Futuristic 2024, September

The Photon That Changes The World - Alternative View

The Photon That Changes The World - Alternative View

When in 1927 Alexei Tolstoy completed work on his new novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin", he hardly thought that he would someday be called the author of the laser idea and the visionary who predicted the emergence of a new scientific and technical discipline - pho

Chinese Soldiers Now Have Laser Cannons - Alternative View

Chinese Soldiers Now Have Laser Cannons - Alternative View

The official newspaper of the People's Liberation Army of China, Jiefangjun Bao, announced on December 9, 2015 that laser cannons have appeared at the disposal of Chinese soldiers

Seven Technologies That Could Be Worth Trillions Of Dollars - Alternative View

Seven Technologies That Could Be Worth Trillions Of Dollars - Alternative View

Scientists, technologists, engineers and visionaries are creating the future. Amazing things are being developed. But all this is already known, it is so everywhere. But you know what they usually pay little attention to? Scale. How big is the - big?

9 Trends In The Development Of Urban Transport In The Near Future - Alternative View

9 Trends In The Development Of Urban Transport In The Near Future - Alternative View

Moving away from private cars It is projected that there will be 2.5 billion cars on the planet by 2050, most of which, of course, will travel to cities. In China, the level of motorization will catch up with the USA (840 cars per 1000 people)

Russia Will Be Protected From External Shutdown Of Runet By 2021 - Alternative View

Russia Will Be Protected From External Shutdown Of Runet By 2021 - Alternative View

Runet status will be fixed in legislation by 2018. The scheme of its work will also be described

Analysts From The United States On The Wars Of The Future: Robots Are At War, People Are Watching - Alternative View

Analysts From The United States On The Wars Of The Future: Robots Are At War, People Are Watching - Alternative View

In the war of the future, robots will make tactical decisions, and people will only watch. According to American military experts, there will be fewer people in the war, but they will be improved technologically or genetically

Robots For Fighting Action - Alternative View

Robots For Fighting Action - Alternative View

When discussing artificial intelligence, traditionally remember the three laws of robotics, formulated by the American writer of Russian origin Isaac Asimov

Robots Among Us - Is There A Danger? - Alternative View

Robots Among Us - Is There A Danger? - Alternative View

Experts predict a sharp increase in the use of robotics in all industries. Perhaps we are on the verge of a new boom, similar to the one we experienced at the beginning of the century in the field of mobile communications

Three DNA Technologies That Will Change Our Quiet Lives - Alternative View

Three DNA Technologies That Will Change Our Quiet Lives - Alternative View

ILYA HELM We often talk about the revolution on the crest of DNA research, but we still don't see how it affects our daily life, in our homes

A World Without Loneliness - Alternative View

A World Without Loneliness - Alternative View

Social networks - product of the XXI century. Of course, you can try to find analogues in the past, but they will all be far-fetched, because there has never been such information interaction between people

17 Important Events That Will Happen By 2050 - Alternative View

17 Important Events That Will Happen By 2050 - Alternative View

You don't need to be a psychic to predict the future, because it is enough to analyze what is happening in front of your eyes. So what events, most likely, we will be able to observe by the middle of the XXI century?

Robot Invasion - Do We Need Mechanical Servants? - Alternative View

Robot Invasion - Do We Need Mechanical Servants? - Alternative View

Thanks to science fiction, we believe that someday we will be surrounded by crowds of smart and obedient robots that will replace us in production, freeing us from monotonous or dangerous labor

Will All Humans Be Women In The Future? - Alternative View

Will All Humans Be Women In The Future? - Alternative View

Biologists are aware of cases when this or that individual suddenly changes its sex. Such a feature is possessed, for example, by some types of fish, worms, etc. Does the future threaten people with a similar transformation?

The Visible Hand Of The Market - Alternative View

The Visible Hand Of The Market - Alternative View

We are going through a period of a worldwide economic crisis that was predicted long before it began. But the same forecasts say: the crisis will end someday and the markets will stop fevering. What will become the "locomotive" of the new world economy?

