Futuristic 2024, September

In The Future, People Will Be Able To Live In The Lava Tunnels Of The Moon And Mars - Alternative View

In The Future, People Will Be Able To Live In The Lava Tunnels Of The Moon And Mars - Alternative View

According to research presented at the 2017 European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) in Riga, lava tunnels or underground caves created by volcanic activity can provide habitats sufficient to accommodate streets

Interstellar Roaming - Alternative View

Interstellar Roaming - Alternative View

Sooner or later, but humanity will have to begin the development of neighboring planets and other suitable bodies of the solar system. In addition to the usual long-distance and international communication, we will need interplanetary and even interstellar

Three Planets Have Been Named Where Humanity Will Be Able To Move In The Future - Alternative View

Three Planets Have Been Named Where Humanity Will Be Able To Move In The Future - Alternative View

NASA employees talked about three planets that humanity will be able to move to in the future: Pluto, Ceres and Mars

Here's How We Can Build A Colony In An Alien World - Alternative View

Here's How We Can Build A Colony In An Alien World - Alternative View

If humanity will still live for a long time, we may have to colonize other planets

10 Steps To Successful Space Colonization - Alternative View

10 Steps To Successful Space Colonization - Alternative View

Many scientists are sure that sooner or later humanity will colonize space. Some even consider it inevitable - unless, of course, a person dies out and rats or ants take his place

Ten Challenges For Future Interstellar Travel - Alternative View

Ten Challenges For Future Interstellar Travel - Alternative View

The stars above us are so beautiful that people even built whole mythologies based on them. They are truly spectacular, and now that we have reached the Moon and will soon reach Mars, our natural urge will be the path to the stars

The Israeli Company Presented A Flying Car - Alternative View

The Israeli Company Presented A Flying Car - Alternative View

Since 2008, the Israeli company Urban Aeronautics has been developing the Cormorant vertical takeoff and landing aircraft

10 Technologies That Will Shake The World - Alternative View

10 Technologies That Will Shake The World - Alternative View

The main trends according to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Bill Gates.Each year, MIT Technology Review, one of the most respected publications in its field, presents ten new technologies that should change the world for the better

Launch Of Manned Mission Mars One Postponed Until 2031 &Zwj; - Alternative View

Launch Of Manned Mission Mars One Postponed Until 2031 &Zwj; - Alternative View

The Mars One project, which assumes the irrevocable delivery of volunteers to Mars, starts now no earlier than 2031 - - that is, five years later than the originally announced period

The Idea Of the "Moon Village" Is Beginning To Take On Real Shape - Alternative View

The Idea Of the "Moon Village" Is Beginning To Take On Real Shape - Alternative View

Last year, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced a desire to build a permanent lunar base "Lunar Village"

ESA Plans To Build An International Settlement On The Moon - Alternative View

ESA Plans To Build An International Settlement On The Moon - Alternative View

With all this talk of a manned mission to Mars in the 2030s, it's easy to overlook another serious proposal for the next giant leap for humanity

NASA Creates Robotic Amoebas To Explore Dangerous Planets And Moons - Alternative View

NASA Creates Robotic Amoebas To Explore Dangerous Planets And Moons - Alternative View

NASA engineers are working to create a new generation of robots for studying the solar system that will move on the surface of planets not on wheels, but imitating the manner of movement of worms, amoebas and slugs

Stephen Hawking Called For An Escape From Earth - Alternative View

Stephen Hawking Called For An Escape From Earth - Alternative View

British scientist Stephen Hawking called on humanity to start conquering other planets. "I think that the human race has no future if it does not go out into space", - noted the scientist

Will A Village On The Moon Be The Next Step In Space Exploration? - Alternative View

Will A Village On The Moon Be The Next Step In Space Exploration? - Alternative View

Will an outpost on the Moon be the next logical step towards acquiring the technology and infrastructure for further exploration of the solar system?

The Lunar Colony Must Be Underground - Alternative View

The Lunar Colony Must Be Underground - Alternative View

The coldest places on Earth and nearby do not stand close to the temperature of the moonlit night - and creating a base that will be able to shield the settlers from such temperatures is very difficult

How Do We Build A City On Mars? There Is An Option! - Alternative View

How Do We Build A City On Mars? There Is An Option! - Alternative View

If we want to live happily ever after on Mars, spaceships won't be enough. We need a Martian city - and this is how we could build it. In many ways, the problem of moving to Mars - it's a simple problem of moving things

You Have Only One Way To Visit The Exoplanet In Person - Alternative View

You Have Only One Way To Visit The Exoplanet In Person - Alternative View

Sorry dear friends. Based on everything we know now, you can never hit a button and pierce "hyperspace" or warp. Traveling faster than the speed of light is almost certainly impossible

The Head Of Boeng Promised To Defeat SpaceX In The Martian Race - Alternative View

The Head Of Boeng Promised To Defeat SpaceX In The Martian Race - Alternative View

Almost any competition generates a winner and, as history shows, significantly accelerates progress. Elon Musk has attracted the attention of the world community with his loud statements

Danish Scientist Predicts Colonies On Mars In The Near Future - Alternative View

Danish Scientist Predicts Colonies On Mars In The Near Future - Alternative View

SpaceX's plans to send humans to Mars in eight years are realistic, Danish scientist says

