Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 3 - Alternative View

Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 3 - Alternative View
Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Change Of Poles Or Everyday Life Of Planet Earth. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 -

There is material that is more than enough for the third part of the article, a new version of the pole shift. First, I will present new facts, and then I will engage in fantasy and predictions based on these facts. Still, there is one weak point in this whole version - the age of the trees in the territory of Eastern Yakutia on the Taimyr Peninsula.

The journal "Lesnoye Khozyaistvo", issue 6 of 2005, provides the following data: From 1993 to 2003, in the east of Taimyr and on the Poyrana plateau, the Forest Institute of the SB RAS and the Laboratory for Research on Tree Rings of the University of Arizona organized an expedition to the northeast of Yakutia. In the lower reaches of the Ind-Digirka River in the vicinity of Mount At-Khaya (69 ° 24 ′ N, 148 ° 25 ′ E), on the upper border of the forest, living trees more than 800 years old were found.

And the dead trees found in the same area were 1216 years old, which means that trees used to live longer for some reason.

How they survived the land flooding during the movement of the poles 600 years ago is not yet clear. The only explanation is that locally this place was not flooded or some surviving trees managed to survive after flooding. Tellingly, all old trees live in the mountains, that is, in those places where there was no flooding, or the water left there in the first place.

This explanation is supported by data on the general statistics of the age of forests in Eastern Siberia.

EA Vaganov with co-authors in the work “Dendroclimatic research in the Ural-Siberian Subarctic. - Novosibirsk, 1996”, who published the results of large-scale dendrochronological studies in the Ural-Siberian Subarctic, believe that the maximum age of spruce in the north of Western Siberia can reach 400–450 years, pine - 450–500 years, larches up to 500 years old were found. As the Subarctic moves eastward, the maximum age of larch, according to their data, increases to 600 years in Central Siberia and to 700 years in the northeast of Yakutia. And we are talking about the age limit. If you look at the photo of a tree that is 945 years old,


Promotional video:

it can be seen that the trunk died, and only the lateral shoot remained alive, which may well happen after the flooding. The water killed the trunk, but the roots remained intact and the tree started up sideways. If you compare this poor fellow with sequoias from California, which were not flooded, then the difference is obvious. I am not an expert, but I have not found any information on how to determine the age of a tree that has not yet been cut down. Vague doubts plague me.

Again, the average age of the bulk of the trees does not exceed 500 years, which fits perfectly into the version under consideration. So far, this is the only place that can hardly fit into the overall picture.

Here is another table from the same article that lists some of the oldest trees.


Again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not a mass phenomenon at all, but individual exceptional cases. Considering that non-living trees reached a much older age, it is obvious that there was some kind of global change in the habitats of trees.

On the axis of the displacement of the poles - the 80th meridian (80 ° East and longitude), that is, where the height of the tidal wave and the speed of inertial winds were maximum, there are no trees older than 600 years, which together with fresh frozen mammoths in the same places cannot help but be alarming.

Now let's go over the modern buildings and see how they are oriented at the present time.

1. US Congress, coordinates 47 ° 2 '8.86 ″ N 122 ° 54' 17.06 ″ W, the main control center of the present civilization, is oriented towards the present pole.


By the way, it resembles St. Isaac's Cathedral, Baalbek and other "antique" buildings from the previous two parts of the article.


What a business, wherever you spit, there are solid coincidences all around.

After the supposed next pole shift, someone, perhaps looking at the crooked dilapidated building of Congress, will laugh at the stupid builders, saying how strange they were that they put such a large structure at random like this. The next owners, if everything goes according to the same scenario as last time, will paste over the Congress building with icons and mosaics on the theme of the current religion at that time, write a new version of the construction, find a new Montferrand, allegedly building a new "It is still unknown which one" The cathedral and so on, according to the well-known scenario. The German Parliament, coordinates 52 ° 31'6.82 ″ N 13 ° 22'34.81 ″ E, is also oriented to the present cardinal points and is also built in the antique style.


