How Pagan Russia Glorified Defenders Of The Fatherland - Alternative View

How Pagan Russia Glorified Defenders Of The Fatherland - Alternative View
How Pagan Russia Glorified Defenders Of The Fatherland - Alternative View

Video: How Pagan Russia Glorified Defenders Of The Fatherland - Alternative View

Video: How Pagan Russia Glorified Defenders Of The Fatherland - Alternative View
Video: What holidays do Russians celebrate? Какие праздники отмечают русские? 2024, June

On February 23, all those who are involved in the honorary profession - to defend the Motherland, celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is not a men's holiday. This is a holiday for all those who have ever taken the oath of allegiance to their people, while taking on the honorary duty of standing guard over the world with arms in hand. And as such, we have many women.


Meanwhile, a huge number of men have never served in the army, but for some reason they consider themselves entitled to celebrate this holiday. God is their judge, it is not about that.

The fact is that the history of the holiday is not as young as many think. The Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy did not arise by chance. It's just that until 1918, Russia was widely celebrated … A pagan holiday. Actually, there is no sensation in this, many pagan holidays were legalized by adjusting them to religious holidays. So Ivan Kupala turned into the day of John the Baptist, Perun's day was called the day of the prophet Elijah, etc.

But a number of holidays were not preserved in a formal form, but in fact were celebrated in every family semi-legally, if this word is appropriate, of course, in this context. So, on February 18, every ordinary Russian family celebrated Troyan the Winter, the patron saint of the Russian army. And, probably, it was this circumstance that was guided by J. V. Stalin when he made the decision to celebrate the Day of the Red Army.


On the day of February 18, not a single significant event was found, so we had to take as a starting point the first success of the Red Army, which happened closest to this date. Then it becomes clear why such a controversial and implicit victory, like blowing up a railway train with explosives in Pskov occupied by the Germans, became the date of the official creation of the armed forces of the young state. This explosion claimed the lives of nearly seven hundred German soldiers.

But this was a common sabotage, which can hardly be considered a great achievement of the Red Army! There was no more significant event? I think it's easy. Here are just the closest date of a significant victory, it was too far from the end of February, and from Troyan Winter, respectively. Therefore, a compromise decision was made - not to break the centuries-old traditions, but to postpone the Defender of the Fatherland Day five days later.

Promotional video:

Well, what is the meaning of the holiday Troyan Winter, or as it was also called, Stribozh's grandchildren? Here's what:

On this day 18 Lute of summer 5609. from the Creation of the World (101 AD - SECOND CENTURY !!!), a great many Russian soldiers at the cost of their lives defended the freedom and independence of the territories, which are now modern Moldova and Ukraine. In memory of those tragic events, this day became the day of military glory. Day of remembrance for all who laid down their heads in battles with an external enemy.

There are references to those events in "The Lay of Igor's Host", and in the "Veles Book":

“After all, the Romans envied us and planned evil on us - they came with their carts and iron armor and hit us, and therefore fought them off for a long time and threw them away from our land; and the Romans, seeing that we strongly defend our lives, left us."

“And they died on the straight path to the funeral, and the Stribogov's grandchildren dance over them, and cry for them in the fall, and in the cold winter they lament about them. And the wondrous doves say so that they died gloriously and left their lands not to enemies, but to their sons. And so we are their descendants, and we will not lose our land."

Of course, now there are few who doubt that both "Velesova Kniga" and "Word …" were written quite recently, and have little to do with the true history. However, there is no smoke without fire! So what happened then in the Danube region so important that it even entered the calendar under the names "Winter Trojan" or "Stribozh's grandchildren"?

According to the official version, there was such an ancient Roman emperor Mark Ulpius Nerva Trajan, who greatly pushed the boundaries of the Roman Empire, captured Dacia with Wallachia and went to Scythia. Yes, it did not just go, but from the fact that his "peaceful educational affairs", in the territories liberated from "savages", were very much interfered with by the raids of barbarians from the east, well, you understand who was considered a barbarian there and is still considered to this day.


But … Allegedly, something did not work out there, and Trajan decided not to go further, but to build a chain of fortifications to protect against the raids of the "Tatarvians".


