Foresight Does Exist, Says The Neurophysiologist - Alternative View

Foresight Does Exist, Says The Neurophysiologist - Alternative View
Foresight Does Exist, Says The Neurophysiologist - Alternative View

Video: Foresight Does Exist, Says The Neurophysiologist - Alternative View

Video: Foresight Does Exist, Says The Neurophysiologist - Alternative View
Video: Foresight 101. Designing our own futures | Stuart Candy | TEDxBlackRockCity 2024, October

A few days after her grandmother's death, cognitive neurophysiologist Julia Mossbridge had an unusual vivid dream.

In this dream, her late grandmother came to her and said the strange phrase “You know, Julia, I always read the book from right to left” (

“At that time I knew little about Judaism, and I didn’t know that the Hebrew text is written from right to left,” Julie says in an interview for The Times of Israel, “However, I told my mother about this dream and she said“Interestingly, Hebrew texts are written from right to left. However, your grandmother was not Jewish."

A few more days passed and among the things of Julia's grandmother they found a small bag containing a scroll with the text. It was a family heirloom that her father passed on to her grandmother.

Julia's father was sure that it was an ancient text in Chinese, but as soon as Julia glanced at the text, she immediately realized that it was not Chinese, but a Hebrew text.

Several more years passed before Julia understood her grandmother's words as a clue to her religion. One day she accidentally stumbled upon the lectures of the rabbi and this interested her so much that she began to attend these lectures more often, and then she adopted this faith.

Julia then did a DNA test, which found that Julia's genes were linked to the Ashkenazi lineage of Jewish descent. “Before that, I was always sure of that. I'm 100% Scottish-Irish,”says Julia.

Since then, 20 years have passed and now Julia works at the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California.

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She recently co-authored a book on a non-scientific discipline. namely, the phenomenon of foresight. The book is titled “The Premonition Code: The Science of Precognition.” The book is co-authored by Teresa Chung.

The book is dedicated to ordinary people. who have had unusual experiences in their lives that can be called foreseeing events.

While most people do not believe in foresight and call it all just coincidences, more and more facts are emerging that indicate that it is something more.

In the book, foresight is presented as a hidden skill that people must learn to use. And it is available to absolutely all people, and not only to selected "oracles".

“The phenomenon of foresight can be sketched into two baskets, depending on whether you are a scientist or not. Ordinary people may or may not believe in foresight, but they usually think of it as "Wow, this is something very strange." For scientists, foresight is always in the basket of erroneous beliefs.

The truth is, both of these baskets are wrong. Especially despite the fact that scientists make such statements as a rule without even reading any material devoted to the study of the phenomenon of foresight and without talking to those who conducted such studies,”Julia Mossbridge criticizes the modern attitude to foresight.


According to Julia, evidence of the presence of foresight can be found even in physics, in particular in the phenomenon of retrocausality (a hypothetical phenomenon with reverse causality, when a thing from the future affects a thing from the past ).

To fully prepare oneself for the development of foresight, Julia recommends that everyone realize 5 basic postulates.

1) respect for the unknown

2) Ethics in the use of foresight

3) Foresight must be accurate

4) Compassion for yourself and others

5) Honesty in every respect

The book's website contains videos showing proper preparation for the practice of foresight, including meditation.