Someone writes a message in stone to the next … managers? Where was the previous pole?

Now let's read the ancient myths about the flood among different peoples.

Flood myths in Europe fall into two categories: in the first, the flood is associated with the lion, in the second, with the Aquarius. In ancient Greece, there is a myth about Deucalion, I will cite it here in full, it is not that long.

The Eucalion flood was caused by the wickedness of Lycaon and his sons, who offered human sacrifices to Zeus. Zeus decided to destroy the sinful human generation in a flood.

On the advice of Prometheus, Deucalion, when the Flood began, put together a large box, put a small supply of food and drinking water in it, entered it himself with his wife and left everything to fate. For nine days the waves carried Deucalion's box across the vast expanse of water, at last it was thrown onto the rocks of Parnassus, which alone towered above the water.

As soon as Deucalion and Pyrrha set foot on the ground, the downpour stopped, the water began to subside, the sun appeared in the sky. But the horror of loneliness seized the unfortunate, miraculously escaped travelers: the land was devastated, life left it. Deucalion and Pyrrha fell to their knees and began to pray to Zeus.

Then the messenger of the gods Hermes appeared before them and said: “The ruler of gods and people, the great Zeus, knowing your piety, saved you and ordered to fulfill one of your requests. Express your desire, and his son Krona will fulfill him. " “O great Hermes! - answered Deucalion. - One thing I pray you. Tell Zeus: let him again populate the Earth with people, for it is unthinkable to live alone."

And Zeus through the Delphic Oracle informed Deucalion his consent. Then Deucalion and Pyrrha gathered many stones and began to throw them behind their backs. The stones thrown by Deucalion turned into men, and Pyrrhus turned into women! People settled the Earth again and began to build a new life.

The noble Deucalion was awarded immortality, always showing off in the sky as the constellation Aquarius.

In Egypt there is a myth about the flood, cited in the "Pyramid Texts", its summary is as follows:

God Atum (aka the Sun) became old, people noticed this and organized a conspiracy against his power.

Atum decided to punish the rebels, and as a punishment a deity was created with the body of a woman and the head of a lion. (according to other sources - just a fierce lioness. Her name is Sekhmet. - author)

The lioness began to exterminate humanity. Atum took pity on the people and caused a flood. The lioness began to drink, and then fell asleep and stopped the extermination.

After that, Atum returned to heaven, while creating a system of counterweights that protect Atum (aka the Sun) from colliding with the celestial supports.

There is mentioned a creature very much like the Sphinx, which also had a lion and a human head. Both images are present in this myth - both the lion and the Aquarius.

Let's take a look at the Dendera Zodiac in the Dendera Temple of the Goddess Hathor. On it we observe the following oddity: the figure schematically shows the zodiacal constellations, which correspond to the images of animals. In the picture below, they are indicated in pink.


The zodiacal constellations divide the sky into 12 conditional sectors, which are used in order to fix the positions of the planets, the Sun and the Moon in the sky. If you look closely, the zodiacal constellations are located one after the other in a ring with one single exception: when moving from the constellation Leo to the constellation Cancer, the cancer icon jumps up and is practically above the head of the lion. Why did the authors of the zodiac draw these two constellations this way? Was it just negligence? Let me remind you that the sphinx has the body of a lion and that the lion is mentioned in the Egyptian myth of the flood, and also that the heads of the lion were installed on the sluices of the Nile canals.

In the book by N. Mamun, "Zodiac of the Mysteries" it is written that … the Egyptians placed on the gates of the irrigation canals, which directed water to the fields, the image of a lion's head with an open mouth. This is the origin of the custom that has survived to this day to decorate fountains with an open lion's mouth, from which water pours out. Plutarch wrote that it was a custom to put figures of lions at the doors of temples, spewing water from their mouths. And the flood itself was depicted by the Egyptians in the form of a lion, who was called "the guardian of the waters."

