Futuristic 2024, September

A Japanese Company Has Developed A Holographic Home Bot - Alternative View

A Japanese Company Has Developed A Holographic Home Bot - Alternative View

When a dog, a cat lives at home, fish swim or a snake sits in an aquarium, this, of course, is very cool

Russian Scientists, At The Request Of The Science Department, Told What They Expect From - Alternative View

Russian Scientists, At The Request Of The Science Department, Told What They Expect From - Alternative View

Will 2016 bring the creation of quantum computers closer, will bacteria be able to fight age-related diseases, and why do we need to study cells separately - - Russian scientists, with whom the department of science "Newspapers

Cryogenic Sleep Can Become A Reality - Alternative View

Cryogenic Sleep Can Become A Reality - Alternative View

NASA-funded research shows that spacecraft can travel great distances if there is no need to support human life

Scientists Have Created A Robot Bat As A Prototype Of A New Generation Of Bio-drones - Alternative View

Scientists Have Created A Robot Bat As A Prototype Of A New Generation Of Bio-drones - Alternative View

A group of robotics and cybernetics from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) presented a new micro-UAV

Medical Chips Are Also Being Developed In Russia - Alternative View

Medical Chips Are Also Being Developed In Russia - Alternative View

Rostov scientists have developed telemedicine bracelets that allow, through a chip built into them, to monitor the patient's health via mobile communication channels, a representative of the Rostov branch of MTS OJSC said on Friday, whose SIM chips are

Great Inventions Of The Future - Alternative View

Great Inventions Of The Future - Alternative View

"Everything that could be invented has already been invented", - said in 1899, US Patent Office officer Charles Duell, and was wrong. The greatest minds of the 19th century could not imagine how much the life of civilization would change in the 20th century

How To Create A Lightsaber? - Alternative View

How To Create A Lightsaber? - Alternative View

Elegant weapon more civilized era. So the lightsaber was presented to the audience about 40 years ago. An invariable element of every Jedi's entourage, the glowing sword has been preserved for thousands of years in the galactic republic

Imagine The Future Like Isaac Asimov: The World In 2064 - Alternative View

Imagine The Future Like Isaac Asimov: The World In 2064 - Alternative View

In 1964, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov tried to imagine the life of humanity in 2014 - and really anticipated some of the achievements that we enjoy today, recalls journalist Teresa Guerrero on the pages of El Mundo

Police Work On Mars Will Be Unbearable - Experts - Alternative View

Police Work On Mars Will Be Unbearable - Experts - Alternative View

Forensic scientists, writers, scientists and police have shared theories on how the Red Planet will investigate crimes

Giant City Of The Sun In The Mojave Desert - Alternative View

Giant City Of The Sun In The Mojave Desert - Alternative View

Sunlight - an almost endless source of energy on Earth. And lately, humanity is more and more understanding this simple truth

20 Important Terms That Every 21st Century Futurist Should Know - Alternative View

20 Important Terms That Every 21st Century Futurist Should Know - Alternative View

We live in an era of rapid change, when scientific and technological advances appear, before you even have time to blink an eye. As a result, we create a new language describing our civilization as it develops

Mistakes Of Science Fiction Writers Or Why Astronautics Stopped - Alternative View

Mistakes Of Science Fiction Writers Or Why Astronautics Stopped - Alternative View

Throughout the twentieth century, science fiction writers wrote a lot and talentedly about space exploration

Global Demographic Collapse Is Inevitable - Alternative View

Global Demographic Collapse Is Inevitable - Alternative View

Man lives in equilibrium with other species in a world that has certain limits

How Close Are We To Creating A Real Medical Tricorder? - Alternative View

How Close Are We To Creating A Real Medical Tricorder? - Alternative View

Science inspires science fiction, or vice versa? In the case of medical technology, the good old Star Trek series has inspired generations of researchers around the world

Russian Businessman Promises Eternal Life In 30 Years - Alternative View

Russian Businessman Promises Eternal Life In 30 Years - Alternative View

Russian millionaire and businessman Dmitry Itskov sponsored a program of scientists to create "life after death." This is reported by the Daily Mail in its article about the entrepreneur's idea

The Imminent Collapse Of Civilization Or The Olduvai Theory - Alternative View

The Imminent Collapse Of Civilization Or The Olduvai Theory - Alternative View

Today, even people far from the economy keep an eye on the price of oil. It is she who determines the value of a particular currency and the national strategy of states in international politics

Roskosmos Plans To Build A Base On The Moon By 2035 - Alternative View

Roskosmos Plans To Build A Base On The Moon By 2035 - Alternative View

In the next 20 years, the installation of a Russian scientific base is planned on the Moon. This was stated by the head of the manned space programs of the state corporation "Roscosmos" Sergei Krikalev

Elon Musk Wants To Build A Martian "city With A Million Inhabitants" - Alternative View

Elon Musk Wants To Build A Martian "city With A Million Inhabitants" - Alternative View

Elon Musk wants to send a million people to Mars. The businessman said this at the 67th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation. Let's try to understand what the concept of the head of SpaceX is

Colonization Of Mars: Past And Future - Alternative View

Colonization Of Mars: Past And Future - Alternative View

At the 67th International Astronautics Congress, in Guadalajara, Mexico, Elon Musk gave a speech that was more anticipated than any other billionaire's and inventor's speech

Ray Kurzweil: Humanity Is On The Verge Of Immortality - Alternative View

Ray Kurzweil: Humanity Is On The Verge Of Immortality - Alternative View

According to Ray Kurzweil, the famous American inventor, who is often jokingly called "modern Thomas Edison", humanity is almost close to the possibility of immortality