And everything would be fine if not for the data of modern archeology. And the facts suggest otherwise. The Upper and Lower Troyan Ramparts were arranged quite the opposite, to protect against invasion from the west and southwest. Those. it was the Russians who played the role of defenders, and the scale of the fortifications built plunge modern researchers into a stupor. This can only be done by a powerful centralized state, which was in those days only Tartary.


Of course, we are not talking about the kind of centralization that we know today. Obviously, the management of vast territories was carried out on fundamentally different principles than the modern state with a capital and a government that controls the situation with the help of local officials. We have yet to figure out how the interaction was built that allows us to mobilize gigantic resources, even by today's standards.

Unlike the Troyanovy Shafts, the Zmievy Shafts, which are located to the east, have been studied much more thoroughly. The conclusions drawn from the facts are mind-boggling. The lines of defensive fortifications form a deeply echeloned defense with a system of labyrinths, traps, battle and signal towers, walls towering on the tops of man-made earthen ramparts ten or even more meters high and deep ditches along the outer borders of the fortifications.


Simple calculations indicate that in order to complete such a volume of work, it took millions of man-hours, which in their scope overshadow the labor costs of building the Egyptian pyramids. To this day, the mystery remains unresolved, where did so many builders and such an incredible amount of wood and iron come from. But I will note that it was only about the Serpent Shafts! There is no doubt that there were others who formed a single system that included the Troyan Shafts! Then the scale of the structures simply plunges into a stupor. Even today, such a volume of work will require such costs that the whole of Russia would have been working on construction for a dozen years, or even more.

Against the background of what has been said, it does not matter whether the emperor Trajan was or not. Whether he was an aggressor or a humanist. There is no need to argue about the authenticity of the Veles book "and" Words about Igor's regiment ", because there are facts. And these facts are amazing, without any speculation and legends.

And since the people's memory for centuries kept the truth about the valor of our ancestors, there was a reason for that. This means that that battle was no less significant than the battle for Stalingrad.

The only pity is that now this feat is forgotten. Not only is there no mention of him in the educational literature, but even professional historians not everyone knows what kind of war it was and what significance it had. Yes, it is not necessary to talk about the Russian state in the II century. Historians agreed among themselves that Russia appeared only at the end of IX. And everything suits everyone. Everyone is happy … Except for us, the descendants of those who did not let enlightened Europeans into our land.

And here's what's interesting. If we take on faith the official version of historians that the entire territory of Russia was inhabited by wild tribes, unable to do anything but live in pits and strum on a harp after drinking vodka with bears, then why did advanced Europe not come and did not take yourself these richest and most extensive lands? Why did it huddle on a small peninsula in the very west of Asia, and still could not expand to the entire continent, defeating the miserable tribes of ragamuffins?

Yes, because on the whole continent there was the kingdom of Great Tartary, of which Russia was also part. And because the Russians were the best warriors at all times. This is what I want to praise on this day.

Eternal memory to those who gave their lives in arms, defending their native land!

Glory to the defenders of the fatherland! Congratulations to all warriors! Real men and warriors - women. Those who know the value of a soldier's sweat, and not those who "cut off", and now dressed up as a woman, gives each other flowers, kisses on the lips, and congratulates creatures like themselves on the "male" holiday.

Hello to YOU, WARRIORS !!!

And also, tell us about what you have learned to all your acquaintances, and first of all to your children and grandchildren. This is our property, and it must be preserved and passed on to descendants. Let historians amuse themselves with their tales. We don't need them. We have a memory.

Nobody is forgotten! Nothing is forgotten!


In addition - a comment from one of the readers: -

“… my great-grandmother noted winter Troyan and told me, saying that my grandfather was born on Troyan, 1907-18-02, if he becomes a warrior, he will be like a spell. Grandfather, from August 1937. to March 1942 "Enemy of the people" - did not die in the camp, since March 1942. to May 1945 went to the Seelow Heights near Berlin, and then reached Port Arthur and did not have a single wound, only a severe concussion. Then I learned to speak again for six months. During the war, 2 times remained alive from the entire unit - on the Volkhov front and on the Kursk Bulge. So the Winter Trojan was definitely celebrated."

Author: kadykchanskiy