Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 28 - Alternative View

Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 28 - Alternative View
Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 28 - Alternative View

Video: Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 28 - Alternative View

Video: Buildings Covered With Soil. Part 28 - Alternative View
Video: How to Build Private Underground Temple Tunnel House With Swimming Pool 2024, October

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Backfilled Chernigov:



Arches and windows in the foundation. So they built. The skeptics' version. I put it out for discussion.


Promotional video:

If there are arches in the foundation, then there is no closed circuit, and this is no longer a basement. No waterproofing. The arches were filled with sand. Most likely, this structure was made in order to prevent the formation of cracks in the foundation - I think the arch is more resistant to changing loads than just brickwork.

But this does not negate examples of buried buildings where arched structures were not used, windows and doors that are at a level of several meters below the modern one.


The ancient city was discovered by archaeologists of Tajikistan. Scientists attribute it to the period of the Kushan kingdom. During the excavations, not only buildings were found, but also a lot of coins, jewelry, and ceramics.

Take a look at the video of large vessels in clay sediments. And also on the fact that the locals were very confused people - as usual, a lot of jewelry was lost, coins only in a small excavation area. In general, any excavations are accompanied by finds of coins, wearable things: amulets, brooches, hairpins, etc. Archaeologists answer: it has accumulated over hundreds of years. Or are there other answers?


News 2015 I have already mentioned the excavations in this monastery, but there were also photographs.

During archaeological research on the territory of the Bogolyubsky monastery in the Vladimir region, scientists discovered the basement of the 12th century temple, which has a stylistic resemblance to the North Italian architecture.


How could cultural layers hide this level of the ancient temple foundation? Subsidence - as a phenomenon, is also not good. Obviously here is the fact that the building of the temple was brought in with soil. Dry (dusty clay storms) or mudflow - this is still impossible to say. Because archaeologists do not even have such thoughts. And if it does arise (probably, many have come across similar articles), then they will not destroy the generally accepted paradigm.


Excavations were also carried out inside the temple - they found a ceramic floor.


In this photograph, this difference between the ancient and modern sex was left for review.


Hokkaido after the September 2018 earthquake. The release of water and clay during reformatting of the subsoil is a liquefaction phenomenon (soil liquefaction). As I described 21 parts of the Building, covered with soil. Is it possible that a seismic wave swept across the continent and reformatted the bowels, water began to come out everywhere, eroding rocks, carrying clay to the surface? I remember a few years ago there was a kind of ordinary earthquake in Kamchatka. But for some reason, the seismic wave went west for thousands of kilometers. Even in Krasnoyarsk it felt like three points. I remember how the house swayed for seconds. And then there was information in the media that this was due to the epicenter of the earthquake in Kamchatka.

So if you compare the cards 17c and 19c. - many parts of the continents are different. And not because of the ignorance of the territory cartographers. Although historians explain it this way. Could powerful geotectonic processes provoke the disappearance of some territories and the emergence of others and powerful earthquakes at the same time? If so, then this should have caused widespread liquefaction and flooding of territories and cities with liquid clay masses.


Reader Comments:

storozhzooparka found in the comments at the link.

Here's another house on Lenin Street 62 in Krasnoyarsk, where the post office is restored.

In it, too, I think they will find something historical and interesting. Here in the courtyard of the house the earth collapsed (a small hole formed) a flashlight on a rope was lowered into this hole, out of curiosity we saw brick walls and a depth of about 5 meters. What is there?


sergio_leone: Building at Gogolevsky Boulevard 5 c1. This is VTB bank for vip clients. The entrance turns once a window - a classic of the genre. The building is buried 2 floors into the ground. The basement is used as premises for transactions. There you can see the windows cut through, and part of the land adjacent to the building was equipped with windows in the ceiling of the buried first floor. And there is also a basement.


The most interesting thing is that some bank employee, as a decoration in the foyer and some rooms, hung a map of Tartary … Well, this is for the initiated. Gogolevsky 5c1 is the most obvious example of a building, where it is 100% clear that the 1st floor has been dug up and now during the reconstruction it was dug up and used for its intended purpose and there is also a basement … 2 floors underground and 2 floors above ground …


It is believed that buried cities and layers of clay, huge volumes of sand in deserts are the consequences of the passage of the comet's tail through the Earth's atmosphere, the fallout of this soil.

My opinion is this: the tail of a comet is ionized gas, dust particles knocked out by the solar wind. A comet's tail appears only when it approaches the Sun, in the orbits of the inner planets.

In order to fill the Earth with sand (dust), the volume of the tail material is small, the comet needs to collapse and intersect with the Earth's orbit. The tail can, I think, only cause condensation of water in the atmosphere and heavy rains.

Have you heard about seasonal starfalls: Leonids, Perseids. These are exactly the remnants of destroyed comets.


Just 400 m southwest of the Temple of Osiris is a place called Shunet el-Zebib.

Talking to a local guide, we learned that archaeologists from the United States have practically a monopoly on the territory of Abydos, and they take everything they find with them. Unfortunately, they are not interested in either mummies or traditions, but only in the search for treasures. He also noticed that for local residents - Muslims and Christians, it is considered a great sin to disturb the peace of burials, while the Americans throw mummies directly to the surface, leaving them to collapse under the sun, wind and sand. In 1991, near this structure, archaeologists found 12 ships buried in the desert, practically a whole fleet. Their age is determined at 5000 years, that is, they are 500 years older than the boat, which was found near the Great Pyramid at Giza. It is reported that these ships were perfect enough to navigate the sea. Our guide said that afteras archaeologists found these ships and examined them superficially, they decided to bury them back in the sand - it is believed that they are there to this day …

An armada of ships of ancient Egypt in the desert? These are not single boats of the pharaohs, as a symbol of the entry of their souls into the afterlife, according to Egyptologists. Obviously, this territory was different. Possibly navigable rivers (not only the Nile), wide canals. By the way, they can be viewed on google maps now. There, in the floodplain of the Nile, their total length is hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers. Perhaps someday I'll make a post on this topic in order to show their scale.



Archaeologists working in Egypt have unearthed the remains of a Greco-Roman temple during excavations, including parts of the foundation, the main entrance and the front courtyard. This discovery, which experts already call significant, was made in the Western Desert of Egypt in the place of Al-Salam, about 322 km south of the Mediterranean coast.



These are the finds in Egypt of artifacts in clay-stone deposits (which are in no way cultural layers) occur almost every month. But perhaps these examples relate to the topic of the flood …



In Cairo, part of a recently discovered huge ancient statue of Pharaoh Ramses II was raised to the surface.



And in conclusion, an interesting fact: Clearing the Rastrelli Gallery of late buildings in 1926.






Rastrelli Gallery after reconstruction.

I wonder why it was necessary to build a ceiling in the gallery earlier? Some were confused by the high arches of the gallery. Or was the gallery half covered with soil? Only the floors were lined.

Continued: Part 29

Author: sibved