"Yurak-Rumi" Is A Megalith, The Process Of Creation Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without Modern Technologies - Alternative View

"Yurak-Rumi" Is A Megalith, The Process Of Creation Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without Modern Technologies - Alternative View
"Yurak-Rumi" Is A Megalith, The Process Of Creation Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without Modern Technologies - Alternative View

In this article, I will talk about an interesting megalith located in Peru. It is there, apparently, that there are many traces of high technologies and highly developed civilizations of the past.

It would seem that an ordinary large stone called Yurak-Rumi is nothing special. However, there are already known to many traces of "stairs", platforms and other strange objects carved in stone.


This megalith immediately reminded me of Kenko-Grande, although everything is not on such a scale, but still.

Firstly, it is worth noting that the megalith is quite large, but at the same time, its upper part seems to be cut off, as did the big question. But this has been practiced in the past, so we can assume that it is nothing new, although we, of course, do not know such technologies.


Next, you should pay attention to the "stairs" carved in the stone. Many of them are made at right angles, everything is calculated and even processed. But why was it done on an ordinary stone?


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The most important thing is that it is granite, that is, all operations with a stone are incredibly difficult.

On the other side there is also a small “staircase” and strange protruding stones of a square shape. Perhaps I don't understand something, but it seems to me that "protruding columns" can be done only by removing all the extra stone, that is, completely processing the side and leaving only such square devices of unknown purpose.


I do not see any other way to do this, which means that for the sake of ten "protruding stones" they cut off a part of the stone, 5-7 meters long, how can this be explained?

Moreover, note that the stones, although square, are chaotic. Based on this, I can again conclude that some technology or technique was tested on the stone.


According to the official version, this stone was intended for sacrifices. I can say that it would take 5-10 years to create what we see now, and that is the minimum, given that it is granite.

Some of the parts on the stone have been polished, again for unknown purposes. And something was done as if without any purpose, in a chaotic arrangement.


My opinion, as with Kenko Grande, is that here, an unknown civilization, has experienced something. And there are many such "strange places", they are even in Russia. These are not "tricks" of nature, but at the same time, and from the point of view of man, they do not make any sense. But this is just my opinion that something was tested at such objects before, I do not call anyone to it.