Futuristic 2024, September

In The World Of Tomorrow, Not Only Will You Watch Movies, But They Are Behind You - Alternative View

In The World Of Tomorrow, Not Only Will You Watch Movies, But They Are Behind You - Alternative View

When you are in a dark movie theater, your reactions to what is happening on the screen are often unnoticed by others

The World Is Waiting For The Appearance Of A Superman - Alternative View

The World Is Waiting For The Appearance Of A Superman - Alternative View

Genetically modified people can have IQs of 1000 or more. At least according to the scientific theory of Professor Stephen Hsu, Hsu can be considered a deep erudite

Abyss Of Free Time - Alternative View

Abyss Of Free Time - Alternative View

Modern futurists are increasingly writing about the fact that rapid robotization will free most of humanity from the need to engage in monotonous and unproductive work. We will have plenty of free time very soon

The Japanese Created The Terminator Rat - Alternative View

The Japanese Created The Terminator Rat - Alternative View

Scientists constantly use laboratory animals, in particular rats, as models for the study of various mental disorders inherent in humans

The Japanese Created The First Robot - The Avatar - Alternative View

The Japanese Created The First Robot - The Avatar - Alternative View

Specialists at the Keio University of Tokyo have developed a humanoid robot that can be controlled in the first person - just like the avatar from the blockbuster of the same name by James Cameron

Japanese Elderly Children Will Be Replaced By Robots - Alternative View

Japanese Elderly Children Will Be Replaced By Robots - Alternative View

According to the latest statistics, fewer and fewer children are born in Japan, as young people do not seek to acquire families and offspring, which means that the nation is aging rapidly

Bank Goldman Sachs Is Going To Extract Minerals On Asteroids - Alternative View

Bank Goldman Sachs Is Going To Extract Minerals On Asteroids - Alternative View

The spacecraft with which bankers want to master space bodies will cost at least 2.6 billion dollars

What Skills Will Be In Demand By Employers In 2030 - Alternative View

What Skills Will Be In Demand By Employers In 2030 - Alternative View

Michael Osborne, Director of the Oxford Program for Technology and Employment, has teamed up with education company Pearson and the Nesta Innovation Foundation to partner in research providing business, government, and industry professionals

What Will Happen To Women In 50 Years? - Alternative View

What Will Happen To Women In 50 Years? - Alternative View

What will women be like in 50 years? Futurologists are trying to answer this question today. The world does not stand still, evolution continues, women are changing too. Women will be more beautiful in the future

Scientists Will Teach Robots To Experience Pain So That They Can Protect Themselves - Alternative View

Scientists Will Teach Robots To Experience Pain So That They Can Protect Themselves - Alternative View

Robotics has been actively developing in recent years, and every now and then we publish amazing news about the achievements of scientists and engineers in this field. This time interesting information came from the Gottfried Leibniz University of Hanover

6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View

6 Scenarios Of Human Evolution Of The Future - Alternative View

Millions of years of mutation and selection passed before the first homo sapiens took a stick in his hands and realized that he was more different from other animals than necessary. This is exactly what happened to a person and continues to happen to this day

Robots Can Replace Up To 800 Million Workers Worldwide - Alternative View

Robots Can Replace Up To 800 Million Workers Worldwide - Alternative View

Up to 800 million workers worldwide could lose their jobs due to industrial automation and robots by 2030, more than one fifth of the global workforce today

The Americans Showed The Attack Of Many Mini-drones - Alternative View

The Americans Showed The Attack Of Many Mini-drones - Alternative View

University of Pennsylvania engineers have taught many miniature aircraft to perform complex, coordinated maneuvers. Impressive somersaults that nano-helicopters do in the air seem to be from a sci-fi movie

Ideal Spouses Will Be Sold In Stores! - Alternative View

Ideal Spouses Will Be Sold In Stores! - Alternative View

Good news for those who can't find their other half! Soon, humans will be able to marry robots. American company Abyss Creations, specializing in rubber dolls, announced the release of a reasonable model

Crypto-rubles May Appear In Russia - Alternative View

Crypto-rubles May Appear In Russia - Alternative View

The Rosfinmonitoring department reports on the possibility of the appearance of a national cryptocurrency, which is currently consulting with specialists and potential partners. The idea is discussed with representatives of banks, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank

Time Loop For Russia - Alternative View

Time Loop For Russia - Alternative View

In order to look into the future of Russia, one must read into its past, says the Russian researcher A. Parkhomenko. The mind cannot understand Russia … Many will agree with these winged words, as our ancestors would probably agree too

Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View

Fantastic Technologies That Have Not Yet Become A Reality - Alternative View

Over the past hundred years, science fiction has promised us a future filled with hoverboards, force fields, invisibility cloaks and lunar bases

Every Fifth Text On The Internet Is Written By A Robot: Can They Replace Us? - Alternative View

Every Fifth Text On The Internet Is Written By A Robot: Can They Replace Us? - Alternative View

The rise of robot writers is here. Computers are replacing human writers, and you don't even understand it. You read news on the Internet and think that someone wrote it

The "towing And Disposal" Of Stars Will Help The Civilization Of The Future To Resist The Expansion Of The Universe - Alternative View

The "towing And Disposal" Of Stars Will Help The Civilization Of The Future To Resist The Expansion Of The Universe - Alternative View

In billions of years, the expansion of the Universe will make the resources and energy of neighboring stars practically inaccessible: in order to support itself, a highly developed civilization will have to tow them closer

How Virtual Reality Can Change Your World - Alternative View

How Virtual Reality Can Change Your World - Alternative View

How Massive Virtual Reality Will Change Our Experience of Learning, Play, Communication and Vision The phrase “virtual reality” appeared in everyday language in the 1980s