"Information Explosion" - A Threat To The Future Of Civilization - Alternative View

"Information Explosion" - A Threat To The Future Of Civilization - Alternative View

Forty-five years ago, futurists predicted that by the year 2000 humanity will experience stagnation in scientific development, which will lead to the collapse of civilization. The reason for such a gloomy forecast was the impending "information explosion"

The Future Will Never Come - Alternative View

The Future Will Never Come - Alternative View

Columnist Ivan Talachev - that the future promised by science fiction writers in the books and films of our youth will remain on the pages and on the screen. Forever and ever. 2017 year. There are still no flying cars

The New Head Of ESA Announced The Concept Of Creating A "village" On The Moon - Alternative View

The New Head Of ESA Announced The Concept Of Creating A "village" On The Moon - Alternative View

The new boss of the European Space Agency (ESA) on Friday outlined his views on the project for a multinational research settlement on the lunar surface - which could become the scientific successor to the International Space Station

Journey To The Stars: Myth And Reality - Alternative View

Journey To The Stars: Myth And Reality - Alternative View

Science fiction writers and science fiction directors have long been treating us with representations of humanity scattered throughout the universe, so if you or your relatives thought that we had become a star species long ago, you can forgive it

We Inflate - We Will Live! In Space - Alternative View

We Inflate - We Will Live! In Space - Alternative View

A unique experimental module was delivered to the ISS

Liquid Armor And High-power Engines Will Become Part Of Exoskeletons For US Special Forces - Alternative View

Liquid Armor And High-power Engines Will Become Part Of Exoskeletons For US Special Forces - Alternative View

Significant progress has been made in the development of exoskeletons for the US Special Forces. Exoskeletons are designed to increase strength and protect soldiers

A New Method Of Introducing Chips Into The Body - Alternative View

A New Method Of Introducing Chips Into The Body - Alternative View

The long-awaited new step towards the emergence of cyborgs - creatures that combine a human and a robot

Incredible Technologies Of The Near Future - Alternative View

Incredible Technologies Of The Near Future - Alternative View

Every year more and more amazing ones appear in the world. Each of them is designed to make human life easier, better and even brighter. Today there are things that people could only dream of ten years ago

The Forecast According To The Plan - Alternative View

The Forecast According To The Plan - Alternative View

The great science fiction writer Stanislav Lem argued that it is impossible to predict the future. It seems to us that he is right, because often we are faced with erroneous predictions, receiving something completely different, even the opposite, in return

Humanity In The Great Leap Forward - Alternative View

Humanity In The Great Leap Forward - Alternative View

Big Jump (eng. - big jump, big jump) - a critical phase in the development of civilization, which, according to many futurologists, Humanity has entered

Why We Reject Clones And The Idea Of cloning - Alternative View

Why We Reject Clones And The Idea Of cloning - Alternative View

Do you know the anecdote? Having carefully heard the report on the state of health and attitude of the cloned sheep Dolly, the female council of the flock decided: "Let's return to our rams."

How Much Progress Do We Need? - Alternative View

How Much Progress Do We Need? - Alternative View

From childhood, we only hear that progress is the most important thing that humanity has

NASA Invests In Ideas From Science Fiction - Alternative View

NASA Invests In Ideas From Science Fiction - Alternative View

NASA is investing in 22 Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) proposed by young scientists for an initial feasibility study

Robots Of The Future: Who Will Replace You In 10 Years - Alternative View

Robots Of The Future: Who Will Replace You In 10 Years - Alternative View

About 20 years ago, everyone dreamed: "Robots work in - a man is happy." But then, objectively speaking, devices like Electronics from the popular movie seemed to be perfect fantasy, Day.Az reports with reference to rambler.ru

Soon People Will Be Able To Abandon The Traditional Forms Of Conceiving Children - Alternative View

Soon People Will Be Able To Abandon The Traditional Forms Of Conceiving Children - Alternative View

Scientists in the United States are confident that in the near future it will not be necessary to have sexual intercourse to conceive a child. The creation of artificial eggs and sperm will give parents the ability to choose the most desirable traits of future children

Who Will Live On The Planet In 50 And 100 Years - Alternative View

Who Will Live On The Planet In 50 And 100 Years - Alternative View

We live in an era of great changes, when the ethnic structure of the population of many countries of the world is changing radically. This is due to both large-scale migration processes and phenomena occurring within individual regions and countries

15 Scientific Advances That Will Change Lives In The Near Future - Alternative View

15 Scientific Advances That Will Change Lives In The Near Future - Alternative View

It may seem incredible, but all those things, discoveries and technologies of the future, which will be discussed in this review, already exist. The only thing that holds back the massiveness of their use - this is the cost