Puerto Rico - Alien Collaboration Center - Alternative View

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Puerto Rico - Alien Collaboration Center - Alternative View
Puerto Rico - Alien Collaboration Center - Alternative View

Video: Puerto Rico - Alien Collaboration Center - Alternative View

Video: Puerto Rico - Alien Collaboration Center - Alternative View
Video: The Great American Puerto Rico | Teaser: Where Are The Aliens? 2024, October

Since the mid-1990s, UFO sightings have become more frequent over the island of Puerto Rico (USA), one of the Greater Antilles that separates the Caribbean from the Atlantic. And, it seems, for a reason …

Trouble at the radio station

On the evening of November 18, 1995, at about 7:30 pm, a flying saucer hovered over the mast of Radio Procer in Barran Kitas County. José Arriaga, engineer on duty, explains what happened after that.

- I heard screams in the building opposite, and at the same time everything around was flooded with bright white light. All our electronic devices immediately seemed to have gone crazy: their arrows darted along the scales, and the sounds of music turned into a heart-rending howl … From the old, disconnected device standing on the shelf, smoke suddenly began to flow. I ran outside and saw a UFO hovering directly over our mast.

It was huge, oval, silver-gray in color. A cone of blinding white light emanated from its bottom. Around the spacecraft were rectangular windows, through which a faint brownish light came from inside. The UFO hung over the mast for a minute or two, then rushed up, turned off its searchlight and disappeared from sight. This UFO was also observed by students from a nearby university dormitory.

And here they are …

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However, the main sensation was that shortly before the UFO appeared over the radio station, the surrounding residents - both adults and children - saw strange creatures wandering around the area and trying not to catch their eye. So, two boys, Edwin Valdes and Gumersindo Alicia, playing ball at about 19:20, hammered him into the bushes. They ran after the ball and faced such a creature head to head.


It was about 130 centimeters tall, with huge, almond-shaped eyes glowing with red light on a narrow face, in place of the nose there were two oblong holes. A pear-shaped, almost hairless head without ears sat on a thin neck. And starting from the crown, sharp spines protruded from the skull, they passed to the back of the head, continued on the back of the neck and on the back along the spine.

According to the guys, they were not frightened at all, because the creature stood motionless in the bushes and just looked at them for a few seconds, then turned and disappeared into the bushes. And at about 21:00, after the disappearance of the UFO, Señora Doris Malawi Matos, who lives not far from the mentioned boys, saw the same creature slowly moving away towards the bushy hill.

Is a balloon a beacon for a UFO?

No less mysterious events took place in the southwestern part of the island, in the municipal districts of Lajas and Cabo Ro-ho. Here in mid-1995 a tethered balloon was raised. According to the authorities, a radar station was installed on it to track down drug dealers and other smugglers.

However, Puerto Rican ufologists and employees of the Evidencia OVNI (UFO Reality) magazine suggested that the balloon was intended to observe UFOs, and possibly maintain contact with them. This assumption is supported by a number of incidents that do not have a "normal" explanation.

According to local residents, since December 1995, huge UFOs in the form of disks or cigars have repeatedly appeared over the western coast of the island - always from the sea side and rushed to the area of the municipal districts of Lajas and Cabo Ro-ho. At the same time, from the inside of the UFO, several small luminous balls often flew out, which circled around the NL0-"womb". This entire group most often flew up to the balloon, for a while hovered over it or over the buildings of the base controlling the balloon, and then soared up and rushed to the west or southwest.

Evidencia OVNI journalists, led by its editor-in-chief and leading Puerto Rican ufologist Jorge Martin, managed to get the balloon base workers talking and learn interesting facts.

First, it turned out that the radar installed on the balloon was connected to a tracking station on the east coast of the island, in the city of Keiba, as well as to the naval headquarters in Sabana-Seka on the north coast, and all of them, in turn, were connected to the headquarters command of the fleet located in San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico.

Second, as soon as a signal appears on the radar screens of the early warning station, a signal presumably coming from a UFO, all Puerto Rican employees of the balloon base must leave the room with the radar screen installed on the balloon. Only the "North American" staff remain here.

Thirdly, all information related to UFO flights and their routes is collected and recorded at the base.

