Diseases and mutations 2024, September

How To Prepare For A Possible Coronavirus Pandemic - Advice From Virologists - Alternative View

How To Prepare For A Possible Coronavirus Pandemic - Advice From Virologists - Alternative View

If for some reason you missed the latest news about the coronavirus, then get ready: it is possible that the world is on the verge of a pandemic. After Brazil reported the first confirmed case, it became clear that the coronavirus had spread to all continents except Antarctica

The Main Cause Of The Cancer Epidemic In The World Is Named - Alternative View

The Main Cause Of The Cancer Epidemic In The World Is Named - Alternative View

Scientists at Arizona State University have come to the conclusion that human activity contributes to the spread of cancer not only among the population, but also among animals living in the natural environment

The Australian Was Miraculously Not Bitten By A Tiny, But Deadly Poisonous Octopus In His Pocket - - Alternative View

The Australian Was Miraculously Not Bitten By A Tiny, But Deadly Poisonous Octopus In His Pocket - - Alternative View

2-year-old Aaron Pix didn't even think he was on the brink of death when he stuffed a small shell in his shorts pocket that his daughter found on the beach

Due To A Strange Disease, The Man Began To Eat Only Raw Meat - Alternative View

Due To A Strange Disease, The Man Began To Eat Only Raw Meat - Alternative View

Six years ago, a resident of the American city of Lexington felt unwell and went to the doctors. Since the specialists could not make a diagnosis, the man independently took up his treatment

History Of World Epidemics - Alternative View

History Of World Epidemics - Alternative View

Few words in any language are capable of causing as much suffering, horror and death as an epidemic

The Cause Of The Deadliest Epidemic In The History Of - Alternative View

The Cause Of The Deadliest Epidemic In The History Of - Alternative View

An international team of researchers analyzed two genomes of the oldest known causative agents of bubonic plague, dating back 3,800 years

The History Of Quarantines: How Humanity Defended Itself Against Epidemics - Alternative View

The History Of Quarantines: How Humanity Defended Itself Against Epidemics - Alternative View

Quarantine as a method of preventing the spread of disease is an ancient phenomenon. Early quarantines are described in the Old Testament Book of Leviticus, as well as in the writings of Hippocrates.The word itself is Venetian, derived from quaranta giorni (40 days)

Head To One Side: A Pakistani Girl Suffers From An Unusual Trauma - Alternative View

Head To One Side: A Pakistani Girl Suffers From An Unusual Trauma - Alternative View

11-year-old Afsin Kumbar sees the world at a 90-degree angle as her head is tilted and frozen in that position. It happened when the girl was only 8 months old, she was taken out into the yard, put on the ground and she very badly fell on her side, injuring her neck

Have You Gotten Enough Calls To Wash Your Hands? This Is What Science Says About Soap And Antiseptics - Alternative View

Have You Gotten Enough Calls To Wash Your Hands? This Is What Science Says About Soap And Antiseptics - Alternative View

Epidemics are raging around us. When we wash our hands, we don't just flush viruses down the drain - the main work is done by the fatty substances contained in the soap.Posters on the wall, news broadcasts on the radio, a doctor in a television interview - during the coronavirus epidemic, everyone says the same thing: "Wash your hands

The Time Period For The Manifestation Of The Coronavirus Is Calculated - Alternative View

The Time Period For The Manifestation Of The Coronavirus Is Calculated - Alternative View

A group of American scientists have calculated the timing of the manifestation of the new coronavirus. The study is published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.Previously, scientists assumed that the quarantine period of 14 days for COVID-19 is not enough, and it should be extended to 24 days

Revealed New Symptoms Of Coronavirus - Alternative View

Revealed New Symptoms Of Coronavirus - Alternative View

Scientists from Singapore have identified new symptoms of the COVID-19 disease caused by the coronavirus, writes The Straits Times.It is clarified that these symptoms create a false picture of the patient having dengue fever. A patient infected with coronavirus may develop various itchy rashes and fever

The WHO Said That The Threat Of The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Become Very Real - Alternative View

The WHO Said That The Threat Of The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Become Very Real - Alternative View

At the same time, the head of the organization stressed that the disease was unevenly spread in the world.The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic (the disease caused by the new coronavirus) has increased and it has become real

How In 1960 Moscow Almost Died Out From Smallpox - Alternative View

How In 1960 Moscow Almost Died Out From Smallpox - Alternative View

The current events taking place in the country and the world make one recall such stories, which would seem to never be repeated.Early in the morning at the very end of December 1959, a plane with the famous artist Alexei Kokorekin landed at Vnukovo airport

Asians Are The Most Susceptible To Coronavirus. But Even Europeans Do Not Have Complete Immunity - Alternative View

Asians Are The Most Susceptible To Coronavirus. But Even Europeans Do Not Have Complete Immunity - Alternative View

The infectious disease doctor answered the most popular questions about the new disease.The whole world is alarmed by the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. There is a lot of conflicting information around the new disease. We have collected the most common and popular questions that readers discuss on the website kp