There is a myth in Ancient Babylon that tells us about "the constellation Leo, which measures the depth of the waters." In another source on the cuneiform tablet it is mentioned that the flood occurred when the planet Nibiru (according to some sources the Sun, according to others Jupiter, according to the third Mars) was in the constellation Leo "(A. Elford," Gods of the new millennium "). This information was found by Sklyarov.

And here is the ancient Indian myth of the flood:

“Manu, the son of Vivasvat, settled on earth in a secluded abode near the southern mountains. One morning, when he was washing his hands, as they do to this day, he came across a small fish in the water brought for washing. She told him: "Save my life, and I will save you." - "What will you save me from?" asked Manu, surprised. The fish said, “There will be a flood for all living things. I will save you from him. " - "How can I keep you alive?" And she said: “We fish, while we are so small, are in danger of death from everywhere. One fish devours another. You first keep me in a jug, and when I grow out of it, dig a pond and keep me there; and when I grow even more, take [23] me to the sea and release me into the open, for then death will no longer threaten me from anywhere. " Manu did just that. Soon she grew up and became a huge jhasha fish with a horn on its head;and this is the largest of all fish. And Manu released her into the sea. Then she said: “In such and such a year there will be a flood. You make a ship and wait for me. And when the flood comes, get on the ship and I will save you."

And in the year indicated by the fish, Manu built a ship. When the flood came, he boarded the ship, and the fish sailed to him. Seven holy sages, the sons of Angiras, boarded the ship with him. Obeying the command of the fish, Manu took with him the seeds of various plants. Then he tied a rope to the horn of the fish, and she quickly pulled his boat forward along the raging waves. The land was no longer visible, the countries of the world disappeared from the eyes; only water was around them. Manu, the seven sages and the fish were the only living beings in this watery chaos. Fierce winds rocked the ship from side to side. But the fish still swam and swam forward through the watery desert and finally brought the ship Manu to the highest mountain Himalaya. Then she said to Manu: “I saved you. Tie the ship to a tree. But be careful, the water can wash you away. Descend gradually, following the decline of the water. "Manu followed the fish's advice. Since then this place in the northern mountains has been called "Descent of Manu".

And the flood washed away all living things. Manu alone remained to continue the human race on earth."

The myth is associated with man and fish. A man is saved on the northern mountain Himalaya, and the flood has affected the southern mountains. A person has a jug in which a fish grows (the constellation of Aquarius is denoted by a person with a jug). Let's remember these facts, they will be useful to us in the future.

Now let's read Chinese myths.

Quote from the book "Philosophers of Huainan"

'Huaynanzi' MOSCOW PUBLISHING-THOUGHT '2004 Translated from Chinese by LE POMERANTSEVA, page 51.

“Once Gungong, the God of Spills, fought for dominion with Zhuanxu. Enraged, he butted Mount Shcherbataya. The heavenly pillar broke, the earth cords broke. The sky tilted northwest. Therefore, the Sun, Moon and Stars have moved there. There was not enough land in the southeast, so the streams of rivers and earth dust rushed there.

In another translation, it sounds like this:

“The heavenly vault broke, the earthly weights broke off. The sky tilted northwest, the sun, moon and stars moved. The land in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore water and silt rushed there …"

and here is another quote from the same, page 134:

During the reign of Shun Gungong heaved the overflowing waters and brought down a flood on the Hollow Mulberry 22. The Dragon Gate was not yet open, the Lüliang did not yet exist, the Jiang and Huai rivers together carried their waters, the four seas were flooded with raging water. People climbed hills and mounds, fled in trees. Then Shun ordered Yu to dilute the rivers, fill the lakes, clear the Yique passage, draw the channels of the Chan and Jian rivers, make ditches, dig canals, and divert waters to the Eastern Sea. The raging waters drained, nine continents dried up, and people were able to rest their nature. That is why they call Yao and Shun wise.

