About The Old Slavic Language - Alternative View

About The Old Slavic Language - Alternative View
About The Old Slavic Language - Alternative View

Video: About The Old Slavic Language - Alternative View

Video: About The Old Slavic Language - Alternative View
Video: Old Slavic comparison with Serbian, Russian and Polish 2024, June

Now many independent researchers have come to the realization that some of the languages were created artificially within the framework of a total falsification of history and the creation of pseudo-historical myths that have nothing to do with the real history of mankind. And it is no coincidence that the dead Latin language appeared exactly where the main coordination center for falsifying history is located - in the Vatican and was planted throughout Europe along with Catholicism in parallel with the destruction (or concealment) of genuine historical documents and carriers of ancient knowledge within the framework of the so-called. "Holy inquisition".


Another artificially created language created by the falsifiers of history within the framework of their total project is "Old Church Slavonic", which would be more correct to call "Church Slavonic". Here is what Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V. Chudinov told about him in one of his recent speeches in Julie Poe's program "Labyrinth":

So whose order was it? But even the very surname of the Romanov dynasty points us to its owners. The force under whose leadership the total project of falsification of history was carried out. This is Rome, or rather the Vatican, with whose help this dynasty received the Russian throne. The presence of close ties between the Vatican and the Romanovs throughout the entire period of their reign is becoming increasingly evident.

And, of course, already on the basis of this knowledge, it is not at all surprising that, at the request of the Romanovs themselves, our history was rewritten by German historians and the court historian Karamzin, fed by them, whose task was not only to hide the millennia of ancient Russian history, but also to justify the coming to power a completely Russian dynasty, which was successfully done with the help of the so-called forgers invented by falsifiers. "Norman theory", according to which the Russians, like all Slavs, were savage barbarians and needed external control of the "Western civilizers", from whom they received all the benefits. This is how our people (and other Slavic peoples) inculcated slavish "pro-Westernism".

But the falsity of this completely Russophobic "theory" is more and more exposed under the pressure of more and more new facts about our real history, hidden from us by the parasitic and satanic power of the masters of Western civilization and its corrupt servants. And now it becomes quite clear: what kind of anti-Russian and Russophobic parasitic force the adherents of this so-called. "Theories" and what their own true essence really is.

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