, everything is now and here, but in different layers of Space or in its different dimensions. The present is a consequence of the past, the future is a consequence of the present. The process is extended in the direction of the fourth perpendicular, that is, in time, which does not exist, because everything is here and now. The secret of Space and Time is partially revealed when liberating from the (physical) body or when consciously leaving in your subtle body. Otherwise, the change of Space then immediately puts the consciousness in other conditions, unlike in many respects the conditions of the Dense World. The impression of separate perceived objects and the sequence of visible and felt phenomena are preserved. The five senses of the subtle are formed by moving the thought and the subtle body, capable of flying. The reality of the Subtle World is beyond doubt for those who have visited it. Although it is not material, that is, material, but in a different way than the earthly world, because everything is material, even thought …"

A special misunderstanding is aroused by the condition of time between different Worlds. In reality, one can see a very distant future, but the earthly term is refracted in a completely different way where there is no time. Moreover, our conditional days and nights are different even on the manifested other planets. But the Subtle world and even more so the Fiery world are absolutely devoid of these conditions.

Also, the usual comparisons of the earthly and the Subtle World are incommensurable when people talk about timing, suggesting that the Subtle World compose a foresight along the earthly dimension. After all, earthly measures do not exist in the Higher Worlds. Of course, there are cosmic terms, established astrologically, but the future of the Subtle World is not expressed by earthly measures, just as in other comparisons. Therefore, the convergence of the Worlds requires refinement and flexibility of consciousness … The laws of the Subtle World will first of all be perceived by the heart.

Radiation of the Subtle World

The Light of the Subtle World has nothing to do with the earthly understanding of sunlight. In the lower strata, darkened consciousness creates darkness, but the higher the consciousness and thought, the brighter the miraculous radiance. It is the inhabitants of the Subtle World who see both the Earth and the Luminaries, but the earthly Lights are transformed by consciousness in a different way …

The light is in us, and we open the way for it. Also, the inhabitants of the Subtle World, who want the Light, have no shortage of it. The inhabitants, who are alien to the needs of Light, are at dusk. This refers to unlimited thought-creation. The sun that we feel in the physical world in one aspect can be transformed into many conditions under the power of thought-creation. The desire for Light allows it, but one who is mired in the gloom of thought receives what he has limited himself to. This adaptation of the organism to the future gives the most desirable consequences. How many inhabitants of the Subtle World look around at the Fiery Mist and vaguely regret something lost.

Quite understandable is the desire to find out why, when visiting the Subtle World, we are not amazed by the multicolored auras? First, consciousness transposes many impressions, but the main thing is that there is synthetic harmony. Of course, it is possible to discern the degree of illumination, but the radiation itself, just like in the earthly world, can be mentally evoked. It would be unbearable if the entire Subtle World trembled in colorful rainbows. Even on Earth, rainbows can be annoying at times. But the Subtle World actually shines very harmoniously …

In the Subtle World, only sometimes the Lights of the Fiery World shine. Inhabitants of the Subtle World sense such phenomena as saving innermost shortening of the path. Thus, even among the rarest phenomena, the Subtle World understands the highest degree. But on Earth there are more touches to the Subtle World; even there are radiances of the Fiery World. Why are dense residents so full of denials?

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