Futuristic 2024, September

10 Predictions For The Next Decade From Silicon Valley Futurists - Alternative View

10 Predictions For The Next Decade From Silicon Valley Futurists - Alternative View

Futurology in most countries of the world has long been a discipline that has found practical application. Leading companies of the world actively resort to consultations of futurologists seeking to align their own business with long-term forecasts

Years Of Chaos In World History: 2060-2100 - Alternative View

Years Of Chaos In World History: 2060-2100 - Alternative View

Futurists predict that the world will experience the largest chaos in history between 2060 and 2100

Password: Heart - Alternative View

Password: Heart - Alternative View

Taiwanese engineers and programmers propose to take a fresh look at the procedure for user authentication in various computing systems. In the beginning there were passwords, then smart cards, then biometric systems

Technology Will Conquer Humanity - Alternative View

Technology Will Conquer Humanity - Alternative View

Progress is more than just a product of the creative activity of humanity. This is the raison d'être, a new world ideology

Man Of The Future: Mastering The Fourth Phase State - Alternative View

Man Of The Future: Mastering The Fourth Phase State - Alternative View

If you look at the evolution of life in the most general terms, you can note an interesting sequence of - life originated in water, after billions of years it came to land and after hundreds of millions rose into the air

What Happens When There Is No Person - Alternative View

What Happens When There Is No Person - Alternative View

Futurists and scientists from different fields of knowledge, dealing with solving the problems of the future, suggest that the era of technological singularity awaits humanity ahead

Scientists Predicted The Imminent Rejection Of Humanity From Sex - Alternative View

Scientists Predicted The Imminent Rejection Of Humanity From Sex - Alternative View

This is not the first prognosis of this kind. In a few decades, people will no longer be interested in sex both as a means of procreation and as a way of getting pleasure

Could Designer Babies Make Sex A Thing Of The Past? - Alternative View

Could Designer Babies Make Sex A Thing Of The Past? - Alternative View

Reproduction is important for the evolution of life on our planet, as it ensures the mixing of genetic material and its transfer to future generations

"Fake" Children - Alternative View

"Fake" Children - Alternative View

Elena Mizulina, the head of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, said recently that surrogate motherhood threatens the extinction not only of Russia, but also of humanity as a whole

Are Baby Laboratories Our Future? - Alternative View

Are Baby Laboratories Our Future? - Alternative View

Almost 40 years have passed since the first test-tube baby was born. At the time Louise Brown was born, this method was considered highly controversial. However, today in vitro fertilization is considered commonplace

Can You Create A Blade Runner-style Replicant? - Alternative View

Can You Create A Blade Runner-style Replicant? - Alternative View

Blade Runner's new sequel takes us back to a world where dodgy androids made from organic body parts challenge the strength and emotions of their human creators

The Death Of The Smartphone: Unreal Technology Is Coming To Replace - Alternative View

The Death Of The Smartphone: Unreal Technology Is Coming To Replace - Alternative View

One day, not too soon, but still sooner than you think, the smartphone will die - like some fax machine from the distant past

Threats To Humanity In The Future And Present - Alternative View

Threats To Humanity In The Future And Present - Alternative View

The twentieth century became a turning point for the fate of mankind: the belief in immortality was shaken, and the desire to dominate nature threatens people with death, especially since the demographic indicator has broken all record marks

Courier Robots Will Start To Ride Around London - Alternative View

Courier Robots Will Start To Ride Around London - Alternative View

Over the past one hundred and twenty-five days, the British firm Starship Technologies, which manufactures robotics, has been testing its new brainchild - - a unique electric courier, which will start in March this year

Scientists: Man Is His Implants! - Alternative View

Scientists: Man Is His Implants! - Alternative View

People of the future are advancing with a wide step! Implants - it sounds proudly! Soon a new generation of children's sayings will start in our families: "Grow big and healthy, please mom and dad - together with implants!"

Futurologists Have Written A Scenario Of The Destruction Of The World Due To Smartphones And Biotechnology - Alternative View

Futurologists Have Written A Scenario Of The Destruction Of The World Due To Smartphones And Biotechnology - Alternative View

The transition to the "Golden Age" will happen after great upheavals Imagine that one day all the secret will become clear

Life Expectancy Will Return To The Days Of Eden ?! - Alternative View

Life Expectancy Will Return To The Days Of Eden ?! - Alternative View

So many do not live! But scientists promise … In the near future, the life expectancy of people will increase at least two times and humanity will stop aging. British futurists came up with such good news

The One Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born? - Alternative View

The One Who Will Live To Be 1000 Years Old Has Already Been Born? - Alternative View

Every day 100,000 people die of old age on our planet. It would seem that this is a natural process inherent in human nature. Death from old age is inevitable, as is the change of seasons

Google Wants To Reproduce The Real World In Virtual Reality - Alternative View

Google Wants To Reproduce The Real World In Virtual Reality - Alternative View

Let thousands of virtual worlds rain down from the clouds. Or, more precisely, from a cloud. This is precisely the call from the Google giant, which has backed a tiny British startup called Improbable

A New Kind Of Man - Alternative View

A New Kind Of Man - Alternative View

Let's state from the very beginning. This article does not in the least pretend to be scientific. However, the changes that have occurred with modern man, in comparison with the hunter-gatherer of the late Paleolithic (about 10 thousand years BC

Engineers Set Out To Create The First Space Elevator In Half A Century - Alternative View

