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Video: Баня 197 м2 в стиле «новых русских»! Что не так с Кело? 2024, October

It is known that religious rites are usually performed in special places. In modern religions, this usually happens in various places of worship. There were also sanctuaries where religious ceremonies were performed among peoples, whose religions we usually call pagan

Sometimes they were also located in various buildings, but more often they were located directly in the open air, for example, on the top of a mountain, on an island, in a cave, in a sacred grove, etc. The types of sacred places among different peoples could be very diverse, as well as different deities that people worshiped.

Some people who were at different times on the island of Divny even managed to "get acquainted" with the keeper of cromlech. Their descriptions are in many ways similar, therefore, we will cite as an example only one, recorded from the words of a physical education teacher of one of the Petrozavodsk schools, M. F. Efimova, who has repeatedly visited Divny Island for tourist purposes.

“In mid-August 1990, while with friends on the Divny Island (our camp was set up near the cromlech), I saw a small man, a dwarf, approaching me unnoticed. He was dressed in a light jacket and trousers of the same color, there was something on his head. The face is dark, the eyes are protruding, the lips are thick, the nose is wide. To my question, where did he come from, he somehow vaguely waved his hand: they say, from there … He did not answer every question immediately, apparently it was difficult for him to speak, he seemed to be looking for suitable words, and his speech was inarticulate … I turned to call one of my own, and when I turned again, he was gone. As in the air evaporated, although in this place there is simply nowhere to hide. After this meeting, I had a very unpleasant feeling, and our whole team hastened to leave that place. It felt likeas if we invaded 'someone' without an invitation."

UFO sightings are also associated with the Divny Island. Here is one of them, from which the veil of "secrecy" has recently fallen, since this event was at one time mistaken for "military tests of new weapons", but then they admitted that the military had nothing to do with this incident:

“In the summer of 1992, tourists who were making a boat trip along the islands of the Valaam archipelago, in the direction of Divny Island, suddenly saw some kind of“rocket”three meters long, which flew out of the water. Then, from this "rocket" three "rockets", smaller in size, separated and flew in different directions. And after a couple of minutes everything disappeared.

Crossroads of parallel worlds

In Karelia, one of the most revered and mysterious sacred places in ancient times - cromlechs, which are also well known all over the world.

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Cromlechs are rows of small stones, most often placed in a circle. Until now, no one has given these structures a decent explanation. One thing is clear: they surround a certain place, which, in the opinion of our distant ancestors, is so important that it was for it, in fact, that the monument was built.

No one gave a reasonable explanation to the cromlechs, most likely because the idea of earth currents was alien to modern science for a long time, but in ancient times people always marked places if they had special properties or meaning.

Cromlechs, in ancient times, were called "dance halls", and their construction, like the construction of megalithic monuments in general, is associated with the existence of earthly geoactive zones.

Dance was a sacred occupation that introduced a person to the life of the entire universe. Isn't life in the universe a rhythm? Year, month, season, day - all these are rhythms in which the life of the earth, sky, and the Universe is manifested. We all, from a stone to a person, are involved in the rhythm and live according to its laws.

The dance was an attempt to include a person in the rhythms of the surrounding world, more general than the personal rhythms of each person. All religions have used this method as more than effective. During a group dance, a completely natural phenomenon arises: under the influence of a single rhythm, the unity of the dancers arises. And if people dance in a special geoactive zone, where underground currents "help" them with their energy, the result will be even more significant. Therefore, the dance acted as a magical rite aimed at establishing a deep connection between man and the life of nature and space in general. In modern terms, the holy places, where megalithic monuments were built, and later Orthodox churches were erected, are a kind of crossroads of parallel worlds, where a wide variety of "miracles" are possible.

Miracles of the island Marvelous

Today we will tell you about one of the islands of the Valaam archipelago - Divny Island.

In general, it should be noted that information about the islands of the Valaam archipelago is more than scarce and contradictory. In particular, this also applies to the island of Divny, which has been referred to since ancient times in the Valaam monastic chronicles “as a pagan temple”. In some sources, the island is called Marvelous Maiden, which is hardly legitimate, since the name of the island comes from the often observed here and in the past, and in the present, "wondrous, wonderful phenomena" and since, according to legend, the island in ancient times lived "divi people" …

In general, in Russian folk legends, the memory of the "divine peoples" living under the ground is very stable. The same applies to the Sami, Finnish, Karelian ethnographic traditions.

The island itself, undoubtedly, can even be called a landscape sanctuary - almost inaccessible rocks plunge steeply into the depths of Ladoga, the flat top of the island is overgrown with lush vegetation. It was at the top of a millennium ago that the cromlech was laid out - the main attraction of the island, in the middle of which in the 15th century the monks of the Valaam Monastery put a cross. Apparently, thanks to the ancient sanctuary, this place has always been considered a reserved and mysterious place. It is believed that it also has its own mysterious "guardian".

Some people who were at different times on the island of Divny even managed to "get acquainted" with the keeper of cromlech. Their descriptions are in many ways similar, therefore, we will cite as an example only one, recorded from the words of a physical education teacher of one of the Petrozavodsk schools, M. F. Efimova, who has repeatedly visited Divny Island for tourist purposes.

