Dayton Rock - About An Ancient Rock With Petroglyphs Found In Massachusetts - Alternative View

Dayton Rock - About An Ancient Rock With Petroglyphs Found In Massachusetts - Alternative View
Dayton Rock - About An Ancient Rock With Petroglyphs Found In Massachusetts - Alternative View

Video: Dayton Rock - About An Ancient Rock With Petroglyphs Found In Massachusetts - Alternative View

Video: Dayton Rock - About An Ancient Rock With Petroglyphs Found In Massachusetts - Alternative View
Video: Massachusetts Ancient Carvings Dighton Rock 2024, October

Have you ever heard of Dayton Rock, a huge 40 ton boulder found near the Taunton River in Massachusetts.

The stone got its name from the city of the same name, located nearby. But the stone gained worldwide fame not due to its size, but because strange petroglyphs were found on it:

1) Lines.

2) Geometric shapes.

3) Strange text.

Who left these drawings on the stone - researchers cannot say. Until now, scientific controversy around this stone does not subside.


It is believed that the first person who noticed the strange drawings on the stone was one of the colonists, John Danforth. He made his drawings in 1680.

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They are still kept within the walls of the British Museum. But he had no artistic talent, so his drawings were inaccurate and contain many errors. The stone itself has the shape of an inclined 6-sided block, here are its characteristics:

1) Height - 1.5 meters.

2) Width - about three meters.

3) Length - about 3.5 meters.

4) The surface on which the petroglyphs were applied has an inclination of 70 degrees and is oriented to the northwest. The shape at the surface is trapezoidal.


Here, in 1963, the construction of a dam began, due to which the local authorities pulled the stone out of the water in order to preserve this ancient artifact. And move it to the territory of the nearest park "Dayton Rock State Park". 17 years later, the stone was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Who could have put such strange drawings on him? There are many versions on this score. According to one of them, drawings on stones could have been left by local Indians, because they used to draw petroglyphs on rocks.

According to another theory, voiced at the end of the 18th century, the Phoenicians could have left petroglyphs on the stone. However, the question arises - where is Phenicia, and where is America?


Could representatives of this people have visited the American continent in ancient times? The third version of the origin of the drawings appeared in 2002 on the page of one of the books of the researcher Gavin Menzies.

He suggested that the inscriptions on the stone could have been left … by the ancient Chinese. According to the researcher, it was the Chinese who discovered America in the early 15th century, long before Christopher Columbus arrived here.

By the way, there is a version according to which the Chinese could be the famous ancient Olmecs, who left many stone buildings on the territory of Mexico. However, this version is very controversial and is not supported by official science.


Tourists have been attracted here since the middle of the last century, when in 1952 the local lands were acquired by the Memorial Society of New York. The local territory was cleaned and ennobled. The stone can still be seen there.