Engineers Set Out To Create The First Space Elevator In Half A Century - Alternative View

Today's scientific conference turned out to be dedicated to this. An international group of specialists representing the UK, Canada, Norway, the USA and Japan is discussing the concept of space construction as part of a scientific conference held in Seattle today

Into Space By Elevator - Alternative View

Into Space By Elevator - Alternative View

Many people know the biblical story of how people set out to become like God and decided to erect a tower up to heaven. The Lord, being angry, made it so that all people began to speak in different languages, and the construction stopped

People Against Killer Robots - Alternative View

People Against Killer Robots - Alternative View

Activists from all over the world have launched a campaign called "Stop the killer robots." Artificial intelligence machines can establish their own order on the planet and destroy everyone who gets in their way

The Second Floor Of The Earth, Control Of The Sun And Asteroids: 4 Megaprojects, Can Save Humanity - Alternative View

The Second Floor Of The Earth, Control Of The Sun And Asteroids: 4 Megaprojects, Can Save Humanity - Alternative View

We live in a huge frightening universe where strange space asteroids can be destroyed on a planetary scale. It's just a matter of time before a large space killer comes into view of our telescopes

The Russian Invented The Transport Of The Future - Alternative View

The Russian Invented The Transport Of The Future - Alternative View

Inventor Dakhir Semyonov believes that the future belongs to cars equipped with a gyroscope - "Gyrokarami"

What Will Change In Our World In 1000 Years? - Alternative View

What Will Change In Our World In 1000 Years? - Alternative View

A year ago, during his speech at Oxford University, Stephen Hawking said that humanity has no more than 1,000 years to live. But what can happen in this millennium? Are we doomed or is there a bright future for us?

20 Amazing Technologies Of The Future That Will Change The World In The Next 30 Years - Alternative View

20 Amazing Technologies Of The Future That Will Change The World In The Next 30 Years - Alternative View

The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these achievements we would not have made it that far

Future Technologies: Is Teleportation Possible? - Alternative View

Future Technologies: Is Teleportation Possible? - Alternative View

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) has developed a draft "road map" for the development of the security of information and cyber-physical systems in Russia

Jellyfish Dinner: What Will Be The Future Food? - Alternative View

Jellyfish Dinner: What Will Be The Future Food? - Alternative View

Years go by, but nothing changes. In 150 years, we will be eating food in the form of stickers and pills, or receiving it intravenously. In any case, scientists say so. A jellyfish dinner with algae milk and insect protein bread may become the norm, while shoppers can pick up test-tube kits from specialty supermarkets or receive them with a delivery drone

Using Robots Will Provide New Senses For People - Alternative View

Using Robots Will Provide New Senses For People - Alternative View

Scientists argue that people are on the verge of a whole new life

What Will The Earth Be Like In Millions Of Years? - Alternative View

What Will The Earth Be Like In Millions Of Years? - Alternative View

Human civilization is developing very rapidly. Only five thousand years ago, the first nodular writing appeared - - and today we have already learned how to exchange terabytes of information at the speed of light. And the pace of progress is growing

Nanorobots In The Blood Instead Of Injections And Pills - Alternative View

Nanorobots In The Blood Instead Of Injections And Pills - Alternative View

Young researchers at the University of York are proposing to replace conventional medical injections with the controlled use of nanoparticles, which will be carried by the "nano-patch" currently being developed as part of the Nanject project

Man To Order - Alternative View

Man To Order - Alternative View

Back in the 20th century, any futurist, asking him about the future, would start his prediction from the perspectives that physics opens up. I would talk about the colonization of distant planets, about black holes and the final solution of the energy issue

The Devil Was Awakened. How Genetic Engineering Will Change Our World Beyond Recognition - Alternative View

The Devil Was Awakened. How Genetic Engineering Will Change Our World Beyond Recognition - Alternative View

Scientists have high hopes for the CRISPR / Cas9 technology, which allows highly accurate changes in the genomes of living organisms, including humans

A 3D Food Printer Will Appear In Every Kitchen In The Coming Years - Alternative View

A 3D Food Printer Will Appear In Every Kitchen In The Coming Years - Alternative View

Parts for various mechanisms, bridges and even whole houses are already being created using 3D printing technologies. But it looks like the technology has much more potential and could be used in the food industry

Humanity Will Create Its Own Universe And Move Into The Multidimensional World - Alternative View

Humanity Will Create Its Own Universe And Move Into The Multidimensional World - Alternative View

Physical vacuum - is this the Field of Consciousness? Modern physics is not as abstract and cut off from life as it was just some 50 years ago

Robots Will Cause The Death Of A Part Of Humanity - Alternative View

Robots Will Cause The Death Of A Part Of Humanity - Alternative View

The development of civilization directly depends on technical progress. No one is surprised by the introduction of computer technology in various industries. The process of cybernetization of humanity is gradually taking place

NASA: "In 100 Years, The Earth Will Change Significantly For The Worse" - Alternative View

NASA: "In 100 Years, The Earth Will Change Significantly For The Worse" - Alternative View

NASA specialists conducted theoretical modeling of various climatic processes and showed the public what our planet will look like in 100 years

Supermind And Eternal Life: Transhumanists Blindly Believe In A Future For Elites - Alternative View

Supermind And Eternal Life: Transhumanists Blindly Believe In A Future For Elites - Alternative View

Rapid development of NBIK technologies - nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive sciences - generates possibilities that have long been the subject of science fiction