Granger Taylor - Amateur Astronaut - Alternative View

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Granger Taylor - Amateur Astronaut - Alternative View
Granger Taylor - Amateur Astronaut - Alternative View

Video: Granger Taylor - Amateur Astronaut - Alternative View

Video: Granger Taylor - Amateur Astronaut - Alternative View
Video: 1000th ARISS Contact 2024, October

In 1980, 32-year-old Canadian Granger Taylor disappeared without a trace. In principle, this would not be anything out of the ordinary: every day hundreds of people disappear in the world … However, the man left a note in which he said that he was going on a journey on a makeshift spaceship … For thirty-six years now, Taylor's fate has remained unknown.

Lost genius

Granger Taylor grew up on Vancouver Island. The boy was very talented and developed. Already in the eighth grade, he dropped out of school, since by this time he had completely mastered the school curriculum. The teenager was especially fond of mechanics and electronics. At the age of 14, he built a single-seater car, and at the age of seventeen, he managed to fix an old, broken bulldozer found at a local junkyard.

But most of all the young man was interested in space. He was literally obsessed with unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial civilizations. In the end, Granger built an "flying machine" in his yard. It had the shape of a flattened cylinder. There was an apparatus on four legs, two antennas extended from it, and in addition, it was equipped with a window in the shape of a human eye …

Taylor spent whole days inside the "ship". Relatives looked at it as a harmless hobby until he disappeared. It happened on November 29, 1980. A note addressed to his parents said that he was going on a space trip. Meanwhile, all the man's clothes, money and documents remained in place: it seems that he did not take any of his things with him … But most importantly, his “ship” disappeared with him!

Subsequently, Taylor's comrade recalled that about a month before his disappearance, he told him that he had come into contact with aliens from space. They communicated with the man telepathically and even unfolded in his mind a map of the inhabited planets of the Universe. It was possible to achieve them in a short time using the so-called "wormholes" (a term well known to astrophysicists).

All this time, Taylor was engaged in bringing his apparatus "to mind", in accordance with the instructions of the aliens. He even slept no more than two hours a day …

Promotional video:

Find in the forest

The search led nowhere. And only in March 1986 did some trace appear. In the woods near the Taylors' house, foresters discovered a crater, as if left after an explosion. Some of the trees around the crater were felled, others had their trunks burned … The specialists who were called to the scene found a burnt human bone in the pit. But to date, it has not been established to whom it belonged.

To this day, Granger Taylor is listed as missing. His parents are no longer alive, but his brothers and sisters, who are already pretty old, still hope that someday he will be found.

Prisoner of the special services?

What really happened to Taylor? According to one version, he died in the forest during an unsuccessful attempt to take off from Earth. But then where are the wreckage of his "ship"? And why the examination was unable to determine the identity of the remains?

There is also a more optimistic version. Like, Taylor flew away, but not into space, but for some reason to South America, where, perhaps, he still lives happily …

And ufologists, of course, are sure that Taylor really went in search of other planets. And representatives of extraterrestrial civilization helped him in this. They could help him modify the apparatus so that it becomes suitable for space travel. Or simply move it along with the "ship" through the space-time portal. Maybe he even fell into a black hole, and it is not surprising that he could not return from there …

But why not suggest the following? With his talk about aliens and space flights, Taylor could interest the special services. And just in case it was decided to take him to a place where he would not pose a public danger, but could be useful. For example, to build new aircraft to travel through the "wormholes" … What if he really was a contactee and could serve as an intermediary between intelligence officers and representatives of an alien civilization?

If people became aware of an easy way to travel in space, then everyone would want to fly! This is how the representatives of the "organs" could reason. Therefore, people like Taylor should be isolated from society. It is best to stage a sudden disappearance or abduction.

One way or another, the mystery of Granger Taylor has not yet been solved. And it is still a reason to build a variety of fantastic hypotheses.