Futuristic 2024, September

The Future Of The Superman: Loading Consciousness - Alternative View

The Future Of The Superman: Loading Consciousness - Alternative View

Computers have already surpassed humans in computing power and intelligence. But machines are not absolute evil. They are open to people, you can upload your consciousness in them and live in a collective of digital creatures. You will have to give up the body

The Unique "brain Profile" Will Replace The Usual Passwords For Important Data - Alternative View

The Unique "brain Profile" Will Replace The Usual Passwords For Important Data - Alternative View

Standard PIN codes and passwords are outdated, experts from the University of Binghamton say

A Mini-computer In The Eye Is No Longer A Fantasy - Alternative View

A Mini-computer In The Eye Is No Longer A Fantasy - Alternative View

A prototype of a flexible contact lens with an integrated LED was created. Achievement could lead to the development of mini-displays that directly cover the cornea of the eye

Will Our Descendants Survive The Destruction Of The Universe? - Alternative View

Will Our Descendants Survive The Destruction Of The Universe? - Alternative View

In billions of years, the universe will cease to exist. But the good news is that we have a lot of time to prepare for this and maybe even figure out how to cheat cosmic death

NASA Astronomers Would Like To Turn The Sun Into A Giant Space Telescope - Alternative View

NASA Astronomers Would Like To Turn The Sun Into A Giant Space Telescope - Alternative View

NASA astronomers are trying to look further and further into the universe, and therefore they need large and very powerful telescopes

Nanotechnologies Will Provide Mankind With Drinking Water - Alternative View

Nanotechnologies Will Provide Mankind With Drinking Water - Alternative View

The lack of drinking water is forcing scientists around the world to look for alternative solutions to this issue

Calendar Of Major Events In Human History Until 2600 - Alternative View

Calendar Of Major Events In Human History Until 2600 - Alternative View

Do “calendars of the future” have a right to life? Chronology - general hierarchical structure (outline) of future events

Traveling To Mars Will Be Akin To Opposing The Antarctic Winter - Alternative View

Traveling To Mars Will Be Akin To Opposing The Antarctic Winter - Alternative View

Humans will travel to Mars in the not too distant future. We know that. But what we don’t know for sure yet is how the trip to the Red Planet will affect us - mentally and physically

The Future As Practice: How And Why To Think About The Future - Alternative View

The Future As Practice: How And Why To Think About The Future - Alternative View

We are publishing the transcript and video recording of the lecture by Evgeny Kuznetsov, Director of the Department for the Promotion of Innovations and Social Programs of RVC, read on May 30, 2013. within the framework of the project "Public lectures" Polit.ru "

Scientists: By 2150, There Will Be An Elevator To Space - - Alternative View

Scientists: By 2150, There Will Be An Elevator To Space - - Alternative View

Scientists said that by 2150 there will be the first elevator leading directly into space. At the moment, experts are exploring the possibilities of building this miracle of technology, and are also developing its design

China To Launch The World's Largest Weather Management Project - Alternative View

China To Launch The World's Largest Weather Management Project - Alternative View

China plans to begin large-scale weather control over the country. The South China Morning Post reports on the plans of politicians and scientists. Experts suggest starting the process of creating artificial clouds over the Tibetan plateau

Soylent - Food Of The Future? - Alternative View

Soylent - Food Of The Future? - Alternative View

Our site has already published a note about the progressive invention of the American programmer - a nutritional cocktail that can replace all other food

A Tower Hanging From The Sky: The Most Unusual Architectural Project In The World - Alternative View

A Tower Hanging From The Sky: The Most Unusual Architectural Project In The World - Alternative View

New York-based Clouds Architecture Office has shared plans for the most incredible architectural project of recent times: a skyscraper that will literally hang from the sky and built on an asteroid that hangs in orbit

The Resurrection Of People Will Soon Become A Reality - Alternative View

The Resurrection Of People Will Soon Become A Reality - Alternative View

The resurrection of people will soon become a reality. Science may soon allow people to be resurrected even a day after death

To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View

To Resurrect People, You Need A Chip And Freezing - Alternative View

The media reports that "leading researchers from a company called Humai have carried out a unique experiment of its kind," namely: they learned to resurrect people by freezing the brain

10 Possible Catastrophes Of The Future - Alternative View

10 Possible Catastrophes Of The Future - Alternative View

This world After these words, a two-minute video with slow-motion explosions, fireballs and burning people should begin. Why not?

Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View

Will Humanity Be Able To Master The Universe? - Alternative View

One gets the impression that the times of supercivilizations that have conquered entire galaxies will never come. And the whole point here is that the unrestrained expansion of the technosphere into Space is unprofitable for it primarily from "informational" considerations

How Russians Will Change In 20 Years - Alternative View

How Russians Will Change In 20 Years - Alternative View

In the coming decades, the Russian people may be affected by major changes. This applies to various processes - demographic, social, ethnocultural, mental. Even intelligence and appearance can change

In The Future, Cancer Will Be Treated With One Injection - Alternative View

In The Future, Cancer Will Be Treated With One Injection - Alternative View

Scientists have promised that in the future, cancer treatment will be carried out through one single injection. The development of an appropriate drug-free method is already in its final stages

Five Terrifying Technologies Of The Future - Alternative View

Five Terrifying Technologies Of The Future - Alternative View

Someone is afraid of synthetic food, someone - new transport system. We look to the future with a mixture of hope and dread. The 20th century showed that many useful inventions can have hidden side effects

