What The Ruins Are Silent About And The Pyramids Whisper. Part 3 - Alternative View

What The Ruins Are Silent About And The Pyramids Whisper. Part 3 - Alternative View
What The Ruins Are Silent About And The Pyramids Whisper. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: What The Ruins Are Silent About And The Pyramids Whisper. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: What The Ruins Are Silent About And The Pyramids Whisper. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: ASMR - History of Castles 2024, June

- Part 1 - Part 2 -

You need to understand what these structures were built from before turning into ruins. And this is a very important question. So, this stone is not quite a stone. This is travertine, which is, in fact, a local variety of ordinary limestone. The Izborsk fortress was built of a similar material in terms of properties, and over three hundred years without repair it turned not only into ruins, but into hills of irregular shape!

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert.

Therefore, everything suggests that this beauty was built about a hundred years before it was “photographed”. And it is not surprising why it so happened that livestock breeders took away most of the ruins to sheds and barns. The catastrophe took place around 1700 according to traditional chronology. This is not "poking" your finger into the sky. The year 1700 is very mysterious. Not one year, of course, but it was at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries that something clearly global happened on Earth, affecting all spheres of life. Suddenly, a technological leap took place.

Almost all spheres of human activity received an impetus to develop. Including painting, thanks to which we are now discussing this issue. After all, it was precisely the appearance of the camera obscura that caused the appearance of photographically accurate fixation of images. And the pictures presented in this article were also painted using a camera obscura.

And the modern calendar was imposed on us by the Caucasians in 7208 from the sm., Which, by a strange coincidence, is the very 1700.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert.

Promotional video:

The Kremlin's Alexander Garden is reminiscent, isn't it?

Alexander Garden. Moscow. Kremlin
Alexander Garden. Moscow. Kremlin

Alexander Garden. Moscow. Kremlin.

Many will rightly argue, they say, what's the difference, let Italians console themselves with the thought that it was their great ancestors who built all this splendor. Moreover, the version of traditional history does not give rise to many contradictions in this matter. The only question that needs to be corrected is a thousand years from nowhere, which obviously did not exist in reality. This is beyond doubt.

But remember, even ten years ago, even the mention of a non-existent, invented thousand years of "dark Middle Ages" could put an end to the career of a scientist. Now the shock stage has passed, and quite recognized doctors and academicians are calmly arguing that yes, it is quite acceptable. Well, what to do, Petavius and Scaliger were deceived. It happens…

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Yes, you can argue at your leisure about whether Chapaev was a man from a plow, or he was a refined technocrat, this dispute will not be able to change anything. But it is quite another matter if we have before our eyes evidence that can provide answers to the most important questions for humanity. The most important for the entire time of its existence:

- Who are we?

- Where are we from?

- Who created us?

- What is our goal?

- How will it end, when, and how?

Why did I decide that such answers can be obtained thanks to some pictures there? Because it may not be "some pictures there." We have very few reasons not to trust the veracity of a whole galaxy of artists, and if so, then this is the very rare case that can be regarded as a chance given to us by our great-great-great grandfathers and try to find out the true history of mankind.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

The most important argument is unconditional, one hundred percent proof of the presence of advanced knowledge in a person. This is a sign of the artificiality of the whole world that surrounds us. This is a sign that we ourselves are all artificial creations, biorobots, assembled on a single platform from various spare parts.

In fact, it really is not so important, in 1700 were built "antique" structures, or in 700. The main contradiction here is different. I will formulate the most important question as follows: If all the objects on Earth that we cannot, for one reason or another, recognize as the creation of the hands of our civilization, were built by a previous civilization, then where are the traces of the vital activity of these hypothetically preceding civilizations?

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

An advanced civilization always leaves many smaller footprints than airfields and skyscrapers. It:

- burial, - garbage dumps, - roads, - places of mining and construction materials, - tools and equipment, - places of production of renewable resources necessary for the vital activity of a huge mass of people, these are water, food, clothing and shoes.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

And that's at least. From all of the above, we can hardly scrape together several quarries, quarries and mines, the age of which is impossible to establish reliably. A striking example is the granite quarry in Aswan, which the Egyptologists "designated" as a place of extraction of building material for the construction of the great pyramids at Giza, which is located almost a thousand kilometers from the quarry. And the fact that the quarry was already being developed during the construction of the Aswan hydroelectric station is not considered at all.

It turns out that man appeared on the planet at the same time with ready-made megalithic structures, knowledge, and tools for the further development of technologies.

