Vastu - Home Health Science - Alternative View

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Vastu - Home Health Science - Alternative View
Vastu - Home Health Science - Alternative View

Video: Vastu - Home Health Science - Alternative View

Video: Vastu - Home Health Science - Alternative View
Video: ✨ 12 ШАГОВ Как Сделать Ваш Дом МЕСТОМ СИЛЫ 🌍 | Васту 🏡 2024, June

Many have heard of Chinese Feng Shui, but few know that it originated from the ancient Indian vastu system, which was known more than 5 thousand years ago.

Comfortable home

What is vastu? This is the science of how to organize the space around you, to make your home comfortable, giving strength and health. And this is one of the most important tasks of a person, because our home is our life in the literal and figurative sense.

Many people understand that there are “bad apartments” in which all tenants are sick, constantly quarreling, where many unpleasant events take place. And there are such houses, from which you simply do not want to leave, everything is so cozy there, conducive to conversation, laughter sounds, smells delicious, and guests are charged with strength and energy.

And it is energy that is the key word here. The ancient sages believed that the most important thing in life is prana, the life energy that is around and within us (in China it is known as qi energy). Prana circulates freely around the planet, and the thick walls of the dwelling are an obstacle to its access. Therefore, in crowded cities with huge high-rise buildings there are many sick, aggressive and hysterical people, and that is why we are always drawn closer to nature and the earth - so that we can recharge ourselves with prana without interference.

And we often aggravate all these urban problems by improperly equipping our homes, hindering the movement of prana.

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Prana window

So, what are the principles of vastu that help us absorb prana without hindrance? The windows in the house should be large, clean, freely opening, not covered with blackout curtains. It is necessary to ventilate the rooms as often as possible so that as much air as possible gets into the house. Interestingly, in this case, you should ensure that there are no cracks in the windows and doors, because life energy leaves through them. Energy also disappears through constantly leaking taps, toilets, shower mixers.

The house should be warm and light … B. Kustodiev, In the rooms in winter, 1915
The house should be warm and light … B. Kustodiev, In the rooms in winter, 1915

The house should be warm and light … B. Kustodiev, In the rooms in winter, 1915

One of the most important principles of vastu is order in the house. That is, all surfaces must be clean, things must lie in their places, and, moreover, there must not be too many of them. Clutter is the main enemy for the free circulation of prana. It often happens that a person leaves somewhere on a business trip or on vacation, and in a hotel room, suddenly smart thoughts begin to come to him, energy appears, some interesting ideas, suddenly all illnesses pass, and life seems wonderful.

This is because this room does not store any items that no one needs for a long time - clothes that no one has worn for a long time, folders with newspaper clippings that no one reads, and broken skis and an accordion of a long-dead grandfather do not gather dust in the corner.

But it often happens that a person returns home, where all this rubbish is present in abundance, and the entire effect of the vacation immediately evaporates, all ideas disappear, and life immediately becomes gray and boring again. And the whole point is exclusively in this rubbish.

It is curious that the trash that is even outside the door of your apartment and does not even belong to you, for example, the old bicycle of a neighbor, also interferes with the circulation of prana.

Trash on loggias and balconies also greatly interferes with the flow of prana. People who threw out all unnecessary things and turned their loggias into flower beds and resting corners unanimously say that they began to feel physically much better.

It is very helpful to get rid of all that is unnecessary by letting your home breathe. By the way, according to the vastu, a house is a living being, and it is necessary to treat it accordingly - to love, care for, clean, feel what he wants. And if you can do this, then your home will reward you and give you health and strength for years to come.

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya