Futuristic 2024, September

10 Types Of Creatures That Will Inherit The Earth - Alternative View

10 Types Of Creatures That Will Inherit The Earth - Alternative View

Homo sapiens turns out to be a very confident species that can call itself "smart." And although it is a stretch to call us wise, we come to the point where sooner or later we will be able to open the gates for someone else, perhaps even our own creation

The World Was Shown The Robots Of The Future - Alternative View

The World Was Shown The Robots Of The Future - Alternative View

A huge number of amazing ultra-modern robots were shown in London by participants in an international conference dedicated to the so-called "living machines"

Research: Touching A Robot Can Cause Sexual Arousal - Alternative View

Research: Touching A Robot Can Cause Sexual Arousal - Alternative View

Users are gradually developing an ever closer relationship with the devices they use. People take care of their phones by buying cases for them so they don't accidentally get scratched. They constantly touch their iPads

10 Surprisingly Cool Technologies We Expect By 2100 - Alternative View

10 Surprisingly Cool Technologies We Expect By 2100 - Alternative View

Predicting the future is hard. Knowing what technological miracles await us in the next few years is almost impossible; what to say then about the next eighty

What Will The World Be Like When We Can Live For Hundreds Of Years? - Alternative View

What Will The World Be Like When We Can Live For Hundreds Of Years? - Alternative View

According to demographers, the average life expectancy on the planet has increased by 6.2 years since 1990. Most likely, this growth will not only continue, but also accelerate

Residents Of The United States Were Scared To Turn Into Supermen - Alternative View

Residents Of The United States Were Scared To Turn Into Supermen - Alternative View

The latest scientific advances, thanks to which people of the not very distant future will receive truly superhuman abilities, cause some concerns in modern people (in particular, residents of the United States of America)

It Will Be Possible To Download Food Through The Internet In 100 Years - Alternative View

It Will Be Possible To Download Food Through The Internet In 100 Years - Alternative View

A team of scientists who work within the walls of the University of Westminster, which is located in the UK, made a forecast of technology development until 2116, informs The Independent

Artificial Plastic Skin Bleeds And Self-repairs - Alternative View

Artificial Plastic Skin Bleeds And Self-repairs - Alternative View

Modern science has taken a step towards creating robots similar to the legendary Terminator: scientists have managed to create a unique skin, which practically does not differ from natural human skin

FoodNet Developer: In 20 Years, Humans Will Grow Food In Test Tubes - Alternative View

FoodNet Developer: In 20 Years, Humans Will Grow Food In Test Tubes - Alternative View

By 2035, people will communicate with a "smart" refrigerator and eat synthetic food grown in test tubes, according to one of the developers of the FoodNet roadmap created under the National Technology Initiative, the general director of the agricultural holding Ramo

What Food Might Look Like In 2050 - Alternative View

What Food Might Look Like In 2050 - Alternative View

Scientists have already proven that a regular hamburger can be grown in the laboratory from just a few cow stem cells

What Will Be The Food Of The Future - Alternative View

What Will Be The Food Of The Future - Alternative View

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights contains an article according to which everyone has the right to decent food. But despite this, according to WHO, approximately 30% of the world's population suffers from a lack of food

In 30 Years, Mankind Will "make Children" Without Sex - Alternative View

In 30 Years, Mankind Will "make Children" Without Sex - Alternative View

Hank Greeley, professor of genetics and director of the Institute of Law and Biosciences at Stanford University, believes that “in 20-30 years, most Americans will not have sex to conceive

Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View

Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View

Scientists from Cambridge (UK) have proven that sex is in danger from TV shows that distort real facts and negatively affect a person. The research was published in a specialized publication

The Onset Of The Era Of Sex Robots Is Delayed - Alternative View

The Onset Of The Era Of Sex Robots Is Delayed - Alternative View

Futurologists say that in a dozen or two years direct sexual contacts between living people will become exotic and more and more often we will give preference to sex with virtual partners or robots

British Professor Fears The Imminent "era Of Sex Robots" - Alternative View

British Professor Fears The Imminent "era Of Sex Robots" - Alternative View

Sex with robots? This is not science fiction, but an objective reality that will come from day to day. Teens will begin to lose their virginity with robots, said Professor Emeritus of Robotics at the University of Sheffield Noel Sharkey

“Sex For Procreation Will Become Old-fashioned” - Alternative View

“Sex For Procreation Will Become Old-fashioned” - Alternative View

Personal experience: genetic scientists helped a couple to have a "designer" baby Improve, edit, achieve the ideal

Love Machine: Why Teach Robots To Flirt And How It Threatens? - Alternative View

Love Machine: Why Teach Robots To Flirt And How It Threatens? - Alternative View

Do robots need to be taught to think? Do I need to teach them to speak? The answers to these questions seem obvious. But the question is "should a robot be able to flirt with a human?" at first glance it seems unexpected (unless you are one of those who live with mannequins)

How Elon Musk's Brain-computer Interface Can Change The World? - Alternative View

How Elon Musk's Brain-computer Interface Can Change The World? - Alternative View

In March, Elon Musk announced an ambitious project to merge people and machines using a neurocomputer interface called Neuralink. We talked about this in detail

The Exoskeletons Of The Future Will Be Tight-fitting Suits - Alternative View

The Exoskeletons Of The Future Will Be Tight-fitting Suits - Alternative View

Recently, children with a rare neurological disease were able to walk for the first time thanks to a new robotic exoskeleton

When Will We Take The Helm Of The Giant Robots? - Alternative View

When Will We Take The Helm Of The Giant Robots? - Alternative View

Ever imagine how you climb into a giant robotic suit and fight, well, or lift heavy objects, flip cars? Films show that this is an affordable pleasure

Jonathan Tippett Builds Himself A Huge Robotic Skeleton - Alternative View

Jonathan Tippett Builds Himself A Huge Robotic Skeleton - Alternative View

As you probably remember, the main character of the movie "Iron Man" assembled an exoskeleton in an Afghan cave from scrap parts. Jonathan Tippett is also obsessed with a similar idea - but on a larger scale

Neurobiology - New Combat Tactics - Alternative View

Neurobiology - New Combat Tactics - Alternative View

The Active Denial System uses a millimeter wave beam that heats the skin and causes a painful burning sensation

What Can Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View

What Can Humanity Expect In The Near Future? - Alternative View

Thanks to the efforts of many scientists, modern civilization is developing dynamically. And in the 19th century, there was a technological leap that brought humanity to a new stage of development

Pills Instead Of Reading Books - Alternative View

Pills Instead Of Reading Books - Alternative View

According to American researchers, in the near future, people will no longer have to sit for hours at textbooks and memorize verb conjugations

About What Opportunities The Earthlings Have To Organize Colonies On Other Planets - Alternative View

About What Opportunities The Earthlings Have To Organize Colonies On Other Planets - Alternative View

The famous British physicist Stephen Hawking, during a lecture at the Sydney Opera House, warned people that for the sake of survival, humanity must move into space

Immortality Is Real: In A Year, Scientists Promise To Return People From The Other World - Alternative View

Immortality Is Real: In A Year, Scientists Promise To Return People From The Other World - Alternative View

American scientists are hoping that next year they will be able to revive the patient who died due to brain death, and immortality will become a reality

A "teleport" Capable Of Transferring DNA From Earth To Mars Is Presented - Alternative View

A "teleport" Capable Of Transferring DNA From Earth To Mars Is Presented - Alternative View

With the current development of modern space travel technologies, the road to Mars will take a very long time. But scientists from the Californian company Synthetic Genomics Inc

Bright Future - Alternative View

Bright Future - Alternative View

I decided to recall the fantastic books I have read over the years, which deal with the future. Written about fifty years or even more ago, they all tell about our time. And here's the thought: almost all the plots are dark

5 Technologies Of The Future That Are Sure To Change This World - Alternative View

5 Technologies Of The Future That Are Sure To Change This World - Alternative View

Author: However, the high-tech era has already come into its own. And this can be well traced by comparing the black and white pagers of the 90s with today's smartphones, which are no worse than the average computer in terms of power. And it's only been twenty years

Technologically Expanded Consciousness: How We Fused Our Minds With Devices - Alternative View

Technologically Expanded Consciousness: How We Fused Our Minds With Devices - Alternative View

Neuroetics experts Saskia Nagel and Peter Reiner talk about what technologically expanded consciousness is, how we came to it, what dangers it contains, and why the fusion of devices and mind tells us that we are entering

Experts Have Learned What Technology Will Replace The IPhone - Alternative View

Experts Have Learned What Technology Will Replace The IPhone - Alternative View

Experts say that the modern iPhone may be replaced by a computerized brain, on which Neuralink is currently working. Futurist Ray Kurzweil suggests computer can connect to the brain as early as 2030

How To Live 1000 Years - Alternative View

How To Live 1000 Years - Alternative View

Science is already on the verge of solving the question of eternal life. Futurologists claim that very soon people will live not even hundreds, but thousands of years

Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View

Virtual Life After Death - Alternative View

Indeed? Is it possible? - Yes, but on one condition

British Scientists Intend To Move Children Into Space - Alternative View

British Scientists Intend To Move Children Into Space - Alternative View

Scientists from Great Britain intend to organize a large educational project that will allow to move children into space

Who Rolls The World - 7 Persons Who Bring The Future Closer - Alternative View

Who Rolls The World - 7 Persons Who Bring The Future Closer - Alternative View

Hardly anyone thinks that the world is changing by itself. But most are convinced that big companies or governments are behind the changes

Are Nanorobots Already Infiltrating The Human Body? - Alternative View

Are Nanorobots Already Infiltrating The Human Body? - Alternative View

There is information that nanorobots are introduced into the human body and lead to a malfunction of all body systems. Nanorobots are robots, the size of which is comparable to the size of a molecule

Is Feces The Fuel Of The Future? - Alternative View

Is Feces The Fuel Of The Future? - Alternative View

Scientists say they have created a method for processing sewage waste into a biodegradable oil product

We Will Start Living On Water And Under Water Earlier Than In Space - Alternative View

We Will Start Living On Water And Under Water Earlier Than In Space - Alternative View

People will live in the sea earlier than in space. Already today underwater hotels, houseboats and entire cities are being built

Kardashev Scale: 5 Types Of Future Civilizations - Alternative View

Kardashev Scale: 5 Types Of Future Civilizations - Alternative View

The Kardashev scale is used to determine the level of development of a civilization. This is a theoretical value and it is very specific, since the total energy consumption for the entire civilization is used as a measured value