Secrets Of Americans On The Moon - Alternative View

Secrets Of Americans On The Moon - Alternative View
Secrets Of Americans On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Americans On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Americans On The Moon - Alternative View
Video: The Moon Is Not What You Think - What They Saw Will Shock You 2024, October

Now the plans of many countries related to the colonization of the moon are in jeopardy not due to a lack of finance or technology. The reason was NASA's ban on flights over many surface areas, including landing, not wanting to advertise information about the found artifacts and aliens.

Such unusual information became known several years ago after the agency learned that it would no longer be able to control outer space near Earth. Private companies planning to develop interstellar tourism were going to go here, among which 20 analogs announced their intentions to the public and the media. Then Google saved him a fly in the ointment, ready to pay $ 20 million to a corporation capable of delivering a lunar rover to the surface of the satellite so that it could take photos of the places where American spaceships landed and their equipment is still located. This prospect greatly alarmed NASA, after which scientists noted that such visits from guests and robots would destroy traces of the historical mission associated with Apollo 11 and Apollo 17. Therefore, the rules were urgently published,prohibiting any technique from appearing in these places closer than a 5-kilometer distance, which also applies to people. Only the staff did not specify how the lunar reserve would look like, because its territory is the property of mankind, not a private person.


Society laughed at such messages for a long time, but many people asked a logical question. Perhaps the Americans are hiding from them the base built on the satellite earlier, or other secrets? To understand such details, it is worth paying attention to the events of the 60s, when the USSR was ahead of them in the development of lunar projects. The authorities were concerned about the actions of the enemy, who could inflict a space strike on them and build their military installations on the surface. This was the reason for the emergence of the secret program "Horizon", whose head in the 50s was Arthur G. Trudeau, who began preparations for the creation of the base. Rockets with equipment were to fly to the satellite, after which astronauts would arrive here to conduct a study of the selected area.


Then the people will go home, and a new landing of 9 volunteers will build a military facility, living in prefabricated cylindrical modules buried in the ground. This made it possible to protect the crew from radiation, falling celestial bodies and unusual temperatures. Nuclear reactors could provide them with energy, and water, along with oxygen, was obtained from the environment. The completion of facilities for future colonists was planned in 1966, and weapons were also developed with damaging elements. Along the entire perimeter, the object was supposed to be mined, after which small-caliber nuclear missiles with charges could be delivered here. But with whom did the Americans decide to fight, using serious technology?


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NASA then published a photo of the buildings in the catalog, along with 579 anomalies seen on the satellite, so the work went well, but suddenly the project was sharply frozen without explanation. What then could the astronauts see during the mission? So far, there are several versions of the event, among which the falsification of the flight is in the first place, since the Americans are afraid of ridicule if there is evidence of earthly filming of events related to historical moments. Then there is an assumption that they built a base or a whole complex of analogs, bypassing the agreement on the ban on military objects in space, which is already fraught with a political scandal. They could also find unusual technologies there, which are better not known to the inhabitants of the planet.


In reality, there is no special agency secret here, because the recording of the message of the crew members who saw the UFO along with other extraterrestrial counterparts has already become public property. Then strange balls were noticed glowing inside, after which the attention of people was attracted by unknown buildings and blocks, reminiscent of ancient ruins of cities. The researchers noted that they could meet with aliens, who invited intruders to leave the satellite, after which all programs were quickly closed. But why did they suddenly begin to revive in our time? One of the reasons may be the destruction of the civilization of the Moon by people, which is eloquently indicated by the nuclear bomb on board Apollo-13, but the aliens did not give the ship the opportunity to land and carry out their plans. In 2009, the Americans bombed a satellite during the collision of the module with the surface near the Kebus crater.


Then five types of kinetic weapons were tested, which also contradicts all the rules, and after the formation of a crater and the destruction of an extraterrestrial base, the start of the program began. Then the lunar race for the palm tree began to gain momentum, as the winners will receive valuable prizes in the form of humanoid artifacts and technologies. That is why the agency decided to restrict nosy people from visiting restricted areas, but no one would listen to this nonsense.

Reshetnikova Irina