“In mid-August 1990, while with friends on the Divny Island (our camp was set up near the cromlech), I saw a small man, a dwarf, approaching me unnoticed. He was dressed in a light jacket and trousers of the same color, there was something on his head. The face is dark, the eyes are protruding, the lips are thick, the nose is wide. To my question, where did he come from, he somehow vaguely waved his hand: they say, from there … He did not answer every question immediately, apparently it was difficult for him to speak, he seemed to be looking for suitable words, and his speech was inarticulate … I turned to call one of my own, and when I turned again, he was gone. As in the air evaporated, although in this place there is simply nowhere to hide. After this meeting, I had a very unpleasant feeling, and our whole team hastened to leave that place. It felt likeas if we invaded 'someone' without an invitation."

UFO sightings are also associated with the Divny Island. Here is one of them, from which the veil of "secrecy" has recently fallen, since this event was at one time mistaken for "military tests of new weapons", but then they admitted that the military had nothing to do with this incident:

“In the summer of 1992, tourists who were making a boat trip along the islands of the Valaam archipelago, in the direction of Divny Island, suddenly saw some kind of“rocket”three meters long, which flew out of the water. Then, from this "rocket" three "rockets", smaller in size, separated and flew in different directions. And after a couple of minutes everything disappeared.

The rise from the water was very slow, then - hovering, and suddenly three small "rockets" went from the sides simultaneously. There was no flame below. After their takeoff, large waves went through the water. The color of the rockets was gray, clearly metallic. "Rockets" picked up speed suddenly and disappeared - only dots flickered in the distance."

However, a stay on the island does not always end psychologically painless for a person. There are enough reports indicating that Divny Island is not a place for recreational walks, but, like any other "place of power", imposes certain obligations on a person. Here is one of these messages:

“We arrived at Valaam and, after seeing all the sights, went to the Divny Island,” said Sergey Belokozenko, a resident of Petrozavodsk. - There were four of us (two young married couples), and we wanted to take a break from the hustle and bustle, from people, to get involved in something unusual, mysterious, so we decided to go to about. Wonderful, to live there in tents for several days. Summer was in full swing, the weather was excellent, the mood was good. It was fun and easy.

One day, just before our departure, we all simultaneously had a strange feeling: either anxiety, or fear. This feeling was very vague, and it was impossible to understand where it comes from. It gradually increased until it turned into horror. I wanted to run somewhere. The condition bordered on panic. It was perfectly consistent with the words of the great Jung: “The oldest, most powerful emotion felt by a living being is fear. And the strongest feeling of fear is the fear of the unknown."

In this state, we went to bed. It was two o'clock in the morning, but no one could sleep. Silence reigned in the tents, no one wanted to speak.

About two o'clock I left the tent - I wanted to distract myself from heavy thoughts - when suddenly I saw something right in front of me, in the form of an ideal "flying saucer". This object was about fifteen meters long. It glowed with a red-yellow light and had a halo of the same color around it. Interestingly, four structures departed from the object, representing a straight rod, which ended in a triangular shape. The impression was that this "triangle" is viewed as if through a prism, because it was "turned out". The object moved vertically up and down. I got the impression that he sometimes touched the ground with these "structures".

I called everyone, and we all watched this strange phenomenon together. In the end, our interest in the object weakened, although the feeling of fear did not go away, and we went to bed. As soon as we lay down (in a tent with my wife), a man suddenly appeared in the tent. It was an old man with a thick, white beard. His figure is covered with something like a black overalls. He came up to us, stood for a while and bent over in our direction. We've both seen it. They saw quite clearly and were scared. The most interesting thing is that our friends, in the second tent, saw, simultaneously with us, a completely similar vision. It even seemed to us that the "old man" appeared to us against the background of some pyramid with letters or frescoes embossed on it. All this lasted for seconds, but it seemed to us an eternity.

The vision of the "old man" disappeared suddenly. We finally fell asleep, completely exhausted, and left in the morning. I think this adventure will be enough for us for the rest of our lives."

The famous ufologist Aimé Michel once wrote: “Contact with humanoids does not always have to be really visible. If contact is made, then it may not correspond to our earthly level, but it is always made according to their "scale!" Perhaps this event refers precisely to this kind of "contacts".

Can we consider that the described phenomenon is the result of a provoked hallucination? A similar question arises very often: are humanoids material or those creatures that have been observed near UFOs?

If we analyze the fact of the sudden appearance and similar disappearance of humanoids observed by eyewitnesses (and in the places of ancient sanctuaries these are quite common observations), a fact that cannot be ignored in a serious and deep analysis of the issue raised, then we have to agree with the hypothesis that considers the emerging humanoids to be intangible beings … It can also be assumed that such phenomena are associated with hypnotic suggestion.

However, various hypotheses put forward in order to clarify the problem raised raise the main question, the answer to which is vital for us: who are they? And for what purpose were the phenomena we observed were caused and arose?

Alexey POPOV, Vice President of the International Academy of Megascience, Petrozavodsk