How To Wear A Mask, And Will It Save You From The Coronavirus - Alternative View

How To Wear A Mask, And Will It Save You From The Coronavirus - Alternative View

Due to the psychosis around the new COVID-19 virus, stock indices are in a fever, manufacturers of pseudo-drugs do not have time to churn out miraculous pills. Ordinary people find nothing better than sweeping medical masks off the shelves instead of studying the topic of banal antiviral protection at least superficially

Myths And Truths About The Coronavirus - Alternative View

Myths And Truths About The Coronavirus - Alternative View

The number of people infected with coronavirus around the world is approaching one hundred thousand. Covid-19 has been identified in 76 countries. There are no special drugs against it, vaccines are undergoing clinical trials. Some believe that by the summer everything will calm down, others warn of the inevitability of a pandemic

How A Mysterious Parasite Brutally And Painfully Killed The Ancient Romans - Alternative View

How A Mysterious Parasite Brutally And Painfully Killed The Ancient Romans - Alternative View

An analysis of 2,000-year-old human remains found in archaeological excavations in the Apennine Peninsula confirmed that malaria existed as far back as the Roman Empire

Artificially Engineered Bat Virus Sparks Debate Over Risky Research - Alternative View

Artificially Engineered Bat Virus Sparks Debate Over Risky Research - Alternative View

The journal Nature reported in 2015 that American biologists have created a chimeric virus based on the bat coronavirus and the SARS virus that can infect humans. The experimenters themselves did not doubt the usefulness of the study, but other scientists called it dangerous, noting that the virus could "escape"

Smallpox - Will The Disease Return? - Alternative View

Smallpox - Will The Disease Return? - Alternative View

For millennia, humanity has been essentially powerless in the face of smallpox epidemics. Smallpox, or, as it is often called, "black pestilence", "death mask", walked through the cities and villages, often mowing down almost the entire population

The Boy's Skin Becomes Very Rough And He Slowly "turns To Stone" - Alternative View

The Boy's Skin Becomes Very Rough And He Slowly "turns To Stone" - Alternative View

Mehendi Hassan, 8, from Bangladesh, is used to hiding from people because of his skin. The boy's disease has not yet been officially diagnosed, perhaps this is one of the forms of ichthyosis. The boy's body is covered with thick, flaky skin that looks like scales

On The Essence Of Diseases - Alternative View

On The Essence Of Diseases - Alternative View

In fact, any disease, before developing in the physical body of a person, penetrates into his energy-informational fields in the form of an information-field form, affecting the corresponding human bodies. That is why all campaigns for the distribution of new strains of viruses created in the biological laboratories of the Pentagon are accompanied by powerful information support through the leading world media controlled by the global globocracy

The "Black Death", Which Mowed Down More Than Half Of Europe In The Middle Ages, Can Return At Any Moment - Alternative View

The "Black Death", Which Mowed Down More Than Half Of Europe In The Middle Ages, Can Return At Any Moment - Alternative View

Moscow and many other Russian cities stand on ancient plague foci.Scientific sensation of autumn!- Salik.biz“After analyzing 34 ancient genomes of Yersinia pestis (plague bacillus) from the teeth of plague victims buried in 10 places throughout Europe from the 14th to the 17th centuries, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human History (Germany) found that the earliest known evidence of a pandemic , recorded in Laishevo in the Volga region of Russia, "- reports the

Plague Of Athens - Alternative View

Plague Of Athens - Alternative View

The plague of Athens or Thucydides' plague occurred in 429 BC. e., and in the winter of 427/426 BC. BC (detailed description of a witness who himself suffered this disease).The epidemic killed about a quarter of the city's population (about 30 thousand people)

Medieval Attack: The Bubonic Plague - Alternative View

Medieval Attack: The Bubonic Plague - Alternative View

What do you imagine when you hear the words "bubonic plague"? Maybe gloomy pictures from the Middle Ages? In fact, the plague has not disappeared anywhere, and even today, people continue to contract this disease and even die from it. Fortunately, this rarely happens

From Horror To Routine: How The Black Death Ceased To Be Terrible - Alternative View

From Horror To Routine: How The Black Death Ceased To Be Terrible - Alternative View

The plague tormented humanity for at least one and a half thousand years. How people resisted the black death and went from doom to salvation - in our article.In 542 A.D. e. in the Roman city of Pelusius, in Egypt, an epidemic of black death began

A Plague Raged In Europe 700 Years Ago. We Still Feel Its Consequences - Alternative View

A Plague Raged In Europe 700 Years Ago. We Still Feel Its Consequences - Alternative View

Despite the fact that in the Middle Ages and in the modern period Europe experienced several plague epidemics, the most ferocious and destructive was the one that raged in the XIV century and claimed the lives of 1/3 of the then population of Europe - about 25 million people