Why Does The Future Always Surprise Us - Alternative View

Why Does The Future Always Surprise Us - Alternative View

What is familiar in the present can have revolutionary consequences for the future. Find out how innovation will affect the world - hard. But to predict - can

They Want To Build A Temple On The Moon "Peak Of Eternal Light" - Alternative View

They Want To Build A Temple On The Moon "Peak Of Eternal Light" - Alternative View

In order to satisfy the "spiritual and psychological needs" of people who will become the first colonists on the Moon, it is proposed to build an "observatory temple" at its South Pole

The Russian Military Is Experiencing A "pain Beam" - Alternative View

The Russian Military Is Experiencing A "pain Beam" - Alternative View

In the photo: The American counterpart - Active Denial System (ADS) of the defense company Raytheon - has already been nicknamed the "heat ray" or "microwave gun" Russian military experts are experiencing the so-called "pain beam" - electromagnetic non-lethal op

What Awaits Russia At The End Of The XXI Century? - Alternative View

What Awaits Russia At The End Of The XXI Century? - Alternative View

The 21st century is likely to be a time of radical change for Russians. It is rather difficult to make accurate forecasts for such a long period of time, nevertheless, many experts are trying to predict what events can be expected from the 21st century

Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View

Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View

The USA, Great Britain, Italy and the Netherlands are currently working on the creation of a spaceship of the future, adapted for the lives of thousands of people, a kind of space Noah's ark, on which it will be possible to fly away from the dying Earth in a hundred years

A Plan For The Capture Of The Solar System By Robots Is Presented - Alternative View

A Plan For The Capture Of The Solar System By Robots Is Presented - Alternative View

Experts from NASA's Kennedy Space Center (USA) described a scenario according to which, in their opinion, the solar system, in particular the moon, can be mastered by an autonomous and expanding population of robots

Within A Few Years, Lab-grown Meat Will Appear On The Shelves - Alternative View

Within A Few Years, Lab-grown Meat Will Appear On The Shelves - Alternative View

Founded by three scientists, Memphis Meats wants to be the first company to sell meat grown from stem cells

New Hands Were Sewn To The Soldier Without All The Limbs - - Alternative View

New Hands Were Sewn To The Soldier Without All The Limbs - - Alternative View

Surgeons have published photographs of an incredible operation that resulted in both arms being transplanted to an Iraqi war veteran who lost all four limbs after a bomb blast

Could You Love A Robot? - Alternative View

Could You Love A Robot? - Alternative View

Robots are close … In fact, they are already here, playing roles that previously, it seemed, could only be played by humans

Experts Have Told Whether Robots Should Feel Pain - Alternative View

Experts Have Told Whether Robots Should Feel Pain - Alternative View

While pain can be an unpleasant experience, it's a fundamental mechanism in the body to help it identify threats, but whether robots should be programmed to experience pain, scientists have figured out

Robots Will Make People Unemployed In 30 Years - Alternative View

Robots Will Make People Unemployed In 30 Years - Alternative View

Scientists said that with the current pace of technological development of the Earth, in 30 years, robots will make most people unemployed

Diseases Will Be Detected Simply By Scanning The Retina - Alternative View

Diseases Will Be Detected Simply By Scanning The Retina - Alternative View

Periodic diagnostics and preventive examinations help to identify a lot of diseases at an early stage, but some conditions can be diagnosed only when the disease has already protracted long enough

Iris Identification Will Become Ubiquitous - Alternative View

Iris Identification Will Become Ubiquitous - Alternative View

Researchers from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted a comparative study of 11 applications for human recognition by the iris of the eye and found that some programs are capable of almost lightning fast

Nanosized Discs Will Teach The Human Body To Fight Cancer - Alternative View

Nanosized Discs Will Teach The Human Body To Fight Cancer - Alternative View

In the future, individualized cancer treatment may simply be the insertion of virtually invisible discs into the patient's body

It Will Take Less Than Three Hours To Print A Person On A Printer - Alternative View

It Will Take Less Than Three Hours To Print A Person On A Printer - Alternative View

Scientists from Russia say it will take less than three hours to print a person on a 3D bioprinter in the future

Laboratory Meat: To Be Or Not To Be? - Alternative View

Laboratory Meat: To Be Or Not To Be? - Alternative View

Imagine a day when hamburgers are grown from stem cells in a factory capable of providing meat to an entire community. Such a future is not far off, experts say

By 2030, The Need For Hospitals Will Disappear - Alternative View

By 2030, The Need For Hospitals Will Disappear - Alternative View

American scientists are confident that by 2030, people will no longer need hospitals, as personalized medicine will actively develop around the world, and, in their opinion, nanotechnology will be actively used in treatment

The Future: Six New Storage Technologies - Alternative View

The Future: Six New Storage Technologies - Alternative View

Digital technology is marching victoriously across the planet, and scientists are hard at work on new ways to store information - large volume and for a long time

One Day We Will Be Able To Encode All The Information In The World In A Few Liters Of DNA - Alternative View

One Day We Will Be Able To Encode All The Information In The World In A Few Liters Of DNA - Alternative View

Over the past few years, scientists have decoded the 700,000-year-old mammoth and horse genomes using DNA fragments extracted from fossils

Natural Funeral Of The Future: Instead Of Coffins Of Mycelium - Alternative View

Natural Funeral Of The Future: Instead Of Coffins Of Mycelium - Alternative View

Back in 2011, Korean designer and bioartist Jae Rhim Lee presented the idea of a burial costume that, after death, disposes of human remains, turning them into the basis for mycelium