We May Simply Not Notice Highly Developed Life Outside The Earth - - Alternative View

We May Simply Not Notice Highly Developed Life Outside The Earth - - Alternative View
We May Simply Not Notice Highly Developed Life Outside The Earth - - Alternative View

Video: We May Simply Not Notice Highly Developed Life Outside The Earth - - Alternative View

Video: We May Simply Not Notice Highly Developed Life Outside The Earth - - Alternative View
Video: Watching the End of the World 2024, October

According to astrobiologists, if on other planets of the solar system a person will be able to find extraterrestrial life, then only in the simplest forms. Nevertheless, scientists believe that if multicellular organisms succeed in appearing on Earth, then why cannot this happen elsewhere.

An evolutionary geneticist from the University of Montana, Frank Rosenzweig, decided to study this issue.

A group of scientists from the Astrobiological Institute under Nasa, led by Rosenzweig, have been studying the patterns of development of life and the factors that affect its biological diversity and duration for more than five years.

At present, man has not been able to detect any living organisms outside our planet, however, according to scientists, there are many places in our solar system where conditions are quite favorable for the emergence of extraterrestrial life.

For example, on Titan (the moon of Saturn), hydrocarbons were discovered that are quite capable of becoming the basis for living systems. In the atmosphere of the satellite, it was also possible to detect tholins - organic aerosols that arise when solar radiation interacts with the methane-nitrogen atmosphere.


According to the conclusion of the Rosenzweig group, the development of a complex organism from simple ones is based on such processes as metabolism (metabolism), as well as eukaryotic cells, mutualism (cooperation of species) and, finally, multicellularity. In addition, scientists do not exclude the influence on the "complication" of the life form of such a factor as mutation and interaction of various genes.

Scientists also explained that even if a person manages to land on planets where life can theoretically exist, this does not mean that people will immediately meet living beings there. Most likely, future discoverers will not even be able to see representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

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Perhaps, to detect them, you will need special instruments and equipment. At the same time, the inhabitants of these worlds may turn out to be completely different than we could imagine in our wildest fantasies.