UFO - Alternative View

UFO - Alternative View
UFO - Alternative View

Video: UFO - Alternative View

Video: UFO - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, October

Over the past decades, over five hundred thousand unidentified flying objects have already been observed around the world. Millions of people have seen them in various conditions (but mainly in flight conditions) in all parts of the planet.

Even several cases of "flying saucers" catastrophes have been registered, when at least the wreckage of an alien spacecraft should have fallen into the hands of terrestrial scientists. And, however, with an incredible amount of facts, researchers cannot give a concrete answer to the question "What is a UFO?" They only admit that something is happening in the Universe that we are not yet able to comprehend with our minds. The Soviet science fiction writer A. Kazantsev, the author of many famous works ("The Burning Island", "Arctic Bridge", "The Gift of Kaissa", "Moon Road" and others) was confident in the existence of unidentified flying objects. In many of his scientific articles, he admitted: “They, of course, exist and have been watching us for millennia. They may equally well be spacecraft, ships or probes from a world with a different dimension. This world exists as adjacent to us, only invisible and imperceptible. There are also "contactees" who communicated with aliens or are associated with them telepathically."

Reports from all over the world about encounters with aliens have been coming in more and more lately. Sometimes these are confidential stories of eyewitnesses and the contactees themselves about an alleged date. Sometimes confession under hypnosis, when a person unexpectedly "squeezes" from his blurred memory amazing details of what once happened to him, but today's consciousness is not fixed.

Numerous eyewitness accounts who had contacts with "humanoids" or other creatures were collected in his book "Wanderers of the Universe" by Nikolai Nepomnyashchy. He, too, has no doubt that UFOs are real. They are watched by millions of people, they are recorded by radars, they are recorded by photographic and movie cameras, animals feel. They were fired at from anti-aircraft guns and launched missiles, they tried to catch up on military aircraft, they were observed in the air and in space, on the ground and under water.

Back in 1561, the inhabitants of Nuremberg saw blood-red, bluish or black balls and round discs next to the setting sun. They could be seen for almost an hour, and then they fell to the ground, as if enveloped in fire.

Even Christopher Columbus saw UFOs. He was on watch on the deck of the Santa Maria when he noticed a flickering light in the distance. Columbus called one of the sailors, and he also saw a light that appeared and disappeared several times.

One of the much earlier (and therefore most interesting) references to UFOs can be found in connection with Alexander the Great, who, according to legend, allegedly traveled to heaven. Alexander the Great dies. “A thick haze hung in the air and a star of extraordinary magnitude arose in the sky during the day, quickly going to the sea, accompanied by an eagle, and the idols in the temple slowly swayed with a ringing. Then the star again went back from the sea and stood, burning, over the cover of the king. At the same instant Alexander died."

There is even a list of hundreds of UFO sightings made in antiquity and the Middle Ages. The famous German storyteller Jacob Grimm described an ancient legend about a ship that came from behind the clouds. The 18th century German writer Montanus spoke of a witchcraft ship that swiftly sank to the ground. Of course, one can refer to the creative imagination of these (and other) writers, because such stories about aliens really became the subjects of many legends and turned into folklore themes. But there was no explanation for these mysterious phenomena.

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“Kaspar Hauser was not an Earthling. He was delivered to us, he came from another planet. Perhaps from a completely different universe. These words no longer belong to a science fiction writer, but to the German scientist of the first half of the 19th century, the philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach.

According to statistics, about two million people in the world disappear without a trace every year. Some of these disappearances are so amazing that they inevitably make one think of supernatural power.

… On a July day in 1870 in the village of Bykovo, Tver region, rumors spread that a local road engineer had found a treasure. However, not everyone considered these stories only rumors. On the contrary, many recognized such conversations as far from unfounded. It has long been known to everyone that the priest of the village church, located four miles from the village, has a secret map. And on the map that it is marked where this treasure is buried.

Naturally, no one even saw this map, but the villagers noticed that the engineer was already frequenting the church. More than once they saw him with the priest: how they stood idle for a long time and with gloomy faces they did not know what they were secret about.

And suddenly the engineer began to hire rural men for some kind of work. He selected about a dozen of them, ordered them to take the necessary instrument and took them somewhere. They had not gone even two versts, like a clearing overgrown with willows, the engineer stopped and said.

- Here you will dig a hole three arshins wide, and in depth - until I say "Enough!"

He threw off his uniform tunic himself, sat down on a stone and, taking out a cigarette case, lit a cigarette. And he watched how cleverly and quickly the men were wielding shovels and crowbars. The ground here was heavy and rocky. Soon the workers took off their shirts, and their dark backs were glazed with sweat. And closer to noon, they were completely exhausted.