Very Soon, Killing Animals For Food Will Become A Thing Of The Past - Alternative View

Very Soon, Killing Animals For Food Will Become A Thing Of The Past - Alternative View

In August, Richard Branson posted on his Virgin website a note about his investment in Memphis Meats, in which he announced his vision of nutrition for the future: “I believe in 30 years from now we will no longer kill animals, and that's it

The Scientist Is Confident In The Death Of Mankind From Computers - Alternative View

The Scientist Is Confident In The Death Of Mankind From Computers - Alternative View

The Cold War era is over, and the risk of nuclear catastrophe is much lower. However, now the survival of humanity is threatened by computers and artificial intelligence

Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View

Will We Find Happiness On Other Planets? - Alternative View

Sooner or later, humanity will be forced to leave planet Earth - many scientists from different countries have been declaring this for several years

Will Robots Kill People? - Alternative View

Will Robots Kill People? - Alternative View

Until recently, scientists argued that even the most perfect computer will never have the ability to think and reason on its own, because, by and large, it is just a set of microcircuits that allow a device to produce complex

The Monkeys Will Be Connected To The Internet And Will Be Able To Control The Robot - Alternative View

The Monkeys Will Be Connected To The Internet And Will Be Able To Control The Robot - Alternative View

Robobonobo prototype - and so the world's first ape-like robot, but its creators want to make it also the world's first robot controlled by a monkey

Soon People Will Be Eating Insects, Algae And Test Tube Meat - Alternative View

Soon People Will Be Eating Insects, Algae And Test Tube Meat - Alternative View

The constantly rising food prices, as well as the steadily growing population of the Earth, make us think about what we will eat in 20 years. For example, in Europe, food prices play a decisive role in the diet of citizens

American Soldiers Want To Insert Chips Under Their Skin - Alternative View

American Soldiers Want To Insert Chips Under Their Skin - Alternative View

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced a competition for the development of an implantable biosensor

The Next Wearable Technology Could Be Your Skin - Alternative View

The Next Wearable Technology Could Be Your Skin - Alternative View

Technology can be awkward. Our pockets are weighed down by giant smartphones that can't be pulled out quickly when you're running somewhere. Attempts to make our devices more accessible using smartwatches are still difficult to call successful

World Changes. Futurologists Predicted The Future Of Humanity By 2050 - Alternative View

World Changes. Futurologists Predicted The Future Of Humanity By 2050 - Alternative View

Experts, scientists and futurists from around the world have named eleven possible events that can be expected in the next 34 years. Among the expected future events, most may actually come true. 1

Inevitable. Understanding The 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future - Alternative View

Inevitable. Understanding The 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future - Alternative View

The book “Inevitable. Understanding the 12 technological forces that will shape our future”is dedicated to the development of technology

Improving The Brain Will Make Us "less Human" - Alternative View

Improving The Brain Will Make Us "less Human" - Alternative View

Our children will see how bio-improvement will surely become common and familiar to human society

How People Freeze To Revive In The Future - Alternative View

How People Freeze To Revive In The Future - Alternative View

The fear of disappearing without a trace has tormented people for many thousands of years. Each of us at least once thought about what kind of epitaph will be written on the tombstone, and what good friends will remember at the commemoration. I was thinking - and scared of my own thoughts

The Nobel Laureate Spoke About The Possibility Of An Uprising Of Nanorobots - Alternative View

The Nobel Laureate Spoke About The Possibility Of An Uprising Of Nanorobots - Alternative View

Chemist Bernard Feringa, who received this year's Nobel Prize, said that mankind should not be afraid of the uprising of the nanomachines he created

Scientists Have Reported On The Social Dangers Of Colonizing Mars - Alternative View

Scientists Have Reported On The Social Dangers Of Colonizing Mars - Alternative View

The colonization of Mars, which has been talked about for a long time in different countries, will not save humanity from social problems. Scientists warn about this, in particular, writes the scientific publication Nature

The Role Of Electricity In The Near Future - Alternative View

The Role Of Electricity In The Near Future - Alternative View

At this stage in the development of mankind, electricity is the most important component of our civilization. Almost all of our electrical appliances, gadgets, technical systems that surround us work with the help of electricity

Deep Sleep And Suspended Animation May Become Commonplace In The Future - Alternative View

Deep Sleep And Suspended Animation May Become Commonplace In The Future - Alternative View

Deep sleep runs the risk of becoming a remedy for all occasions in the very near future. Anabiosis will be widely used in medicine, astronautics and even in everyday life

How People Will Travel In The Future: Bold Predictions Of Scientists And Futurists - Alternative View

How People Will Travel In The Future: Bold Predictions Of Scientists And Futurists - Alternative View

Remember HG Wells' famous novel War of the Worlds? And George Orwell's 1984, the timeless classic of dystopia? What can you say about the fantasy novel "Neuromancer" in the cyberpunk style, written in 1984 and accurately conveys modern realities?

Work To Live Or Live To Work? - Alternative View

Work To Live Or Live To Work? - Alternative View

21 century. It is 2017 and the incredible development of all technological areas has made habitual what people did not dream of in the nineteenth century. What next?

Food Of The Future: What Will We Eat In 40 Years? - Alternative View

Food Of The Future: What Will We Eat In 40 Years? - Alternative View

Experts predict that crickets, genetically modified tomatoes and lab-grown meat may soon be on our dinner table, and food demand will double in the next 40 years, the WHO (World Health Organization) predicts

Soon Our Gadgets Will Be Able To Repair Themselves - Alternative View

Soon Our Gadgets Will Be Able To Repair Themselves - Alternative View

What if your computer could fix itself? New research shows that by using nanomotors, electronics may be able to fix itself