Gungun (Master of Spills - in the lane of L D Pozdneeva, the God of Spills - in the lane E M Yanshina) is a mythical titan who fought for dominion and caused a world catastrophe. see Sima Qian Historical Notes T 1 C 234-235 Mount Shcherba taya (Bu Zhou) - a mountain in the northwest of China Gao Xin is a mythical ruler.

In China, the flood is associated with the image of a man, not a lion, will remember this fact, it will come in in the future.

As we can see, in Chinese mythology (is it mythology?) There is a spill man who floods the northeastern part of China, pushing the mountain in the northwest, that is, moving the land to the southeast.

This is the only myth that accurately indicates the direction of movement of the picture of the starry sky with the movement of the poles. Naturally, one should not miss this opportunity and compare the eyewitness testimony with what is observed in the sky in the version under consideration.

During the move two years ago, when the pole moved from Greenland to Nevrasya, USA, the southeastern coast of China was flooded, and the picture of the starry sky turned to the northwest - the direction opposite to the movement of the lithosphere.

According to the version we are considering, the southwestern coast of China should have been flooded the year before last, and the direction of describing the movement of the stars, the Moon and the Sun, as well as the direction of the tidal inertial wave, coincides with the expected one within our version. The last time China did not suffer from the polarity reversal at all, the main blow fell on eastern Siberia.

To make sure that the direction of movement of the starry sky coincides with that described in the Chinese myth, we will conduct an experiment: we will find out how the altitude and azimuth of a star, well, for example, the central visible star in Cassiopeia, change, scientifically - Y CAS hip 4427 when moving the observation point from points of the old pole before last in Greenland to the point of the new pole in Nebraska, USA.

To do this, we will use the Stellarium program: Here's what happened:

The last Pole in Greenland:

observation point coordinates:

77 ° 20'10.58 ″ N 33 ° 50'16.43 ″ W


Azimuth 336 ° 12 ′ height above the horizon 49 ° 34 ′

Past Pole in Nebraska, USA:

observation point coordinates: 40 ° 37'23.34 ″ N 99 ° 44'55.03 ″ W


Azimuth 321 ° 55 'height above the horizon 38 ° 27'

This is what the movement of the sky during the 9th century pole shift looks like from China. The movement of the stars to the northwest. Again we observe 100% coincidence of everything that is possible. The stellar picture, if you look to the north, went down and to the left, that is, to the north-west, as the myth says.

And by the way, the 9th century is also famous for the fact that, according to the official version, the Slavs appeared in history, and in the 9th century Russia (or Great Tartary, as you like) was not flooded, unlike America, competitors, if any, were simply washed away. Again, damn it, coincidences, or is it a pattern?


It's time to remember about the Dendera zodiac from Egypt.

Let's see how the picture of the starry sky in Giza changed after the last move.

The distance between the pivot point of the past movement of the poles (From Nebraska, USA to the current position) and Gizo in Egypt is 5400 kilometers. You can calculate the length of movement of the lithosphere in Giza: this requires an angle

5500 kilometers - on the axis at the diameter; 0 kilometers - at the point of the axis of rotation. Giza is at a distance of 5500 kilometers from the axis of rotation - in the middle. Again an accident, probably. Let's see where the location of Giza was in the past coordinate system with the center (pole) in Nebraska, USA.

If you look at Giza, or rather, at the place where it is located carefully, then simply amazing coincidences emerge.

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times, so the picture below shows everything with almost no explanation.


I will explain it again so that it is clear what is drawn in the picture. Giza is on a line through the past axis of the pole movement and the inverse position of the past north pole. The inverse position of the past North Pole is where the North Pole would be if it moved along the same line and the same distance, but in the opposite direction. Moreover, Giza is located exactly in the middle between the axis of displacement and the inverted north pole. In my opinion, the pyramids are directly related to the displacement of the poles and carry information about their location. This can be seen on the example of the pyramids in China, Mexico, Egypt.

