The World Is On The Verge Of A New Religion - Alternative View

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The World Is On The Verge Of A New Religion - Alternative View
The World Is On The Verge Of A New Religion - Alternative View

Video: The World Is On The Verge Of A New Religion - Alternative View

Video: The World Is On The Verge Of A New Religion - Alternative View
Video: The $5,200,000,000,000 Trick Killing More Than Covid, w Stephen Fry. 2024, October

"Blessed is he who visited this world in its fateful moments!" - the meaning of these famous words of F. I. Tyutchev is that life in an era of change is a harsh and sometimes extremely dangerous test, but at such a historical moment, a person can not only personally realize himself, but see with his own eyes and realize how grandiose and crucial for all mankind take place events.

Irreversible and fundamental changes

The world is changing rapidly and this is not a beautiful allegory, but a dry informational reference. What seemed impossible 20-30 years ago now looks inevitable and commonplace. At the same time, what seemed to be unshakable and eternal, collapses into dust before the eyes of one generation, and completely disappears into oblivion during the life of their children and grandchildren.

You and I have entered an era of fundamental and irreversible changes that will change not only our everyday life and habits, but also the very essence of a person, his ideals, values, and life guidelines.

In this article, I want to talk with you about a new religion that will very soon come to our world.

Why is this happening?

To answer this question, let's look at the chronological history of major religions.

Promotional video:

1 - 4000 BC AD - Vedism appears, the first of the known major religions of that time. Rama preached.

2 - 3000 BC - Hinduism - Krishna preached.

3 - After another 1000 years in 2000 BC Zoroastrianism appears - Zarathushtra preached.

4 - After 800 years in 1200 BC Moses preaches and Judaism appears.

5 - After 600 years around 600 BC Buddhism comes to Earth - Buddha preaches it. The first of the existing world religions.

6 - Another 630 years later Christianity is born - Christ preached. The second and most numerous world religion.

7 - 600 years after Christianity, Islam comes into the world - preaches Muhammad. The third (chronologically) world religion that exists in our time.

1000 years then 800 and 600 years. The next frontier is the 11th century AD, just at this time Catholicism appears. Another five centuries and in the 16th century Protestantism comes to the world, which was the last major religious event on an international scale.

Now the first half of the 21st century is going on, exactly 5 centuries have passed and judging by the established chronology of the last 6000 years, a new faith should come into the world, comparable in scale with the listed world religions.

What else indicates that we will soon be introduced to a new religion?

If we take a close look at the historical paradigms during which the birth of all world religions, without exception, took place, we will see two standard circumstances.

1- The threat of complete destruction, or enslavement of the people in whose midst a new religion appears. In some cases, this was the result of a series of previous bloody and destructive conflicts.

2- Economic shocks, against the background of growing stratification of society and greatly increased flows of voluntary or forced migration. People suddenly and massively moved from places of historical residence to new territories.

These conditions are stronger than ever before. Thanks to climate change and the depletion of natural resources, the threat of death looms over virtually all of humanity. And the economic crisis and the associated migration, against the background of the stratification of society into rich and poor, have become a kind of visiting card of our time.

Where will the new religion appear?

Always and at all times, new major world religions appear in economically developed and powerful countries, but at the same time, this rarely, or almost never, occurs in the capitals.

It means that a new faith will come to us in one of the economically developed countries, but at the same time, the city in which this will happen is unlikely to be one of the world capitals.

What kind of faith will it be?

All world religions appear on the basis of the revelations of God, which are given to the prophet in the form of a teaching or a collection of recorded revelations. Confirmation is acts or events that impress contemporaries with their divine essence and miraculous content.

A new religion will come to us in the form of a teaching that is almost 100% likely to be backed up by an indisputable, but inexplicable miracle. Here it is interesting, since in our time we will not believe in stories that are passed from mouth to mouth and we can hardly trust someone who does not receive confirmation from scientists and modern science. This means that a new religion will come to us in the form of a scientific and philosophical teaching. Instead of a miracle, we will receive a certain set of fresh scientific knowledge, which will not only seriously advance the front of fundamental science, but will also lead to the emergence of a number of new impressive technologies. Simply put, a new religion will come on the shoulders of science and gain influence precisely due to the subsequent technological breakthrough, which, in fact, will become that indisputable miracle that will form the foundation of the new faith.

What will be her goals?

All world religions rely on the will and authority of the Creator of this world (Our Universe) and show the path to salvation, which usually looks like a kind of roadmap indicating how to live correctly and what to do. At the same time, in addition to the individual path itself, the new religions of the last millennia are increasingly shifting emphasis towards the norms of social life and the rules of human behavior within the framework of society.

All this suggests that the new religion will designate not only an individual life strategy (how to live and what to do), but also show the way for the entire human civilization as a whole. We will see a complex of solutions to the most pressing issues of our time, from the economic crisis and overpopulation to global warming and resource hunger. At the same time, it is important to remember that faith is not politics and the recipes that it will offer should be simple, understandable and implementable in practice. Otherwise, humanity simply cannot accept the new faith.

What will happen to the existing world religions?

Despite the historical parallels that indicate the religious underpinnings of many armed conflicts, in reality, wars are for resources and living space, and religion is used only as an excuse for the already predetermined bloodshed. If people have the means for subsistence and conditions for development, different religions get along quite peacefully even in the same society.

The new religion will not be an exception and will be able to peacefully coexist with all known beliefs. At the same time, it is possible that, as in the case of some united branches of Christianity, a church created on the basis of a new religion can also unite with one or even several existing cults or confessions.