A Huge Bull Has Grown On A Farm In Australia - Alternative View

A Huge Bull Has Grown On A Farm In Australia - Alternative View

A huge bull of a white and black Holstein-Friesian breed named Knickers weighs one and a half tons and is the same height as basketball players. It is Australia's largest cow and one of the largest in the world

Armored Microbes. Why Are Antibiotics Powerless Against Hospital Infections - Alternative View

Armored Microbes. Why Are Antibiotics Powerless Against Hospital Infections - Alternative View

Researchers have studied a bacterium that actively attacks clinic patients and causes pneumonia in them. Found a curious feature.Pathogenic bacteria walking through hospitals strengthen their cell walls to resist antibiotics, writes Nature Communications

A Giant Baby Was Born In Novosibirsk - Alternative View

A Giant Baby Was Born In Novosibirsk - Alternative View

32-year-old Svetlana Kaskeeva independently gave birth to her fourth child - a son weighing 5,760 grams, setting a new record in the maternity hospital of Novosibirsk City Hospital No. 1

Old Bones Confirmed That The Plague For The First Time In History "mowed Down" Humanity In Altai - Alternative View

Old Bones Confirmed That The Plague For The First Time In History "mowed Down" Humanity In Altai - Alternative View

Biologists have studied teeth and bone fragments from 500 individual Upper Neolithic and Early Bronze Age burials from different regions of the world

Scientists First Found Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease In Wild Animals - Alternative View

Scientists First Found Signs Of Alzheimer's Disease In Wild Animals - Alternative View

For the first time, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease were found in dolphins living in the wild. Animals can become models for finding the causes of disease in humans

The History Of "Wild Men Of Borneo" - Alternative View

The History Of "Wild Men Of Borneo" - Alternative View

Around the 1830s, two brothers, Hiram and Barney Davis, were born in Pleasant Township, Knox County, Ohio. Both suffered from an unidentified form of dwarfism, which made them look like children even as adults, while their limbs were quite proportional

Chinese Scientists Have Identified The Real Source Of The Spread Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

Chinese Scientists Have Identified The Real Source Of The Spread Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

The official version of the Chinese authorities was denied.The source of the spread of the deadly coronavirus was a scientific laboratory in Wuhan. Chinese biologists Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao came to this conclusion, which refutes the official position of the PRC authorities

The WHO Has Not Ruled Out That Two-thirds Of The World's Inhabitants Will Be Infected With The Coronavirus - Alternative View

The WHO Has Not Ruled Out That Two-thirds Of The World's Inhabitants Will Be Infected With The Coronavirus - Alternative View

In an unfavorable scenario, up to two-thirds of the world's population can become infected with a new type of coronavirus, suggested the adviser to the World Health Organization, Ayru Longini.Quarantine measures can slow the spread of the disease, but they were taken after the virus managed to penetrate different parts of China and beyond, said the expert, quoted by Bloomberg

"He's Acting Out Of The Ordinary." Biologist About The Features Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

"He's Acting Out Of The Ordinary." Biologist About The Features Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

Sonya Pekova is a Czech molecular geneticist and virologist, head of a private laboratory at Tilia Laboratories, which diagnosed some of the first cases of coronavirus in her country. Moreover, she discovered the disease in people who were not in "risk countries" and did not communicate with those who returned from there

How To Distinguish Coronavirus From Colds And Flu? - Alternative View

How To Distinguish Coronavirus From Colds And Flu? - Alternative View

Over and over again in our publications we turn to the topic of the coronavirus, which is raging in China, but not for the sake of hype, but for awareness. This time we will talk about how you can distinguish the symptoms of various diseases, including the same Chinese virus, flu and the common cold

Four Live Bees Were Found In The Girl's Eye, Feeding On Her Tears - Alternative View

Four Live Bees Were Found In The Girl's Eye, Feeding On Her Tears - Alternative View

The patient went to the hospital on time, otherwise she could lose her eye.Doctors in Taiwan recorded a rare medical case: bees from the family of halictides (Halictidae) got into the eye of a 29-year-old girl, which fed on moisture from her tear ducts

A Kid With A Human Face Was Born In Malaysia - Alternative View

A Kid With A Human Face Was Born In Malaysia - Alternative View

On a farm, 63-year-old Malaysian landowner Ibrahim Basir gave birth to a kid with a human face. A man cannot understand the reasons for such a strange event

Mythical Diseases Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Mythical Diseases Of The Ancient Slavs - Alternative View

Our ancestors believed that the disease does not come "just like that." A disease is the intrigues of evil spirits, or rather, fever sisters (fevers) that infiltrate a person.The etymology of the word "fever" is very interesting. She is from "to please", that is, to act

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Protect The Body From All Viruses At Once - Alternative View

Scientists Have Figured Out How To Protect The Body From All Viruses At Once - Alternative View

Scientists have discovered a new potential target for antiviral drugs. The discovery could lead to the creation of a universal method of treatment for a multitude of infectious diseases at once. The research results are published in the journal Cell Reports