Hybridization - Alternative View

Hybridization - Alternative View
Hybridization - Alternative View

Video: Hybridization - Alternative View

Video: Hybridization - Alternative View
Video: Hybridization of Carbon sp, sp2, sp3, ground & excited state, problems of hybridizations, 2024, October

Hybridization: a sick imagination or an underestimated danger? On the verge of fantasy: In recent years, more and more materials have appeared about the activities of aliens on the purposeful use of earthlings as a kind of "guinea pigs".

Budd Hopkins: Intruders and Missing Time, John Mack: Abduction, and many other authors talk about strange, unpleasant and unwanted Consequences of contact The typical procedures that abducted Earthlings undergo are most painstakingly described in an article entitled "Straight Talk About UFO Abductions" (Zoe Media).

Immaculate Conception: Many of the women they believe have been visited or abducted by aliens report a pregnancy that shouldn't have happened. After about three months, such a pregnancy is interrupted as if by itself. No matter how strange it may sound, the fetus inexplicably disappears from the woman's body. Later meeting each other, the victims of the abduction discover that others have a story to tell about their "hybrid" children. Sometimes the woman is only shown the child, and sometimes they are allowed to hold the baby with them, because these children, it seems, cannot always survive without real mothering.

General scheme: The most often responsible for the abduction of women are the so-called. "Gray". Pregnancy is often achieved through artificial insemination. It is assumed that the removal of the fetus is carried out to continue its own alien race, which, apparently, cannot reproduce its own kind. People who are abducted are somehow put into a passive or immobilized state, and they cannot resist. They are then taken aboard the UFO, stripped of their clothes and placed on the table. A full medical examination is carried out, including sperm from men. Something like a brain scan is done. At the same time, they look a person in the eyes for a long time. Sometimes a person is subjected to some kind of "testing". To do this, bring the appropriate equipment.

Milestones: After the first examination, some are transferred to another room, where the strange-looking babies are. They look like the product of a hybridization between humans and aliens. Some of the abducted claim that they have seen older hybrids that already know how to walk, as well as adolescents, young men and even quite adults. It often happens that earthlings are forced to have sexual contact - with another person, with an adult hybrid, or even with a teenager. After returning to Earth, a person literally in a few seconds cannot remember what happened to him. Memories usually only come back under hypnosis.

Some details: Preliminary examinations are very unusual. The alien's fingers at first, as it were, run over the human body, barely touching him. What is achieved by this is not clear, but there is an assumption that in this way the state of the nervous system is investigated. The head (brain), back, and other neurologically important parts of the body are carefully checked. Most attention is paid, however, to the brain. A brain scan is a weird procedure. One of the aliens can literally stare into the eyes of the abductant and thus for some time stare eyes into eyes from a very close distance - only 3-5 cm. The abducted person cannot close his eyes or look away. When (already at home) abductors are asked what they felt during such a "scan", people say,that they experienced a variety of emotional states and saw some images. It is not excluded that the effect on the optic nerve is produced and it is he who is used as a kind of "conductor" for communication with the human brain.

Programming: The subject is forced to experience any "given" emotions and see any images the experimenter desires. Often, in the same way, a strong sexual arousal is caused in the subject, after which sperm is taken from men. Apparently, the intensity of the effect on the brain explains the fact that the abducted later tells very strange things: as if he and the alien "merged" into one creature and that in this way the alien, apparently, wanted to experience what it was like to be a human. Most likely, it is this stage of "programming" that the abducted person takes for direct sexual intercourse.

Withdrawal of reproductive "raw material": The withdrawal of oocyte and sperm is a regrettable but very common act of abduction. In relation to women, special instruments are used, with the help of which penetration into the genitals is carried out. Either newly matured eggs or follicles are removed. There is some evidence to support the hypothesis that the aliens somehow achieve very rapid egg maturation and, through scanning, facilitate its release. In men, semen is removed mechanically using a device that is placed around the genitals. Sometimes these are small, portable devices, but it happens that the device is located on a cart attached to the wall. Abducted women can be forced to have real sexual contact with an earthly man, but this is done purely to collect sperm, and not becausethat aliens are interested in intercourse as such.

