The Mysterious Story Of The Disappearance Of Pauline Picard - Alternative View

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The Mysterious Story Of The Disappearance Of Pauline Picard - Alternative View
The Mysterious Story Of The Disappearance Of Pauline Picard - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Story Of The Disappearance Of Pauline Picard - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Story Of The Disappearance Of Pauline Picard - Alternative View
Video: Lost & Found: The Mysterious case of Pauline Picard 2024, October

Most parents know parenting is a full-time job. Children require a huge amount of attention, boundless love and total control.

But will parents be able to forgive themselves for the loss of their own child, because this is truly the most terrible thing that can happen? Today we will share the mysterious story of the disappearance of a girl named Pauline Picard, which occurred in April 1922 in Goas al-Loudou, Brittany, France.

Finding Pauline Picard

Distraught with grief, Polina's parents enlisted the support of the local police and dozens of volunteers in order to find their girl. Unfortunately, the search did not produce any results and the hope for a good outcome gradually began to fade. Of course, deep down in their hearts, the parents still believed that they would see their daughter alive. A few weeks after Polina's disappearance, luck seemed to smile at her desperate parents.

News came in that a girl who matched Pauline's description was seen in Cherbourg. A local police officer found the child and placed her in an orphanage. The authorities showed a photo of the baby, and Polina's mother unconditionally recognized the girl as her missing daughter. The Picards immediately boarded the train to Cherbourg to pick up Pauline and bring her to her home, but after spending only a couple of hours with her, her parents realized with horror that Pauline did not recognize them at all. The girl looked exactly like their missing daughter, but was she really?

Family reunion

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Despite the girl's strange reaction, the Picards still took her with them in the hope that her memories would eventually return. In addition, according to the local newspaper, the other children of the couple recognized the girl as their sister. All the acquaintances of the Picard family were happy that the story ended well, so no one had a question, how exactly did the girl end up in Cherbourg? How could she travel about 350 kilometers on her own?

The reunion of the Picards with their daughter went hard. From the very beginning, Polina seemed very scared and shy, she never spoke her native dialect and was afraid of everyone around. Her parents sincerely believed that these discrepancies in her behavior were due to the psychological trauma she had suffered, but over time, they began to doubt that Polina was really in their house.

Small body opening

On May 27, Le Petit Parisien reported that a cyclist found the body of a little girl 800 meters from the Picard farm. The body was badly decomposed, arms, legs and head were missing. Next to the remains were neatly folded clothes that belonged to Pauline Picard. Interestingly, the body was located in a location that investigators repeatedly searched during the initial investigation into Pauline Picard's disappearance. The locals also claimed that they had passed the site many times and never saw the remains there. Unfortunately, the missing body parts were never found, and the Picards spent the rest of their lives contemplating what eventually happened to their real daughter.