Futuristic 2024, September

Biological Teleportation Can Seed The Galaxy With Life - Alternative View

Biological Teleportation Can Seed The Galaxy With Life - Alternative View

The first biological teleportator is located in the laboratory of Synthetic Genomics Inc. (SGI), located on the ground floor of a building in San Diego, and looks like a large equipment cart

The People Of The Future Are Already Among Us - Alternative View

The People Of The Future Are Already Among Us - Alternative View

Scientists all over the world are trying to solve the riddle of what the people of the future will be like, evolution will continue or stop, or people will turn into creatures with thin long fingers, with which you can only press the keyboard of computers

All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View

All This Will Happen Before 2030: 21 Tipping Points In Technology - Alternative View

From robots to 3D-printed cars, the future is faster than we think it is, and it's amazing! Many of the new products in the tech world will become not only a reality, but also a common phenomenon in just 10 years

10 Technologies Of The (bright) Future - Alternative View

10 Technologies Of The (bright) Future - Alternative View

No matter how we think the future, it will definitely be technological. Innovation can change beyond recognition both the world and ourselves (perhaps not for the better, as in the TV series "Black Mirror")

A Person Can Achieve Immortality Already In This Century - Alternative View

A Person Can Achieve Immortality Already In This Century - Alternative View

A person can achieve immortality already in this century, scientists believe

A Metropolis In Earth's Orbit Will Appear In 20 Years - Alternative View

A Metropolis In Earth's Orbit Will Appear In 20 Years - Alternative View

Jerry Stone, a member of the British Interplanetary Society, said that in 20 years a project will be implemented to create a megalopolis spaceship in Earth's orbit that can accommodate up to 10 million people

NASA Has Created A Department To Prepare For Armageddon - Alternative View

NASA Has Created A Department To Prepare For Armageddon - Alternative View

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has established the Planetary Defense Coordination Division, which will become part of the Office of Planetary Sciences and the General Directorate of the Agency's Science Mission

NASA Will Create A Deep Space Habitation Module - Alternative View

NASA Will Create A Deep Space Habitation Module - Alternative View

Of course, NASA dreams of sending astronauts to Mars over the next few decades, but the truth is that no one still knows exactly how we will survive the long flight or establish a base on the Red Planet

The United States Officially Pledged To Land A Man On Mars In 25 Years - Alternative View

The United States Officially Pledged To Land A Man On Mars In 25 Years - Alternative View

The intention of the Americans to land on the Red Planet is for the first time enshrined in legislation The US Congress approved a bill according to which the American aerospace agency NASA will receive $ 19.5 million to organize a manned spacecraft

What Will The World Be Like After Automation? - Alternative View

What Will The World Be Like After Automation? - Alternative View

Soft, flexible fingers extend to delicately lift the apple off the shelf and gently place it in the basket. Then the task is repeated with lemons, then with pepper. Fingers never complain or get tired

Scientists Have Explained What Kind Of Teleportation Is Being Introduced In Russia - Alternative View

Scientists Have Explained What Kind Of Teleportation Is Being Introduced In Russia - Alternative View

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) commented on the publication about plans to introduce teleportation in Russia by 2035, which caused a resonance in the media and the blogosphere

The Bullet Maneuvering In Flight Has Now Become A Reality - Alternative View

The Bullet Maneuvering In Flight Has Now Become A Reality - Alternative View

The American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has developed a homing bullet that made science fiction dreams come true

Space Engineering Threats - Alternative View

Space Engineering Threats - Alternative View

Once upon a time, science fiction writers loved to describe how people of the future will achieve such power that they can not only change the climate on Earth and the outlines of continents, but also rebuild the entire solar system for their needs

Scientists Have Proposed A New Method For Teleporting The Memory Of A Living Organism - Alternative View

Scientists Have Proposed A New Method For Teleporting The Memory Of A Living Organism - Alternative View

Dr. Zhang-qi Yin from Xinghua University and his colleague Professor Tongcang Li from Purdue University have developed a new method that will teleport the memory of living organism A to body B

In The Future, Everything Will Become "smart" - Even The Walls - Alternative View

In The Future, Everything Will Become "smart" - Even The Walls - Alternative View

In the future, everything will be "connected", even the walls will watch us while we watch TV on the couch. Doorbells, toasters, light bulbs are already connected to the Internet, and this is changing the way we interact with them

Dawn Of The Thermonuclear Era - Alternative View

Dawn Of The Thermonuclear Era - Alternative View

The appearance of a fusion reactor has been waiting for more than half a century

"Fat Men Flying In Orbit Are Our Future" - Alternative View

"Fat Men Flying In Orbit Are Our Future" - Alternative View

The grandiose Geek Picnic has ended in MoscowThe largest European festival of science, technology and art in the open air Geek Picnic has ended on Sunday in Moscow

A Guide To Mars (with An Eye To The Future) - Alternative View

A Guide To Mars (with An Eye To The Future) - Alternative View

Few places have more mystical attraction than this rusty-red stone 54.6 million kilometers away. Even thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations speculated about what could happen there such a blood-red

11 Incredible Predictions For The Future From Elon Musk - Alternative View

11 Incredible Predictions For The Future From Elon Musk - Alternative View

Murderous robots, electric jets and humans living on Mars … These are just a few of the things that Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is talking about. Check out some of his wildest predictions for the future

In The Future, Humanity Will Create Its Own Universe - Alternative View

In The Future, Humanity Will Create Its Own Universe - Alternative View

Physicist Lawrence Krauss is convinced that in the future, humanity will create its own universe. According to the Daily Mail newspaper, according to the scientist, evolution on Earth is just another "cosmic feature"

