About The Project Of "God's Chosen People" And The True Holocaust - Alternative View

About The Project Of "God's Chosen People" And The True Holocaust - Alternative View
About The Project Of "God's Chosen People" And The True Holocaust - Alternative View

The project of "God's chosen people" has existed for more than 3 millennia. Who instilled in the Jews this myth about this "exclusiveness" of them, allegedly giving the right to rule other peoples and own their property? How much did this deform the psyche of the representatives of this people? For what purpose was this large-scale manipulation of their consciousness carried out and why, in accordance with the plans of their masters, the Jews themselves are subject to destruction? All these questions are answered by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov on the pages of his book "The Fate of Those Who Think They Are Gods."

And here's what he writes about this:

Thus, everyone who sees only the "tip of the iceberg" and blames the Jews for all the troubles must understand that they are only blind executors of the will of their reptilian masters, who, within the framework of the Jehovah project, carry out their plan to destroy humanity by the hands of humanity itself. A special role in the implementation of this plan is assigned to the “chosen people”, which, at the end of its mission, itself is subject to complete destruction. It is on him that the lizard-headed hosts, using the media controlled by the parasitic system, will try to assign full responsibility for all crimes against humanity, using the Jews as a "false target", leading away from the main culprits of the destruction of millions of people during religious, ethnic and world wars, riots, revolutions, riots and other forms of bloody human sacrifices to the dark egregor.

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