Aliens From The Zeta Have Become Disillusioned With Americans - Alternative View

Aliens From The Zeta Have Become Disillusioned With Americans - Alternative View
Aliens From The Zeta Have Become Disillusioned With Americans - Alternative View

Video: Aliens From The Zeta Have Become Disillusioned With Americans - Alternative View

Video: Aliens From The Zeta Have Become Disillusioned With Americans - Alternative View
Video: Watch NBC News NOW - October 29 2024, June

After the crash of flying saucers in Roswell in 1947, the Americans managed to establish contact with aliens from the star system Zeta Reticuli, the constellation Grid.

The Americans named the alien planet SERPO. Why is unknown. This planet is located at a distance of 39 light years from Earth.

The aliens were given the code name - EBE, (English Extraterrestial Biological Entity, extraterrestrial biological creature). In the classification of aliens, they are simply called - ZETAS, refer to the species Grace.

The only humanoid survivor of the crash was dubbed EBE-1. He then brought the Americans into contact with their planet. This alien lived on Earth until 1952.

The Americans agreed on a visit to the planet Serpo of a detachment of earthlings (Americans) consisting of 12 people. In exchange, the aliens sent their "ambassador", who was named EBE-2. The humanoid stayed in the United States until 1984 (there is information that he even met with Pope Benedict II).

The American visit to Serpo took place within the framework of the "Crystal Knight" project, created on the initiative of President J. Kennedy back in 1962, and represented an exchange of humanoids between the planets Earth and Serpo. The mission was calculated for 12 Earth years, but ended after 14 (time difference).

On July 16, 1965, a huge spacecraft, piloted by aliens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, landed at the Nevada "Zone 51" test site, located north of Las Vegas.

It was loaded with 40 tons of food, equipment and ten American guys with two women in addition. The ship reached Serpo for about nine Earth months.

The Messengers of the Earth have spent almost 14 years on the planet. And in 1978 they returned to their homeland in the amount of 8 people. Since two people died, and two more chose to stay on the planet Serpo for ethical reasons (man and woman). The returnees were isolated in the United States from 1978 to 1984 at various military installations. All returning travelers to Serpo died, the last two in 2002.

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The Zeta response mission began in 1978. Three Zetas have arrived on Earth. The commander was a female. She was given the codename EBE-3. Humanoids studied earth sciences, got acquainted with various religions and immersed themselves in American democracy. After this "plunge", the Zetas lost their desire to contact Americans.

EVE-3, together with its assistants, sailed from our planet in 1994 and did not contact the Earth again. They probably think that American democracy is everywhere on Earth. Because they, on the planet Serpo, have only one "country", one government, one god and one value system, which is sharply different from American democracy. There are no wars, no LDBT community, no rich and poor. Anyway, on Serpo everything is not the same as in America.