Eight Strange Photos From Mars - Alternative View

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Eight Strange Photos From Mars - Alternative View
Eight Strange Photos From Mars - Alternative View

Video: Eight Strange Photos From Mars - Alternative View

Video: Eight Strange Photos From Mars - Alternative View
Video: 5 Most MYSTERIOUS Photos From Mars 2024, June

All the photos posted in this thread are not taken from the bay of a flounder, but are in the official photographic NASA Mars catalog. In most cases, their official catalog number is known and you can easily find them yourself and make sure that this is not all photoshop.

And the photos are really very strange …


Photo number 1. Catalog number PIA08557

NASA comments, "These polar dunes resemble a plant, or fossil." Below is the address of the map of Mars with the location of the object.

So what is it or who is it? Your versions


Excerpts from the comments: "At first glance, it looks like the shell of some fossil. But the dimensions - I'll tell you - don't want to think that there were such gastropods on Mars. It is clear from the map (by the shadows) that this is not a notch - one could assume the remains An artificial structure? The lack of symmetry doubts it. Most likely a complex geological structure. I have seen similar ones on the sandy shores of the Kuban - clay outcrops. But, of course, it looks most like a fossil."

"There, waves diverge on the sides (there are shadows, elevation changes) - it looks like some creature has come up to the surface to breathe. I can't imagine its speed of movement in the Martian" earth "crust."

It is articulate, damn it. At first I thought it was a meteorite trail, but when you zoom in, you can see a certain structure, order.

There is a depression in the head area, and a bulge in the tail.

Quite strange. I have never seen a similar relief on Earth."

Even in this picture (below) gaps between the 'vertebrae' are visible. So this thing does not attract the worm from the Dune.

And why is there no shadow? Judging by the shadow in the crater, there should be a shadow. It seems that the height not great - almost flat education."

Promotional video:

Photo # 2 Strange dunes. PIA02069


Photo № 3 PIA06809 An

incomprehensible something, most of all similar to … a herd of animals …


Photo # 4 Plates

The image shows unusual plates on Mars. Currently, the most probable hypothesis seems to be that these are ice floes floating on the surface of a long-frozen sea, which was then covered with dust. Unusual plates were photographed by the European Space Agency Mars-Express. Oddly enough, this area is near the Martian equator, where water or ice would quickly evaporate directly into the atmosphere if it were not covered with dust. The fact that the plates shown here may be ice-covered ice is also confirmed by their external resemblance to Antarctic icebergs, as well as the shallow depth of the craters, which may be caused by their filling with some substance. If all this is true, then the small number of craters in the area suggests that water may have flowed over the surface of Mars just five million years ago.


Photo No. 5. "City of the Incas"

The right half of the image shows an unusual row of rectangular mountain ranges, first seen in the 1972 images taken by Mariner 9. The ridge is about 5 kilometers long. There are two theories about the origin of these structures: the first suggests that they are fossilized sand dunes, and the second that the molten rock thus seeped through cracks in the surface and solidified. The area was named "City of the Incas" for its resemblance to the stone walls erected by this civilization.


Photo number 6 "Skulls"

There are two suspicious pictures. There are three heads. Spirit took pictures of them in the Gusev crater. In the image that was transmitted on the 16th day of the robot's stay on the Red Planet, you can see two "skulls" at once - one larger, the other smaller. Of course, it is easy to call "skulls" simply bizarre stones. But Skipper sees something else: fossilized bones with eye sockets and protruding jaws or beaks. Some paleontologists and biologists agree with the researcher. They wished to remain anonymous. But they sent images in the subject - the fossil remains of a lizard that lived in the Jurassic period, and the skull of a modern cheetah. In fact, they have something in common with Skipper's "find".

By the way, next to the "skulls" are stones with rounded holes, suspiciously similar to vertebrae or hip remains. And all this was found on a relatively small patch on which the robot was driving.


Photo № 7 "Balls" A

pit with balls on Mars. A snapshot of the rover "Opportunity", the average diameter of the balls is 4 mm


Photo # 8. "Salt"

Mysterious white rock on Mars, image "Mars Express", the size of the white spot is 15 kilometers. There are versions that salt, or volcanic dust, or it is not yet known what, it’s useless to guess on the coffee grounds for now.