Distortion Of History Leads To Distortion Of Perception Of Reality - Alternative View

Distortion Of History Leads To Distortion Of Perception Of Reality - Alternative View
Distortion Of History Leads To Distortion Of Perception Of Reality - Alternative View

Video: Distortion Of History Leads To Distortion Of Perception Of Reality - Alternative View

Video: Distortion Of History Leads To Distortion Of Perception Of Reality - Alternative View
Video: How reliable is your memory? | Elizabeth Loftus 2024, October

The version of our history presented to us by certain forces as “official” is increasingly “bursting at the seams”: the storerooms of many museums are overflowing with archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the official version of history; ruins of ancient megalithic structures have been found on almost all continents, indicating technological development of previous civilizations. However, knowledge about these civilizations, the reasons for the unprecedented rise and subsequent death is carefully hidden from us.

Especially many of these ancient megalithic structures, "camouflaged" by official historians as "natural objects", have been discovered recently on the territory of Russia, while the official version of history says that the expanses of Siberia and the Eurasian North have always been wild and barren sparsely populated deserts. The legends and myths of many peoples telling about the ancient highly developed civilizations of the "gods" are declared fables. But in fact, we find more and more evidence that the collection of real fables is the official version of the history of mankind and our people imposed on us.

It is no coincidence that not only independent researchers, but also more and more professional historians are beginning to clearly understand this fact. Thus, a specialist in the field of geopolitics, doctor of historical sciences, professor L. Ivashov writes:

Consequently, it is a serious study of esoteric knowledge that can bring humanity out of the current evolutionary impasse, return to it an understanding of the true purpose of humanity, its goals and objectives for the harmonious transformation of the world of gross matter in accordance with the evolutionary plan of the Creator, as well as return humanity to the original spiritual connection with the Highest Reasonable By the forces of the universe.

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And just all this we are trying to deprive the falsifiers of history and their masters carefully hiding from our sight, using the distortion of history as a tool to control our consciousness. It is not a secret for anyone that it is much easier to manipulate and impose the psychology of slaves by "Ivans who do not know their roots" for the successful implementation of plans for world domination.

Therefore, in fact, we live not just in the world of distorted history, but in the world of a distorted picture of the description of reality, projected into our consciousness through the “distorted mirror” of false values, stereotypes and dogmas imposed on us, pushing us to play roles that are not originally characteristic of us in someone else's game, the rules of which were invented by forces hostile to humanity and precisely with the aim of destroying all of humanity.

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