UFO In The Sea - Alternative View

UFO In The Sea - Alternative View
UFO In The Sea - Alternative View

Video: UFO In The Sea - Alternative View

Video: UFO In The Sea - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

Ufologists dealing with unidentified flying objects traditionally pay more attention to those UFO sightings that are registered in the sky above the earth's firmament. Meanwhile, these mysterious objects have long mastered the oceans and seas …

If we analyze the messages about the arrivals and departures of UFOs, then an interesting fact is revealed: in the overwhelming majority of cases they appear from the sea side and disappear from the field of view of observers in the same direction. Moreover, back in the 19th century, when practically no one heard about these objects on land, sailors saw them on the high seas many times. And they not only marveled at the unusual sight, but recorded what was happening in the ship's logs, which, of course, speaks of the reliability of their encounters with UFOs.

So, on June 18, 1845, when the vessel "Victoria" was south of the island of Sicily, its crew watched the slow rise from the depths of the sea of three dazzling discs. The sailors even managed to see that these discs were connected to each other by thin glowing rods. Moreover, approaching the surface, they again went into the depths. Apparently, at the last moment the enlonauts found the Victoria and did not want to be seen from the ship.

A large number of such testimonies is given by the English researcher Charles Fort in his "Book of the Damned", published in London in 1919. For example, in May 1880, from the steamer Patna, owned by the British-Indian Company, two large luminous wheels were noticed on both sides ship in close proximity to it. Fearing a collision with incomprehensible objects, the third mate Manning on duty called Captain Avern to the bridge, who also witnessed an unusual phenomenon that night. Each wheel had 16 spokes, and although the wheels were between 500 and 600 yards in diameter, the spokes were clearly visible along their entire length. A phosphorescent glow seemed to glide across the smooth surface of the sea, but no light was visible in the air above the water. For 20 minutes, the wheels moved with the ship, as if accompanying it,and then suddenly disappeared.

Nowadays, meetings of ships with underwater UFOs occur constantly, although they are not always reported in popular periodicals. In order to illustrate how these mysterious objects have mastered not only the oceans and seas, but also lakes, we will cite only the most typical cases over the past decades.

In January 1960, Argentine Navy patrol ships detected two unusual-shaped submarines using sonar. One of them was lying on the ground, and the second was making some complicated maneuvers around it. A group of anti-submarine ships urgently approached the detection area, and after the usual means of warning did not succeed in making the boats surface, depth charges were used. So many of them were blown up that those who were under water had no chance of surviving.

However, to the great amazement of the Argentine sailors, both submarines surfaced and began to quickly leave the area. The strange objects had huge spherical wheelhouses and hulls of an unusual shape, unlike any modern ship. The Argentines rushed in pursuit of them, but the difference in speed was too great, and they began to lag behind. Then the patrolmen opened fire on the submarines from guns, and they sank again. And with incredible speed - in just two or three seconds. After that, real miracles began to happen on the sonar screens: at first there were 2 submarines on them, then 4 and, finally, as many as 6! This submarine flotilla developed tremendous speed and in a matter of minutes disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic.

And here's what is surprising: judging by the characteristic sound trail recorded by sonars, the same submarine, or a similar underwater object, appeared in the Caribbean Sea two weeks later, and in the Mediterranean two months later. At the end of 1960, ships of the US Pacific Fleet were already chasing her in the Seattle area. However, it was also unsuccessful.

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In 1963, in the Atlantic off the coast of Puerto Rico, a similar case with a submarine UFO occurred during an anti-submarine exercise by ships of the 9th aircraft carrier formation of the US Navy. The report of the American analyst Professor Anderson states that “when the leader of the group, the aircraft carrier Wasp, surrounded by escort ships, was preparing to repel a training attack by an enemy submarine, which in reality did not exist, an unidentified underwater object appeared on the sonar screens at a depth of five (!) kilometers.

The headquarters officers were alarmed: at that time, as now, there were no submarines capable of diving to a depth of more than one and a half kilometers. However, the sonars persistently showed that a certain object is not only at an incredible depth, but also moves at an incredible speed - 150 knots! Meanwhile, even the fastest submarines reach speeds of no more than 45 knots.

After that, it became clear to the Americans that they were dealing not with someone's submarine, but with an underwater UFO, more precisely with an NGO - an unidentified underwater object. He passed under the escort ships and again rushed into the depths, dropping 2 kilometers in a few minutes. According to the laws of hydrodynamics, such a sharp drop in pressure would inevitably cause the destruction of even the most durable submarine hull. But the fantastically strong NGO did not obey the laws of science.

This forced the commander of the 9th formation to interrupt the anti-submarine exercises. According to the plan, the use of homing torpedoes and depth charges was envisaged against the conditional submarine. But, since it was impossible to foresee how the NGO would react to this, they decided to abandon torpedoes and bombs. Thus, the exercises were thwarted. All that remained of this emergency was reports and reports to the commander of the Atlantic Fleet of the US Navy in Norfolk and entries in 10 logbooks about an "ultra-fast submarine with one propeller or similar device."

However, it was not only sailors who encountered underwater UFOs. In the afternoon of July 20, 1967, the com … of the Argentinean ship "Naviero", located not far from the coast of Brazil, observed a brightly glowing object in the shape of a cigar about 35-37 meters long near and below it. In 1972, in the polar regions of the Atlantic, maneuvers were conducted under the code name "Deep Freeze".

The exercises took place in difficult ice conditions and were supported by icebreakers. On board one of them was the famous polar explorer Rubens J. Villela, who, together with the officer of the watch and the helmsman, witnessed an underwater UFO launch. “Suddenly, breaking through an almost three-meter thickness of ice, a silvery spherical body emerged from the depths and disappeared into the sky at great speed,” Villela writes. “The object was at least 12 yards in diameter, but the hole it pierced was much larger. Moreover, the cold water in it was covered with clouds of steam, apparently from the hot casing of this ball. And in 1990, the flight of three UFOs from under the water in the Bering Strait was observed by Academician Rimiliy Avramenko and his scientific colleagues.

