Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View
Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Globalists Are Destroying Humanity - Alternative View
Video: President Trump: The future does not belong to globalists 2024, September

The myth of “global warming” is being actively replicated by the structures of globalists and their servants from the national “elites”. But the question is why? Yes, the fact is that in fact this myth is used as a "cover" for the use of the latest weapons of mass destruction by globalists against humanity, with the help of which tens of thousands of people are destroyed in various regions of the Earth by artificially provoking various natural disasters, including massive ones. natural fires with all the characteristic features of the use of such weapons.

American environmental researcher Dobora Tovares said:

What is this "something more" in the power of which the citizens of America are? This is a global parasitic satanic force - the so-called. "World government" or "world elite". And in fact, everything that Dobora Tovares said concerns all of humanity, because the processes of destruction of people launched by globalists are carried out by their servants from national "elites" around the world and in all countries. That is why anti-popular "reforms" are now being carried out almost everywhere and are not a characteristic feature or a whim of any individual "managers of national corporations". All these "pea jesters", supposedly "ruling states", are just following the orders of their globalist masters.

But all these traitors to their own peoples, helping their masters to reduce the population of the Earth to the declared 500 million people, in vain hope to get into this number of "chosen ones", because with the introduction of widespread computerization and digitalization, as well as the transition of control over human activities to artificial intelligence, it disappears the need for national “elites” themselves, as an “intermediate link” in global governance. This means that, helping their masters to establish a "new world order" on Earth, they bring their own destruction closer, which is not far off, and under the conditions of total electronic control imposed on humanity, it will happen rather quickly.

And if they have at least a gram of their own brains, then it is time for them to understand that the only chance to survive from this globalist "plague" is to stand together with their peoples against the parasitic satanic system. But for this you need to tell the people all the truth about the real state of affairs, which is so carefully hidden from them. In connection with the adopted amendments to the constitution, Russia now has a chance to jump off the globalist "hook" and start building a new reality without the power of global parasites. It is only necessary that the full return of sovereignty does not stop at the level of only slogans and be carried out with the help of real reforms.