Truth And Fiction About Emperor Caligula: A Slandered Madman Or A Sadistic Murderer? - Alternative View

Truth And Fiction About Emperor Caligula: A Slandered Madman Or A Sadistic Murderer? - Alternative View
Truth And Fiction About Emperor Caligula: A Slandered Madman Or A Sadistic Murderer? - Alternative View

Video: Truth And Fiction About Emperor Caligula: A Slandered Madman Or A Sadistic Murderer? - Alternative View

Video: Truth And Fiction About Emperor Caligula: A Slandered Madman Or A Sadistic Murderer? - Alternative View
Video: Caligula: The Mad Emperor | Absolute History 2024, October

On March 28, 37, the emperor Caligula came to power in Rome, whose name was overgrown with so many conjectures that today it is extremely difficult to get to the bottom of the truth. They say that he forced everyone to commit suicide, arranged bisexual orgies, slept with all three of his sisters, and made his beloved horse a senator. Which of this is true, and which is the slander of political opponents?

Malcolm McDowell as Caligula, 1979



Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, the third of the Julian-Claudian dynasty, was known under the nickname Caligula - "Boot": when he was little, his mother put on a soldier's costume, including legionnaires' shoes - "Kaligi". According to some historians, from his youth, Caligula indulged in debauchery and enthusiastically watched gladiatorial battles and torture. But not everyone shares this point of view.

Still from the film by Tinto Brass * Caligula *, 1979



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The name Caligula became synonymous with debauchery and madness after the release of the scandalous film Tinto Brass in 1979. In it the emperor is the embodiment of absolute evil, a sadist, a pervert and a psychopath. This idea of Caligula was formed largely thanks to the works of Roman historians, who were his political opponents.

Emperor Caligula. An attempt to reconstruct the external appearance



Historians Tacitus and Joseph were born too late to know Caligula personally, but communicated with people from his environment. The writings of Suetonius and Dion were published 80 and 190 years after his reign. In addition, Suetoniy, according to Y. Yazovskikh, often confused facts with rumors and frank anecdotes. The writings of Suetonius and Dion are considered dubious and based on legend.

Left - a bust of Emperor Caligula from the Louvre Museum. On the right is a bust of Emperor Caligula. 1st century AD Metropolitan Museum



Suetonius was the first to declare Caligula's incestuous relationship with his sisters. The emperor's contemporaries, Seneca and Philo, do not mention this, although their works contain open criticism of the tyrant. However, historians are still inclined to the version about the sexual relationship of Caligula with his middle sister Drusilla, with whom he lived as a legal wife.

Drusilla - sister and mistress of Caligula


Photo: and

It is really difficult to call the emperor chaste - he took noble women from their lawful husbands and forced them into intimacy. Those husbands who tried to argue, as well as objectionable dignitaries, received orders to commit suicide. Caligula spent all the impressive inheritance of Tiberius in a year and introduced an incredible amount of all kinds of taxes to replenish the treasury.

Still from the film by Tinto Brass * Caligula *, 1979



However, the first 8 months of the reign of Caligula showed himself in a completely different quality. When he came to power, he immediately paid off all the debts of the imperial family, including the salaries of officials and legionnaires, lowered taxes, amnestied prisoners, freed the exiles, removed all governors of the provinces who were suspected of embezzlement or bribery, abolished the Law on Insult majesties”, destroyed the lists of traitors to Tiberius, began the construction of two aqueducts, conducted several successful military campaigns.

Caligula. An attempt to reconstruct the external appearance



However, 8 months after his accession to the throne, Caligula fell ill with something - presumably, encephalitis, as a result of which the brain was damaged. After his recovery, the emperor's behavior changed dramatically. At night he suffered from insomnia and nightmares, and during the day he did atrocities.

Malcolm McDowell as Caligula, 1979



Despite the proven facts of brutal reprisals against opponents and dissolute behavior, many historians are sure that Caligula was not such a monster as he is shown in the Tinto Brass film. French researcher Daniel Noni is convinced that most of the atrocities attributed to Caligula are baseless rumors. He calls the story of the appointment of a horse by a senator and that the emperor declared himself a god as fiction. According to the historian, the total number of victims of Caligula for 3 years 10 months in power does not exceed 20, which cannot be compared with the list of victims of Tiberius, Nero or Octavian Augustus.

Malcolm McDowell as Caligula, 1979



Caligula was killed in another conspiracy when he was 28 years old. There is still debate about whether he was a victim of political intrigue and slander, an obsessed sadist, tyrant and rapist, or a person suffering from schizophrenia or psychopathy. Plus, Caligula's debauchery was not unprecedented in history.
