In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View

In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View
In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View

Video: In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View

Video: In Indiana, Saw A Flying Pterosaur - Alternative View
Video: Real Pterosaur spotted over Idaho, USA? 2024, June

The site of the American researcher of mysterious monsters Lon Strickler recently received a letter from an eyewitness from the city of Gary, Indiana.

The woman reported seeing "a large gray prehistoric bird." Strickler later contacted the author of the letter by telephone and received more details from her.

Judging by the descriptions and drawing of the woman, most likely she saw not a bird, but a pterosaur lizard, possibly a pterodactyl, since the pterodactyl does not have a long tail, like some other flying lizards, and the woman did not mention the presence of a tail.

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In a telephone conversation, Lon Strickler found out that the size of the creature he saw was very large ("like a car"), and the wings were twice as long as the body. He also found out that the woman really saw not a bird, one of the pterosaur lizards, so she described the picture that she found on the net and it was a pterosaur that was depicted on it.

A few days later, the administration of another paranormal American site, the Singular Fortean Society, contacted the same eyewitness and also talked to her about her observations.

She told them that the first time the "bird" was the size of a minivan van, but when she saw the creature the second time, it was already the size of an ordinary car.

The woman also revealed the details of her appearance, saying that the creature was gray and had a crest on its head. That his body was thin and covered with small feathers, and his wings were leathery membranous. And she also showed her drawing of this creature, which actually depicts a typical pterosaur.

Drawing of an eyewitness
Drawing of an eyewitness

Drawing of an eyewitness.

Answering the question whether it was possible that it was a large seagull or a heron, the woman replied with a categorical refusal. She also does not believe that she saw some kind of "mirage from the past", as the creature was too real.

Later, the Singular Fortean Society found other eyewitness reports of unusual flying creatures in Gary. And very recent. One was seen in the fall of 2018, the other in January 2019.