How Crazy Is Elon Musk's Mission To Mars? - Alternative View

How Crazy Is Elon Musk's Mission To Mars? - Alternative View

On September 27, entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk spoke about his plans to send humans to Mars. And it's not about a few astronauts: he plans to send a lot of people there

How To "cheat" The Speed Of Light - Alternative View

How To "cheat" The Speed Of Light - Alternative View

Flight to the stars - an old dream of humanity. However, the distances to them are so great, and the speed of any technical means known to us is so low that it seems as if the dream will forever remain an artsy fantasy

New Threat - Nanodust - Alternative View

New Threat - Nanodust - Alternative View

Dust isn't all that harmless. Not only at home, which can cause allergies, asthma and even computer breakdown. Industrial dust is most dangerous: it is life threatening. The first case of flour dust explosion occurred in 1785

How To Put An Astronaut Into Hibernation - Alternative View

How To Put An Astronaut Into Hibernation - Alternative View

Many people know the scene from science fiction films: flying up to a distant star, astronauts, placed in special capsules, emerge from a state of deep sleep

Smart Robots Will Free Themselves From Human Custody And Populate The Solar System - Alternative View

Smart Robots Will Free Themselves From Human Custody And Populate The Solar System - Alternative View

Human-created "smart robots" will populate our galaxy, the Milky Way, for several million years, and then continue to move further in the Universe

French Architects Have Proposed To Build A Prison Ship - Alternative View

French Architects Have Proposed To Build A Prison Ship - Alternative View

Without a doubt, people who have grossly violated the law should receive the punishment they deserve. At the same time, fantastic works describe the prisons of the future in such a way that they are very different from the places of detention we are used to

A Micro-robot Has Been Created That Can Move In Blood Inside A Person - Alternative View

A Micro-robot Has Been Created That Can Move In Blood Inside A Person - Alternative View

An international team of scientists from Northeastern University, University of Alabama, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and Newcastle University (UK) has built a prototype of the Cyberplasm diagnostic micro-robot about ca

The Future Is Emotional - Alternative View

The Future Is Emotional - Alternative View

The work of the future will require emotional efforts from a person. Today such work is underestimated and poorly paid, but it is priceless

The World Of The Future: Will The Events Of Films About Immortality Become Reality? - Alternative View

The World Of The Future: Will The Events Of Films About Immortality Become Reality? - Alternative View

Is it possible to transfer your consciousness to a USB flash drive and then restore it in a new body? Is it realistic to freeze yourself and wake up as if nothing had happened in 100 years?

Esoterics: Cosmoenergy - Medicine Of The Future? - Alternative View

Esoterics: Cosmoenergy - Medicine Of The Future? - Alternative View

Orthodox medicine believes that the patient's illness does not depend on him, because he is a system of separate interconnected organs. Therefore, his diseases depend on age, ecology, workload, etc

Surgery On The Verge Of Fantasy - Alternative View

Surgery On The Verge Of Fantasy - Alternative View

A century ago, organ transplantation seemed such a wonderful operation that the prospects for its introduction into medicine were mainly discussed by science fiction writers

Will A Person Live In A Virtual World? - Alternative View

Will A Person Live In A Virtual World? - Alternative View

These days, fantastic stories about virtual reality are turning into objective reality. What does the future hold for us? Maybe we'll all soon be living in the matrix

Print Food Of The Future: Forget About Shopping - Alternative View

Print Food Of The Future: Forget About Shopping - Alternative View

Space technologies get to the most important joy and misfortune of mankind - food. Apparently, in the foreseeable future, 3D printers will replace almost all equipment for cooking and radically change the grocery market

Such Robots Will One Day Be Engaged In The Construction Of A Martian Colony - Alternative View

Such Robots Will One Day Be Engaged In The Construction Of A Martian Colony - Alternative View

When humanity is finally ready to move to Mars (and sooner or later this will certainly happen), it will need outside help

What Will Happen If We Gain Control Over Consciousness? - Alternative View

What Will Happen If We Gain Control Over Consciousness? - Alternative View

If new technologies will soon erase the boundaries between reality and imagination, what ethical questions should we ask ourselves? Imagine that there is life after death. There is only one condition: in this life you will not be able to experience anything new

Crazy Predictions Of The Future That Will Surely Come True - Alternative View

Crazy Predictions Of The Future That Will Surely Come True - Alternative View

The future - this is just the assumption of a handful of futurists, scientists and specialists. But who to believe if not them? City crazy? Politicians? Wanga's predictions? That's just the point: no choice

What Will Happen To Us In 30 Years? Artificial Intelligence. Part 2 - Alternative View

What Will Happen To Us In 30 Years? Artificial Intelligence. Part 2 - Alternative View

Continuation, part 1 - Singularity? Prosperity? Agony?. In our age of division of labor and atomization, few people understand what is really happening in the field of scientific and technological progress, automation and the labor market

Scientific And Technological Progress Will Soon Replace Live Communication - Alternative View

Scientific And Technological Progress Will Soon Replace Live Communication - Alternative View

Each person has his own list of important things, objects without which he would not be comfortable living. For some it is tea, for some it is paper, for some it is a certain drug

The User's Skull Vibration Sound Parameters May Soon Be Used Instead Of The Password - Alternative View

The User's Skull Vibration Sound Parameters May Soon Be Used Instead Of The Password - Alternative View

Biometric security technologies are replacing traditional methods - from humble passwords, fingerprint sensors that the user can use to unlock the phone, to advanced scanning of the iris of the eye - now a new one is coming