Here Lukomorye, Or The Strange Geography Of The Old World - Alternative View

Here Lukomorye, Or The Strange Geography Of The Old World - Alternative View
Here Lukomorye, Or The Strange Geography Of The Old World - Alternative View

Video: Here Lukomorye, Or The Strange Geography Of The Old World - Alternative View

Video: Here Lukomorye, Or The Strange Geography Of The Old World - Alternative View
Video: Antiquitech Towers of England, Old World, Wembley, New Brighton, Morecambe, Blackpool, Lost History 2024, June

"There is a Russian spirit … there it smells of Russia!" A. S. Pushkin.

Nobody was seriously involved in clarifying the question of where Lukomorye is - you never know what there Arina Rodionovna could tell little Alexander.

It turns out that the maps quite store this location.

Here is a map that is in the Russian Geographical Society: Sanson, Guillaume; Schenck, Peter [1700]


Here's a closer:


Below is the Great Tartary. Instead of Tomsk - Sadin, the area - Lukomorye. In general, the map is interesting, the areas are designated as Kingdoms and Duchies. O'Kriena can also be found here.

Promotional video:

The Northern Dvina River is very densely populated, however, the entire north of that country is clearly divided into duchies, unlike other official maps where the maps are drawn as a chicken paw, and the north is blurred. Here, compare:

Drawing of the Siberian land 1672:


Maybe they didn’t like our cards, or maybe they drew them hastily, for a new historical sense?

Here is another map, earlier: Blau, Johann and Cornelius [1663]


Here, on the right, Tartary is separated by the Ob. And again we see Lukomorye:


Dvina is also densely populated, we see a city on the northern sea, which is here called the Normad Sea, polar bears and not so far brown.

And here is another card, the latest: Hohmann, Johann Baptist [1707]


Here, finally, Sadina became a Tomsk city, Lukomorye moved to the north, and Big Tartaria was designated below the Moscow Empire.


Why is that? Tartary retreated?

In general, see for yourself, the maps are very entertaining: Electronic maps of the Russian Geographical Society

Well, gentlemen from TORIK who wipe their pants at state universities, maybe it's time to admit that not only the history of Tomsk is a lie, but the whole history of Russia?

Author: Sergey Ignatenko