In 20 Years, There Will Be More Robots Than People - Alternative View

In 20 Years, There Will Be More Robots Than People - Alternative View

Moven CEO Brett King said that by 2035 there will be more robots on Earth than living people. Also, according to him, people will begin to communicate with signs through smart glasses

In The Future, The Starry Sky Will Be Covered With Advertisements - Alternative View

In The Future, The Starry Sky Will Be Covered With Advertisements - Alternative View

Advertising haunts us everywhere: in newspapers, on the streets, on TV, on the Internet and even inside virtual reality

The Future Of Man - Alternative View

The Future Of Man - Alternative View

The world is constantly changing, and each new decade and century brings its own changes that are characteristic only of it. At the same time, changes are happening faster and faster. Man also changes with the world

Everything That Will Remain After Us - Alternative View

Everything That Will Remain After Us - Alternative View

When people (or whoever) of the distant future write the history of a primitive civilization at the beginning of the 21st century, archeology will be the best way to restore the picture of what was lost

Combat Robots Are Ready For Mass Production - Alternative View

Combat Robots Are Ready For Mass Production - Alternative View

The iRobot Warrior 710 ("Warrior"), just introduced by iRobot Corporation, is track-mounted, weighs 200 kg and has a pliers arm

It Is Quite Possible To Make An Earthquake Not Affect Any Object - Alternative View

It Is Quite Possible To Make An Earthquake Not Affect Any Object - Alternative View

By ringing an object with a certain elastic material, it can be made invisible to mechanical waves, - claims the author of the new study. The principle is proposed to be extended to above-ground structures by William J

What Do People Imagine Under The Word Future? - Alternative View

What Do People Imagine Under The Word Future? - Alternative View

Someone imagines how humanity is spread over several galaxies and fights with other civilizations. Others imagine how people on earth communicate using holograms and eat artificial meat made from atoms

Scientists At The University Of Westminster About The World In 100 Years - Alternative View

Scientists At The University Of Westminster About The World In 100 Years - Alternative View

According to a study by a group of scientists from the University of Westminster, the lifestyle of a modern person can change in the most radical way already within this century

Chronology Of The Future From Futurologist Vladimir Streletsky - Alternative View

Chronology Of The Future From Futurologist Vladimir Streletsky - Alternative View

Vladimir Streletsky, writer, futurologist, city of Kiev Ukraine

Fantasies About The Future - Alternative View

Fantasies About The Future - Alternative View

Although scientific predictions of the future are popular, futurists' ideas about the future have remained almost unchanged over a century. Much of what was predicted became reality, but humanity never realized it

In Several Centuries We Will Not Recognize Our Planet - Alternative View

In Several Centuries We Will Not Recognize Our Planet - Alternative View

As we can already observe, strange things are happening on Earth: where there used to be a brutal cold, warming comes and vice versa. NASA scientists began to seriously think about how to prevent at least some of possible disasters

Scientists From Russia Will Force The Computer To Give A Person The Key To Immortality - Alternative View

Scientists From Russia Will Force The Computer To Give A Person The Key To Immortality - Alternative View

Biologists from MIPT and scientists from InSilico have created a computer program that analyzes the effectiveness of life-prolonging agents and tested seven dozen recently found "elixirs of eternal life," according to an article published in Zhu

Will Digital Avatars Give Immortality To A Person? - Alternative View

Will Digital Avatars Give Immortality To A Person? - Alternative View

Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov is going to give people immortality. True, not quite ordinary, but just "computer", having transferred a human personality to an electronic medium

A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View

A Race Of Hermaphrodites Coming? - Alternative View

What kind of forecasts scientists do not give for the future - both the near and the very distant! It's not just about the development of technology: it looks like humanity itself will change beyond recognition

What Will Remain Unique In People In A Few Decades? - Alternative View

What Will Remain Unique In People In A Few Decades? - Alternative View

In a few decades, artificial intelligence will surpass us in many areas that we consider special to ourselves

Biohackers: People Who Will Be The First To Stop Being Human - Alternative View

Biohackers: People Who Will Be The First To Stop Being Human - Alternative View

For some people, the human body - not a temple at all. Instead, they see it as a disappointment as they compare its limitations to the powerful technology available today

The Most Unusual Food Of The Future - Alternative View

The Most Unusual Food Of The Future - Alternative View

According to forecasts of researchers from the University of Minnesota (USA), by 2050 the world's population will grow to 9.6 billion people and the world will begin to experience a massive food shortage

Technologies That Are Likely To Cease To Exist In 20 Years - Alternative View

Technologies That Are Likely To Cease To Exist In 20 Years - Alternative View

Not so long ago, no one had heard of a microwave oven or a home computer, and films could be watched exclusively in the cinema or on one of the three available TV channels (and then, once a year with constant breaks for commercials or on a bulky VHS

Dreams Of A Galactic Internet: To Be Or Not To Be? - Alternative View

Dreams Of A Galactic Internet: To Be Or Not To Be? - Alternative View

It would seem that here in the toilet it is sometimes difficult to achieve a sufficiently reliable Wi-Fi signal, so what can we say about the scale of space - a completely different level! GALACTIC. Sorry for such a frank example, but what is it

Microsurgeons Who Will Soon Be Wandering Through Our Body - Alternative View

Microsurgeons Who Will Soon Be Wandering Through Our Body - Alternative View

On a bright autumn evening in 2006, Dr. Sylvain Martel held his breath as a technician loaded an anesthetized pig into a rotating fMRI machine