Secrets Of Vedic Knowledge About Hair - Alternative View

Secrets Of Vedic Knowledge About Hair - Alternative View
Secrets Of Vedic Knowledge About Hair - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Vedic Knowledge About Hair - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of Vedic Knowledge About Hair - Alternative View
Video: Unfolding the Mysteries of Veda: How Ancient Knowledge Influences Your Life | Dr Nader MD, PhD, MARR 2024, June

You may have noticed that the Vedic goddesses are missing bangs. The forehead is a very important area. This is the dwelling place of Goddess Lakshmi, and also there is a mystical third eye, able to see the present, past and future. If you cover the Goddess with your bangs, then she will not see what to do with your female luck.

It is better for a woman to collect hair, as this is her energy. And when she collects them, she is protected. When a woman looses her hair, she is very beautiful, but it is better to do it among loved ones with whom she is safe. It is better to collect them in public and among little-known people. The narrower the circle of faces in front of which you let your hair down, the better for you. After all, you cannot know for sure what a person thinks about you and how friendly in his soul he is towards you. When a woman looses her hair, she becomes defenseless like a child, it is easier to deceive her. It is beneficial to loose your hair in the classroom when secret knowledge is told to you, so the information will be better absorbed and assimilated.

Since hair is a feminine energy, it is desirable that it be long. When we take care of our hair, we grow it out, we are friends with the energy of Saturn - the planet that directs our problems outward. With short, unkempt hair, our energetic connection with Saturn is disrupted. And then he begins to direct our problems inward. Inside our family, our lives.

If we constantly cut our hair short, then we cut off the flow of information to us from the outside. The longer the hair, the more intuitive a woman is. You might have noticed this. That feminine, long-haired girls usually always have a special intuition at the level of magic.

On the other hand, knee-length hair is also not very favorable. Hair should preferably not be longer than the lower chakra. The ends need to be trimmed regularly. It is better to do this on a waxing moon, on auspicious days, except Saturday and Friday. Cutting your hair on Friday and Saturday loses your feminine energy. If the month was successful, replete with pleasant events, then you don't need to cut your hair, but if, on the contrary, not very good things happened to you during the month, then it is better to go to the hairdresser and cut the ends, creating the intention that with the cropped hair from your life all the negative goes away.

Wisdom of love