What Threatens Humanity With The Computerization Of Our Entire Life - Alternative View

What Threatens Humanity With The Computerization Of Our Entire Life - Alternative View

Smartphones, robots and computers make our life easier, but maybe we are losing something in the process? A reporter from one of the publications spoke with American writer Nicholas Carr about the dangers and even threats of over-automation

Named 10 Breakthrough Technologies That Will Really Shake The World - Alternative View

Named 10 Breakthrough Technologies That Will Really Shake The World - Alternative View

Specialists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology presented a new list of ten technologies that can completely change the world. Seven out of ten of these technologies already exist: 1

How Will Our World Change In The Near Future? - Alternative View

How Will Our World Change In The Near Future? - Alternative View

Our life is changing every day. New technologies, equipment and products penetrate it very quickly

To Protect The Earth, A Planetary Magnetic Shield Will Be Installed In Its Orbit - Alternative View

To Protect The Earth, A Planetary Magnetic Shield Will Be Installed In Its Orbit - Alternative View

The globe needs serious protection, and urgently: solar storms can cause irreparable damage to the global economy, as well as the health of all earthlings

USA Will Equip Ships With Laser Weapons - Alternative View

USA Will Equip Ships With Laser Weapons - Alternative View

Navy on Monday reported the development of new defense plans for ships currently deployed in the Persian Gulf. One of them, in particular, will be equipped with laser weapons

Jack Ma: People Will Be Able To Live At Least 200 Years - Alternative View

Jack Ma: People Will Be Able To Live At Least 200 Years - Alternative View

Alibaba owner Jack Ma said that a person can live at least two hundred years. According to him, with the available technologies, scientists will be able to transform the human body over the next forty years and find a formula for immortality

Biohackers Attack - Alternative View

Biohackers Attack - Alternative View

Dedicating his new book to biohacking, the American science fiction writer could not even think how real it is

8 Incredible Predictions About The Future That Never Came True - Alternative View

8 Incredible Predictions About The Future That Never Came True - Alternative View

Our vision of the future has always been more complex than hoverboards or self-lacing sneakers from Robert Zemeckis' films

Geoengineering Of The Sky: Scary, But You Have To Start - Alternative View

Geoengineering Of The Sky: Scary, But You Have To Start - Alternative View

The world's largest experiment to cool the planet by changing the atmosphere has already begun. It is very important that it continues, says Jame Cashio

Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View

Moscow Will Be Covered With Climatic Domes And Get Rid Of Traffic Jams - Alternative View

Kaspersky Lab experts predicted what the capital will look like in 30 years Moscow will soon celebrate its 870th birthday

10 Superpowers That People With Brain Implants Will Get - - Alternative View

10 Superpowers That People With Brain Implants Will Get - - Alternative View

A tiny computer chip surgically embedded in your brain can give you superpowers. It sounds incredible, but scientists are already using these devices to restore vision to blind people and hearing - deaf

Russian Experts Predicted The Problems That We Will Face In 10-15 Years - Alternative View

Russian Experts Predicted The Problems That We Will Face In 10-15 Years - Alternative View

You woke up to the smell of coffee, which was not prepared by your loved one, but your discerning coffee maker. Not romantic? But it's convenient! The TV itself turned on your favorite program

By 2040, The Streets Will Be Patrolled By Robots - Alternative View

By 2040, The Streets Will Be Patrolled By Robots - Alternative View

In an article entitled “The Year 2084: A Big Robot Is Watching You,” University of Sheffield professor of robotics Noel Sharkey predicts a new world in which surveillance, security, and law enforcement are largely

What Does The Military Theory Tell Us About The Future Space War - Alternative View

What Does The Military Theory Tell Us About The Future Space War - Alternative View

How will the war in space go? Given the primitive state of our space technology, we can hardly imagine what kind of weapon will be used in it

In Russia, A Control System For Groups Of Combat Robots Is Being Created - Alternative View

In Russia, A Control System For Groups Of Combat Robots Is Being Created - Alternative View

A centralized control system for groups of combat robots is being created in Russia, a source at the Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTK) in St. Petersburg said on Monday

Russian Soldier Of The Future - Alternative View

Russian Soldier Of The Future - Alternative View

Russian scientists and engineers have begun to create the third generation of combat equipment. In "TsNIITOCHMASH" combat equipment "Ratnik" has been developed, but now the Klimovsk specialists have come up with something completely new

Technologies That Promise To Change The World In Five Years - Alternative View

Technologies That Promise To Change The World In Five Years - Alternative View

The companies that run the world seem invulnerable. But in reality, they are very vulnerable. It has always been this way: IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, MySpace - once everyone seemed invincible

Are We Ready For A War In Space? - Alternative View

Are We Ready For A War In Space? - Alternative View

Intergalactic wars and space weapons have never been openly discussed before. This topic in Russia was considered a product of the fantasy of Western scientists or science fiction writers. Now the curtain has opened, and this topic is looked at in a completely different way

War Of The Future. What Will It Be? - Alternative View

War Of The Future. What Will It Be? - Alternative View

Over the past decades, a real revolution has taken place in military affairs. Modern war bears little resemblance to how it was imagined 30 years ago. But what will the war of the future be like? And can it be called a war in the usual sense of the word?

The Most Terrible Weapon Is Time - Alternative View

The Most Terrible Weapon Is Time - Alternative View

In the middle of the 20th century, nuclear weapons were considered the most effective, until by the end of the century a laser appeared, even more effective due to its ultra-precise direction of action