Promotional video:

"You are now pregnant!": Sometimes more complicated things are done with a woman - all kinds of manipulations, during which, according to the victims, something is inserted inside, and then the alien sometimes immediately announces: "Now you are pregnant." Indeed, the very next day a woman feels pregnant, which is confirmed either by an independent test for early pregnancy, or by a visit to her gynecologist. After 9-11 weeks, the next kidnapping is carried out and the fetus is removed.

Incubator: As already mentioned, sometimes women, men, and even children are brought into a special room, in which there are numerous containers with some kind of liquid, or cylinders, standing in a row along the entire wall. Each container contains the fruit in a suspended state. The aliens inform the abductant that one or more of these future hybrids belongs to him. Why they are holding these "brides", nobody knows.

Hybrid children: Quite often, women are also taken to a kind of "nursery". There, many babies are kept in special compartments, and the woman is encouraged to have direct skin-to-skin contact with them, and if a special procedure is performed during the examination stage, the woman is ordered to nurse the child. Babies are very phlegmatic and do not react to anything - the way any normal human child should do. Often, a woman begins to think that the baby is probably unwell. But it seems that this is just a normal state for him. Men and children are also often involved in skin-to-skin contact procedures.

"Toptunks" and other kids: In a separate room there are older children - from 2 to 10 years old. As the hybrids grow, their contacts with earthlings become more and more complex and multifaceted. When the toddlers begin to walk, the woman is asked to teach them children's games. Sometimes they are played with some specific toys. Earth children are asked to play with the hybrids as equals and also teach them children's games.

Adolescents: Hybrids become more important as adolescents. They are used as assistants in performing procedures over the abducted. They help both the aliens themselves and the adult hybrids. Some have some intricate appliances with which to entertain themselves. Older children and young hybrids are attracted to more active contacts with earthlings, including sex.

Adult hybrids: According to the reports of abductants, adult hybrids are involved in abduction of earthlings along with the aliens themselves. In recent years, abducted earthlings have described cases where from start to finish, abduction is performed by the hybrids themselves, without supervision from the aliens. They also participate in sexual intercourse with other hybrids, as well as in procedures for the implantation of a fertilized cell in an earthly woman. Some abductants claim that individual hybrids are in long-term contacts with them - ever since the hybrid was just a child. During the next abductions, they meet with the same hybrid for many years. Relationships are usually one-sided and reduced to reproductive functions. Some abductants-earthlings have a positive attitude towards their "Personal Hybrid Project",others have a permanent dislike for hybrids and their harassment.

Neurological manipulation: The neurological basis of many procedures is still being studied and is still not fully understood. Induced visions are a very important part of the impact on earthlings. Aliens sometimes “send” some “pictures” to the human brain, which are perceived by earthlings as absolutely real events. Often these are scenes of all kinds of cataclysms - wars, atomic explosions, earthquakes, etc. In other cases, visions may appear from the completely ordinary life of middle-class earthlings - a picnic, a walk in the park, etc. Although the meaning of such procedures is also not yet fully clear, recently it seems that viewing these scenes has some important neurological significance and during these procedures the abductant is, as it were, programmed to perform a certain function in the future. It happens that characteristic scenes of destruction or,on the contrary, peaceful life is shown on a special screen. And often, while a person is viewing these scenes, the alien simultaneously performs a "brain scan", i.e. looks a person straight in the eye.

Participation in dramatization: The abductees are asked to play a "charade" during which they are made to believe that some predetermined event is actually happening (?) And they must participate in it - together with aliens or other abductants. Apparently, in this way the behavioral, i.e. behavioral, patterns and characteristics of a person - depending on different situations. It is also possible that this is also a kind of neurological procedure targeting, i.e. programming a person for certain actions in the future.

Testing and "training": The abductee is seated at the counter and offered to operate with some kind of device like a target electronic device. The task may be to hold a projected point on the screen between two lines or press the desired button depending on the sound you hear. Presumably this is also a kind of neurological training for future programmed activities.

Other treatments: Abductants talk about a host of other treatments and procedures they go through. Their essence, presumably, is associated with some special goals that the aliens are pursuing, but the true nature of which we, most likely, cannot even guess …