Ayurveda About The Freshness Of Food And The Ability To Cook - Alternative View

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Ayurveda About The Freshness Of Food And The Ability To Cook - Alternative View
Ayurveda About The Freshness Of Food And The Ability To Cook - Alternative View

Video: Ayurveda About The Freshness Of Food And The Ability To Cook - Alternative View

Video: Ayurveda About The Freshness Of Food And The Ability To Cook - Alternative View
Video: What Is Ayurvedic Cooking? | Digestion & Eating Ayurvedically 2024, June

Nutrition is the most important part of our life. Ayurveda adheres to the principle “we are what we eat”. And this science pays great attention to the quality of products and their preparation technology.

Straight from the garden

Many people do not think at all about the quality and composition of the products they buy in the store. For example, cheap sausages - if they are three times cheaper than meat of the same volume, then obviously most of them are some kind of additives that are by no means healthy.


In the dairy departments there is a huge amount of fruit yoghurts, although their contents with fruits are united only by the name - in fact, these are chemical additives "pear-flavored", "banana-flavored", etc.

Our body cannot live and function normally on these products, which were not grown in the open air, by the sun, and watered with clean water. It is no coincidence that millions of people are so eager to go to their summer cottages to grow there something that will really give them strength and health. If you eat a cheap sausage and cabbage salad from your garden for lunch, then it is the cabbage that will give you vigor and strength, and compensate for the energy that you spent digesting the sausage made from some unknown source.

Therefore, of course, preference should be given to fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs directly from the garden. Try to eat the freshest and most authentic products, preferably purchased from trusted suppliers - milk, cottage cheese, butter, honey. Avoid buying sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products and products with chemical additives.

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Fresh off the stove

Another important rule of Ayurveda is to cook immediately before serving food. The most useful and delicious food is considered to be prepared immediately before consumption. It is full of vitality, is immediately absorbed by the body and has health benefits. Food straight from the fire literally ignites your inner fire and gives you the energy to live.


Many housewives make one very big mistake, preparing food for future use, and then they wonder why they and their husbands and children are sick, why everyone has less strength and health. The thing is, they cooked a pot of pasta on the weekend and fried cutlets for a week. And every day they warm up these pasta and cutlets, which have already lost their taste, color and smell.

Of course, many of us do not have enough time to cook every day, but we still need to try to do it - because health is more expensive. There are many dishes that can be prepared in 5 minutes. And sometimes it is more useful to even starve than to eat some sour soup or boiled buckwheat that has stood for a week.

It is curious that some peoples have centuries-old traditions - all the food that is not eaten during a meal is immediately given to livestock feed. For example, this is done in Abkhazia - and it is here that a huge number of centenarians live.

Love in every spoon

Another of the Ayurveda rules may seem strange to many readers, but it is very important for proper nutrition and health. This rule sounds like this - food must be cooked with love. It is believed that the consciousness of the person who prepares the food influences its taste and quality. Food that is made with love gives a person strength and energy, and food that is prepared by a chef who experienced negative emotions takes strength and makes a person degrade.


It may sound fantastic, but on reflection, you will agree that this is exactly what happens. Remember some school cafeteria from your childhood, where cooks cooked completely tasteless porridge or pasta sticking together. It is unlikely that they experienced a feeling of love for their eaters. And although they used the same foods as your mothers and grandmothers, you ate something indigestible in the school cafeteria.

But you can all your life remember your grandmother's pies or mother's pancakes, which she fried for you with love for breakfast.

When you cook yourself, try to follow the same principle - always cook with love and with a desire to please those who will eat this food. And then everything in your family will be healthy and full of strength …

Natalia Trubinovskaya