Then, as luck would have it, they managed to stumble upon a huge boulder-stone right in the center of the excavation - there was nothing to split it and there was no way to get around it. However, the engineer did not seem at all discouraged by this. He went down into the pit, cleared the edge of the stone from the earth, and it sparkled like polished. Then the engineer ordered the peasants to dig out the stone completely, without damaging anything.

An hour later, the engineer stopped work and sent the men to the village for lunch, leaving only three people with him. He gazed long and thoughtfully at the stone (which was incredibly regular oval and shone with silver), guessing that it was an artificial structure. Of course, the engineer did not expect to dig something like this.

He slowly examined the smooth oval wall, seeing as if the outline of the door on it. The men watched him in silence. And he, having already studied the inconspicuous door, tried to find a lock or locks to open it.

And I found it! But as soon as he began to fiddle with these incomprehensible and cunning devices, suddenly music began to sound very close. The frightened exclamations of the men made the engineer turn around. At the edge of the ravine, he saw three human figures in long white robes - two young men and between them a gray-bearded old man.

- Bury everything as it was, - said the old man calmly and sternly, - and get out of here quickly …

At the same moment, all three disappeared, as if they had never existed. The men helped the engineer to get out of the pit - he was beating with nervous tremors, sweat rolled down his pale face. Crossing themselves and whispering prayers, the peasants showered the damned "boulder".

Thirty years have passed. On a July evening in 1900, girls walked past this place from the church home - to the village of Bykovo. Suddenly the first three disappeared one after the other into a flat, open place. Screaming in horror and not understanding anything, the other girls rushed into the village and raised everyone to their feet. They searched for the missing for almost two months, but never found …

This story was told by A. Glazunov, who believes that the Moon is an artificial celestial body created by extraterrestrial civilizations more than a hundred thousand years ago. On the moon there are scientific laboratories of many extraterrestrial civilizations of the humanoid type. Dozens of earth scientists work in some of them.

N. Nepomniachtchi also cites many facts about the disappearance of people in the book already mentioned. In 1930, all the inhabitants of the small Eskimo village of Angikuni in northern Canada disappeared. Men, women and children disappeared, and the dogs, tied to trees and left without leaving, simply died of hunger. However, an Eskimo would never leave a dog - his faithful friend - to die alone. But even more surprising, the graves at the local cemetery were empty, and the village dead were also missing. A study of the berries found in the kitchens showed that two months before the arrival of the hunter Joe Leibel in the abandoned village (who discovered everything), it was still inhabited: the berries found ripen only during a certain period. The Eskimos left their guns, and this becomes even more convincing proof that they did not leave of their own free will,because the Eskimos are especially valued weapons.

Almost seventy years have passed since then, but no explanation for this case has been found to this day. The Indians living in the area say that the people from the village of Angikuni were carried away by the Wendigo, a creature that lives in the forests of the Canadian North. The Indians refuse to describe it.

Scientists from different countries think a lot about the possibility of abduction of people by extraterrestrial beings. From time to time, magazines and newspapers publish notes, articles or even whole studies on this topic, which sometimes become genuine sensations. But perhaps the worst case ever recorded is the kidnapping of an entire British army regiment during the Dardanelles campaign during World War I.

According to the testimony of twenty-two New Zealanders from the third platoon of the first infantry company, a cloud of silvery "fog" descended to "Hill 60" and the soldiers entrenched there, despite the gusty wind. It turned out to be perfectly dense, almost "hard" and reached about eight hundred feet in length, two hundred in height and three hundred in width.

Then the New Zealanders saw a British regiment marching to Hill 60, the first in the Norfolk Army's 4th Division, apparently sent to reinforce the units already there. Indeed, General Hamilton, who commanded the Allied forces, sent reinforcements to Suvla Bey's contingent in the Aegean Sea to capture Constantinople.

On the afternoon of August 21, eight strange torpedo-like clouds, 200-250 meters long, circled near a stretch of road that sloped down to a dry riverbed. It was along this road that units of the British Norfolk regiment were approaching "height 60". All witnesses of the incident unanimously confirm that several hundred soldiers who entered the cloud that descended on the road disappeared into it and not a single one came out from the opposite side.

About an hour later, the "cloud" rose smoothly and moved north to Bulgaria. And with him, obviously, the regiment - all two hundred and fifty people. In any case, not a single soldier remained in position. The Norfolk Regiment disappeared without a trace.

The unit was officially listed as “missing”, and immediately after the Turkish surrender in 1918, Britain demanded its return. The Turks swore and swore that they did not capture the regiment (and generally anyone in the area), did not engage in hostilities with it, and did not even know about its existence.

The official record of the British campaign in the Dardanelles states that "the regiment was engulfed in a fog of unknown origin." This fog reflected the sun's rays in such a way that it blinded the gunners-gunners, which made it impossible to provide fire support.

Two hundred and fifty people are missing …

From the book: "HUNDRED GREAT DISASTERS" by N. A. Ionina, M. N. Kubeev