In many cases, unusual light phenomena indicate the presence of unidentified underwater objects. In 1973, the crew of the Soviet motor ship "Anton Makarenko" witnessed this phenomenon. The ship was sailing in the Malacca Strait. At two o'clock in the morning, five sailors, including Captain E. V. Lysenko, went on deck. The captain later recounted what happened next:

“It was completely calm, the night was quiet, dark, without a moon, and the stars were not visible. At first, glowing spots appeared on the waves. There were more and more of them. Then they stretched out in a line six to eight meters wide. From the bridge of the ship, a space of up to 12 miles was visible, and it was all filled with luminous, strictly drawn lines at intervals of forty meters. It became very light, as if a month had appeared in the sky. The glow is cool, silvery and quite bright. The ship went as if on a lined page! But then the lines began to distort. They whirled like the spokes of a giant wheel, the epicenter of which was somewhat behind the ship. The rotation is not fast, even. An extraordinary and unforgettable sight. It got to the point that we, experienced sailors, felt dizzy and nauseous, as if we were spinning on a carousel. The rotation lasted 40-50 minutes, and then everything disappeared."

Similar phenomena, but only on a smaller scale, were observed by sailors and other ships. For example, from the British bulk carrier Telemachus in the Gulf of Thailand, rays of light were seen under water, which pulsed at a frequency of three flashes per second. Then the rays, which were previously parallel, began to turn into circles, which began to revolve around the center, which was at a great distance from the ship. And the scientific vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov" was sailing along the Arabian Sea, when the chief of the voyage E. Petrenko was summoned to the bridge by the navigator and pointed to the water; a bright white spot rotated counterclockwise around the ship within a radius of 150-200 meters, breaking up into eight parts. The echo sounder recorded a depth of 170 meters and at the same time showed the presence of an object under the keel at a depth of 20 meters.

Rarely, dangerous incidents occurred between the Navy and UFOs. So, on October 7, 1977, the radio operators of the floating base of the Northern Fleet for 16 minutes could not call for help from aviation when the base was blocked by nine UFOs. As soon as they finished their "round dance" over the ships, the connection was restored. And at the end of December 1959, over Tikhaya Bay near Vladivostok, a triangular UFO, which appeared from the depths of the sea, came under fire from naval artillery. Fortunately, he did not pay attention to the "rudeness" and quickly moved towards the city.

But UFOs are found not only in oceans and seas. They are also observed in inland waters. For example, in America they chose the Great Lakes for their visits. In the Soviet Union, their "bathing" in lakes was repeatedly spotted by air defense systems. In particular, the devices of the satellite tracking base in the Pamirs recorded UFO diving into the alpine lake Sarez.

In the summer of 1982, the head of the diving service of the troops of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Major General V. Demyanenko, at the district training camp for the command staff, sharply criticized the ill-considered actions of some of his subordinates. Not long before that, on the western shore of Lake Baikal, during training dives, scout divers repeatedly met unknown underwater swimmers in tight-fitting silver overalls in the icy water of the lake. They were very similar to people, but huge, almost three meters in height. In addition, at a depth of 50 meters, they had neither scuba gear, nor any other breathing apparatus - only spherical helmets on their heads. They moved underwater at high speed and monitored the area of diving training descents.

The alarmed command decided to detain the "unidentified divers". For this, 7 divers, led by an officer, tried to throw a net over one of them. The results of the failed capture were disastrous. All the attackers were thrown to the surface of the water by some powerful impulse. Due to the sharp drop in pressure during the instantaneous rise, the entire group was seriously affected by an attack of decompression sickness. Three of the divers died and four became disabled.

Soon after this incident, a corresponding order was issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, which criticized the amateur performance of submariners of the Siberian and Trans-Baikal districts. Among other things, the order listed deep-water lakes, where submariners should be especially careful, since in these lakes there were descents and ascent of disks and balls, underwater glow and other anomalous phenomena.

There are various hypotheses explaining such increased UFO activity in the water areas of the Earth. According to the most acceptable version, the aliens descend into the depths of the oceans and seas to build their underwater bases and laboratories there. Based on UFO technology, this is quite possible. The ship-"mother" with a diameter of about one and a half kilometers sank to the bottom and with the help of robots builds a base or laboratory there. Then it emerges and flies away, leaving behind a fully equipped underwater object, which is then periodically visited by other UFOs. Moreover, it is possible that they are also exploring vast areas of the seabed without rising to the surface.

This hypothesis is supported by a very important discovery made recently by American oceanologists. We are talking about the famous Bermuda Triangle between the Florida Peninsula, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Several years ago, US Navy intelligence found that various types of UFOs from a submerged position were observed in this area, as well as their entry into the sea. Moreover, when unidentified flying objects exit from the depths into the atmosphere, a gas hemisphere with a diameter of several tens of meters first appears on the water surface, through which UFOs take off.

And recently, an American hydrological vessel accidentally discovered a huge underwater pyramid in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. After working in this square for a whole month, scientists received amazing data on its shape and the material from which it is made. Based on the characteristics of the echoes reflected from the surface of the pyramid, its edges are made of a material similar to glass or polished ceramic. They are absolutely clean and smooth, which is completely uncommon for an object that has been at the bottom of the ocean for a long time. And the fact that the pyramid has existed for a very long time is beyond doubt.

However, today no one can give an unambiguous explanation of why UFOs plunge into the depths of waters - ocean, sea and even lake. If only because they are still not well studied, in any case, worse than near space.