After all, whatever one may say, in order to extract iron ore, you need a pick and a shovel, in order to forge a knife from primitive blast iron, you need a hammer and an anvil, which, as you know, cannot be made without other hammers and anvils. It turns out a vicious circle, a fairy tale about a white bull, or a dispute about what appeared first, a chicken or an egg.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

And this paradox cannot be resolved by known methods. To find a solution, you will have to put forward a version that does not meet the scientific criteria:

Our world was created immediately as it is. Someone created a person, but immediately realized that in this form he would not exist even for a minimum period. Unlike animals, humans have no means of survival in this world, without clothes, shoes, shelter, tools and weapons. He's just a naked warm lump of minced meat on the bones. Ideal food for wild animals. Therefore, it is obvious that by settling this gentle, unadapted creature on Earth in the middle of rocks, forests and rivers, the creator was obliged to teach a person to survive, and to provide him with a minimum set of knowledge and skills.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

In addition, he, like any decent God, had to provide a person with housing! Even a careless owner, before bringing a puppy into the yard, will build a kennel for him.

Buying a hamster or a squirrel, you simultaneously buy a whole plastic town for your pets, and then watch with emotion how the hamster runs between the houses, drinks from the fountain, climbs up the ladders to different floors of the houses … Does it look like anything? Isn't that how the breeders behave on the ruins from the paintings of Yuri Robertovich?

The question arises about the anthropological differences of the depicted "hamsters" from those who built these buildings and structures. Judging by the height of the ceilings and wall openings, as well as the size and weight of individual parts of building materials, the builders were at least five meters tall. If this were so, then the steps of the stairs would be at least one meter high, which is not so. All the stairs depicted in the paintings of the Ruinist artists are of dimensions not suitable for use by their giants. They were originally created taking into account the anthropology of modern man. This means that the same conclusion that was voiced above suggests itself again.

House for a hamster
House for a hamster

House for a hamster.

These structures were built FOR us, but NOT BY US. It sounds like heresy, but in my opinion, it is not a little less stupid than "space curvature", "black holes" and "wormholes".

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Perhaps, to someone this comparison will seem rude, even cynical, but it is only to make it easier to understand the main idea of the proposed version. And the version was born, thanks to the works of artists - ruinists, including. These pictures clearly demonstrate the likelihood that the version has the right to life.

The ruins are really capable of speaking, you just need to learn to understand their language. And here is one of the translation options:

The creator (s) created (s) us at the same time as housing. As we have ordered it, the tenth thing. This is a feature of Homo sapiens that distinguishes it from other species - crush, break, and kill. The following conclusion follows from this. We were created the same way we create dog breeds. Some for hunting, others for guards, others for dog fights, and still others for home decoration.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

It is clear that such a version will offend the feelings of most people who are accustomed to consider themselves the "crown of evolution", "the top of the food chain", "King of beasts", "servant of God", and further down the list. However, if the offender has committed a crime, but does not admit it, he is still sent to prison. Besides, there is nothing offensive here. After all, everyone agrees that we did not want to on our own, and we appeared. We were created, and this is a fact.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Roughly speaking, we are divided into two main types. At the aggressors and defenders. But these two types are divided into subspecies, of course. And it is not difficult to determine who is who. It turns out that the Slavs were created exclusively for one purpose - to reflect the attacks of an external enemy. There is something in it that is very necessary for those who created the Anglo-Saxons (although this term is not correct in essence, and leads away from the understanding that the main ones in this story are not they at all, but the British are people of the covenant), who manic persistence from century to century strive to take our place.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

This means that we are only an "application", a mechanism for protecting something very important. We were created to protect the territory on which … It is not at all necessary that something material is stored. Perhaps we are guarding something that is impossible to touch, but which is certainly very valuable. And it may very well be that this is the very "Russian spirit" about which AS wrote. Pushkin. After all, what is spirit? In a society in which there is no concept of "field" (magnetic, for example), or "radiation", the equivalent of these concepts could be the concept of "spirit".

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert But if in fact the British are, relatively speaking, predators, and all other representatives of the white race are herbivores, then who are the red, yellow and black races? Most likely, neither one nor the other. The black and red races are completely neutral. They are children of nature, and if it were not for white, they would have lived in harmony with the world around them, without bothering anyone.

For the yellow ones, most likely they have a service purpose, they are a "worldwide duplicator." Very rarely they invent something of their own, but they copy everything that is possible and multiply, like a giant conveyor from which all kinds of useful products that can satisfy the needs of the rest of the world come down.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

This division of "specializations" cannot but lead to the idea that we are all just characters in someone's game. Whether we want it or not, no one asks us. The game continues, and according to many signs, one can make an assumption that the next level of the game is nearing completion.

Hubert Robert
Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert

Albert Einstein is credited with the following quote: "I don't know what kind of weapon they will use to fight in the Third World War, but in the next, they will again take up the stone ax!" Everyone knows that at school, the future genius was a poor student. Judging by this statement, he remained a poor student. He is fundamentally wrong. Those who progress to the next level of the game will initially have firearms, an internal combustion engine, communications, and transportation. And we can only guess how many years it will take them to reach our level. But what is not thousands of years old is beyond doubt

This is what the ruins whispered about. I don’t pretend to be accurate, I don’t say anything for sure, but thoughts cannot be forbidden to be born. They can only be stated. And for worse or for good, time will tell.

Author: kadykchanskiy
