Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View

Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View
Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View

Video: Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View

Video: Is Our Story Falsified? - Alternative View
Video: Why do we believe things that aren't true? | Philip Fernbach | TEDxMileHigh 2024, September

Many peoples mention in their mythology that they trace their origin from the "gods who came down from heaven" and it is to these gods that they owe their knowledge. Also, it was these "gods" who were their first rulers and ruled these infant peoples as kings and emperors of "divine dynasties".

Mention of these creatures and the Bible, and esoteric sources, as well as the "sons of the gods." But not only “sons of the gods” can be found in the mythology of various peoples, but also their “grandchildren”. Often these creatures were also called the "guardians" of the ancient peoples. For example, what E. Blavatskaya writes about this:

"Guardians" reign over people throughout the entire period of Satya Yuga and in small subsequent Yugas until the beginning of the Third Root Race, after which Patriarchs, Heroes and Ancestors appear (as, for example, in the Egyptian dynasties listed by the priests of Solon), incarnated Dhyani of the lowest degree up to to the king Menes and the human kings of other nations.


All of them were carefully recorded. According to the Symbolists, this Mythic Age is, of course, viewed only as a fairy tale. But since the traditions and even chronicles of such Dynasties of Divine Kings, Gods who reigned over people, followed by the dynasties of Heroes or Giants, exist in the annals of every nation, it is difficult to understand how all the peoples who lived under the sun, some of which were separated by huge oceans and belonged to different hemispheres, like the ancient Peruvians and Mexicans, just like the Chaldeans, could they have developed the same 'tales' in the same order of events?"

So maybe ancient legends and myths do not lie to us? Maybe they are a reflection of real events, described in a language understandable to ordinary people? It is no coincidence that our ancestors - the Slavs considered themselves the grandchildren of the "white gods" and addressed them with the help of prayers and pagan rituals as respected ancestors, and not as supernatural beings requiring offerings and worship.


But it is quite possible that completely different groups of "gods" - extraterrestrial beings who taught mankind crafts and sciences - landed on the surface in different places on Earth. So, for example, the "white gods" of the Slavs, Germans and Scandinavians are more reminiscent of such an alien race, which modern ufologists call "Nords". And the description of their appearance differs greatly from the description of the Anunnaki among the ancient Sumerians, who most of all resemble the Reptilians.

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But, if different groups of alien "gods" controlled different regions of the Earth, could there be a conflict between them? In the mythology of many peoples there is a description of the "war of the gods" or "the war of the gods with the asuras" (demigods), and the Bible also describes the "war in heaven". Could it be a simple coincidence, or did such a "star war" in ancient times touched the Earth?


The presence on our planet of the remains of ancient megalithic structures, created using technologies inaccessible to us, as well as traces of destruction from powerful weapons, similar to nuclear ones, clearly testify in favor of this version. This means that the existing official version of human history, which has many "inconsistencies" and archaeological "artifacts" that do not fit into it, is completely falsified in the interests of the world's ruling "elites" and those forces that govern these "elites".

Therefore, one should not so blindly believe in everything that is written in the history books. Our true story may be completely different. It is possible that the awakening in oneself of the ability to independently separate truth from falsehood is the “exam” that we have to “pass” before moving on to a new stage of our evolution. But first, it will be necessary to wake up from the centuries (or even millennia) of the "hassle" brought on our consciousness.