Tall Blond Aliens (Nordics). Early Ufological Profile - Alternative View

Tall Blond Aliens (Nordics). Early Ufological Profile - Alternative View
Tall Blond Aliens (Nordics). Early Ufological Profile - Alternative View

Video: Tall Blond Aliens (Nordics). Early Ufological Profile - Alternative View

Video: Tall Blond Aliens (Nordics). Early Ufological Profile - Alternative View
Video: The Nordics - Traces of North 2024, September

1993th year. John S. Carpenter - from 1991 to 2000, director of MUFON Type 4 Investigation of Close Encounters - urged ufologists to study reports of abductions carried out not by the then usual Grays, but by other types of aliens. Among them were noticed very tall "people" with long blond hair, called "tall blondes" or "Nordics".

“At the moment, there is a rather large gray basket where some types of aliens are stowed away. Why? They were considered either "too strange," "too unlikely," or "too rare and therefore unimportant." Eventually, the little gray humanoids gained enough media notoriety to become a publicly accepted portrayal of the alleged alien species. Now that the public is starting to accept the "little grays," why mix them up with the weirder and less believable types of aliens?

I believe that many researchers have "drew the line" in an effort not to lose ground in the war of confidence; so we keep the lizards, tall blondes and praying mantises under the lid in that swollen gray basket. (How long can we hide them?) However, as researchers began to share some of the oddities from their gray baskets, they began to find amazing coincidences and similarities not only among the physical traits, but also in the behavior and goals of these creatures.

There is a woman among my clients who has described (to her great amazement) at least one incident involving different types of aliens - small grays, reptoids and tall blondes - and who has never read or heard of the latter two types. Jenny Randles of England was impressed by the details and pictures given at the 1992 Abduction Study Conference at MIT, Boston. Jenny noted that the characteristics, appearance, methods and behavior of the tall blond aliens were almost identical to the literal descriptions of the creatures in many abduction cases in England - where the overwhelming majority were "tall blondes" rather than small grays! These are the details for future reference and study:



1. Height: Mostly 6-8 feet [~ 1.8 - 2.4 m].

2. People by appearance: well developed, muscular.

Promotional video:

3. Hair: shoulder-length, blonde, straight, normal or fine.

4. Facial features: "very pretty" according to reports.

5. "Perfect features" as a standard.

6. Attitude: fatherly, attentive, protective, kind.

7. Impression: Subjects report an overwhelming sense of security, warmth, almost elation, thanks to a powerful positive presence effect.

8. Eyes: blue, kind and loving - not cold.

9. Facial expression: pleasant, smiling, joyful, positive.

10. Clothing: human style, tight-fitting jumpsuit or uniform.

11. Communication: Usually telepathic despite human appearance.

12. Other: “appear spiritually advanced, wise, omniscient”.

In most cases, the public expects aliens to look different - not like Hollywood hotties; "They can't be true aliens!" It would be difficult to prove in psychological circles that these images are not projections of someone's subconscious desires into a caring, handsome protector who will save them from worldly problems or boring marriage. Others say that these are meetings with "guardian angels" and not with aliens.

Since these creatures were also seen aboard UFOs along with small grays, some researchers believe that they are either hybrids or holographic projections to distract, deceive, appease or reassure the abducted. A number of researchers believe that the Nordics can actually control the little grays and that the grays could simply be computerized androids, organic robots, or a cloned subordinate race of workers.

In the case of Travis Walton's abduction in 1975, Travis interrupts the "standard" procedure for little grays who then leave the room. Then a tall blond man enters, who has a more prepossessing appearance. Trusting in these more human-looking creatures, he was captured again.

Travis Walton's kidnappers
Travis Walton's kidnappers

Travis Walton's kidnappers.

Even Leonard Stringfield's UFO crash / evacuation files include one allegedly recovered body of unknown origin, seven feet tall, with human features and long blond hair. Whoever these creatures are, they continue to appear in abduction reports around the world with striking similarities in descriptions.

Something is happening here and it needs to be studied more openly and publicly - especially among researchers. Despite our ritual of stuffing gray baskets, descriptions continue to come in from normal people with characteristic similarities. I encourage those of you who have encountered such oddities or studied similar types to start opening gray baskets and sharing information. Only by openly exchanging data with each other can we get a better understanding of unusual types of creatures and how they fit into the mystery of the phenomenon of abduction."

/ John Carpenter, “Reptilians and Other Unmentionables,” MUFON UFO Journal # 300 (April 1993), pp. 10-11 [compilation].

This article by John Carpenter, published in April 1993, can probably be considered the beginning of the so-called "official" study of the Nordics in UFOlogy. And not only Nordics, by the way, but also reptoids and insectoids - but this is a completely different story, which will be told later.