Assumptions and facts

According to base staff, this information is being used to confirm the presence and location of an underground alien base under the seabed in the west coast of Puerto Rico. It has also been established that the US Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) works closely with NASA and the CIA. So, if a pilot saw a UFO in flight, then after landing, DEA officers take his "black boxes" and copy all the information they contain.


Such a strange attitude of the authorities towards flying saucers suggests that they have established contact with the intellectual environment of which UFOs are the product. The following events can serve as confirmation.

In December 1955, Senor Francisco Vargas from the town of El Papayo with his son went on a boat to the sea for a night fishing. They dropped anchor south of the balloon base. At about two o'clock in the morning, looking towards the base, they saw that the base was flooded with a bright white light, which clearly came from bottom to top, from the surface of the earth or … from the ground! And the next moment, a mysterious object rose above the base.

“It was a very large disk with a dome on top, with many bright, multi-colored lights,” Francisco later said. - The lights were located around the entire perimeter of the UFO and seemed to be winking … He rose up 150 meters and hovered motionless just above the balloon. After some time, the UFO rushed upward with great speed and disappeared into the night sky. I do not know if he rose from the ground or from the ground, but I am absolutely sure that it happened on the territory of the base!

And here is an incident that took place in the district of Saint-Germain and allows one to draw downright sensational conclusions. On a summer evening in 1989, already at dusk, two fellow model airplanes were returning home by car along Highway 32 after another test of radio-controlled models at their "test site" - a saline plateau near El Papayo. As they made their way south towards La Parguera, they saw a large flying saucer-shaped object emerging from behind a high hill behind a bend ahead, surrounded by a bright halo of reddish light. With a low buzz, he swiftly ascended into the darkening sky at an angle of about 45 degrees, while simultaneously receding to the southeast. The friends tried to go through the turn as soon as possible in order to look at the place from where the UFO seemed to take off.

And around the bend, opposite the UFO take-off site, two cars stood by the side of the road - a black van with tinted windows and a small beige Toyota. In the driver's seat of the Toyota sat a man in a dark jacket and shirt with a tie, on his head was a wide-brimmed hat pulled low over his forehead. In the van, however, were two remarkably similar, pale-faced, tall subjects with short-cropped blond hair, dressed in black overalls. Both of them had dark glasses over their eyes.

Excited model aircraft jumped out of the car and ran to the parked cars, hoping to find out more.

- You saw?! What was it? It seemed to us that it took off from just here! It was incredible, wasn't it? After all, you saw everything from this place, right?

At first, the friends bombarded the two blondes in the van with questions. But they sat motionless, looking in front of them, and were silent. Then the puzzled friends approached the Toyota and asked the man in the hat sitting in it if he had seen a UFO. But he too, without uttering a word, turned away from the window and pulled his hat deeper over his eyes.

The friends in bewilderment returned to their car and drove on, asking questions: why did people, who clearly saw the UFO take off, did not communicate with them and generally behaved so strangely? Who were these people, and why did they end up in that place at that time? Were they somehow connected with the launch of the UFO and with its crew, if there was one?

UFO Base Existence Confirmed By Eyewitness

And here's another piece of this amazing, far from comprehension Puerto Rican mosaic. In the late 1990s, journalist Julio Victor Ramirez published a diagram of an underground base, allegedly used jointly by the US armed forces and … aliens. According to the journalist, it is just a subtopic of the place over which the balloon is constantly hanging in the air. Ramirez could not provide evidence of the existence of the base, since he received information about it and its scheme from a certain person, provided that complete confidentiality was maintained.

However, Puerto Rican ufologists have become aware of some details of the appearance of this scheme. According to Jorge Martin, "a certain face" was a young man from Saint-Germain, who reported a meeting with an extraterrestrial being in the guise of a tall, blond man, dressed in tight-fitting light-colored overalls. The creature guided him to a secret underground facility that is jointly owned by the US Army and extraterrestrial beings, located under the Sierra Bermeja mountain range. And above the center of this object is the very same balloon hanging in the sky.

Returning from the underground base, the young man drew its diagram from memory. After the scheme was published, the federal authorities categorically denied any of its correspondence to reality, but at the same time, among the maintenance personnel of the balloon base, they conducted an investigation to identify a possible source of information leakage …

Which of the above has sufficiently convincing, albeit indirect evidence, and which seems to be an obvious fantasy - for the readers to decide.