If we look at the last meridian that passed through Giza, we see the following: the following capitals are located at a distance of no more than 200 kilometers from it: the European Union and Belgium, Brussels; Greece, Athens; Albania, Tirana; Montenegro, Podgorica; Slovenia, Ljubljana; Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein; Switzerland, Bern; Holland, Amsterdam; Great Britain, London; Ireland, Dublin; Northern Ireland, Belfast; Scotland, Edinburgh; Sarajevo, Bosnia, Zagreb, Croatia.

A pyramid in Bosnia near the village of Visoko, coordinates 43 ° 58'37.11 ″ N 18 ° 10'34.60 ″ E, is located at a distance of less than 100 kilometers from the old Gizov meridian. By the way, the distance between the Bosnian pyramid near the village of Visoko, coordinates 43 ° 58'37.11 ″ С 18 ° 10'34.60 ″ E and the axis of the past movement - 5600 kilometers, only 100 kilometers more than the distance between the past and present poles. Again an accident, or a deliberate placement of the pyramids around the world with an eye on the movement of the poles?

By the way, the distance between the Bosnian pyramid near the village of Visoko, coordinates 43 ° 58'37.11 ″ С 18 ° 10'34.60 ″ E and the axis of the past movement - 5600 kilometers, only 100 kilometers more than the distance between the past and present poles. Again an accident, or a deliberate placement of the pyramids around the world with an eye on the movement of the poles?

The known underwater pyramids of Yonaguni Island, coordinates 24 ° 23'15.94 ″ С 123 ° 1'36.42 ″ E, are located at a distance of 5700 kilometers from the axis of the past axis of the movement of the poles and in an area symmetrical to the location of Giza relative to the axis of the previous movement. Mirror Giza and Yonaguni are located on the same old meridian, by analogy with the location of the pyramids in Giza and Bosia.

This is how it looks on the map.


It is striking that the pyramid mountain Kailash in China is very close to the past line of movement of the poles. And also the fact that the underwater pyramids of Yonaguni Island are located on the same meridian with the inverse position of Giza. The pyramid in Bosnia is also located practically on the same old meridian with the actual position of Giza. The distance between the past meridian and the pyramid in Bosnia is 100 km, between the line of the past movement of the poles and the pyramid mountain Kailash is 70 kilometers. All this can no longer be an accident. Wikipedia tells about the Bosnian pyramids the same tales as about St. Petersburg, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Bronze Horseman and so on and so forth. Once again, you can be sure that you can very rarely trust official sources.

On the current meridian, which passes through Giza, is St. Petersburg, Kiev, in a strip within 200 kilometers - Ankara.

Paris from the old Gizov meridian at a distance of 290 km;

Let's see out of curiosity if there is anything interesting about the inversion point of the underwater pyramid of Yonaguni Island. 100 kilometers from this point is Medina in Saudi Arabia. “However, it’s an accident,” the wise Chukchi will say, and most likely will be wrong. Once again, the overall picture from the satellite, as they say, without comment.


Coordinates of Giza in the old coordinate system: 0 ° 56'13.70 ″ N 50 ° 1'16.88 ″ E

Coordinates of Giza in the current coordinate system: 29 ° 56'32.06 ″ N 30 ° 56'32.56 ″ E

And now let's see how the starry sky looked in Giza on the old and new position of Giza, we will use the Stellarium program for this and repeat the Chinese method, that is, just see how the starry sky looked when viewed from these two points.

Here's what happened:


As a result of the movement, the picture of the starry sky has moved far upward, that is, just as it is drawn on the Dendera zodiac. For the observer, it was a movement to the south, opposite to the Chinese direction, that's right, because the lithosphere was going in the other direction.

When the pole moves from the territory of North America to its present position, that is, exactly as it happened during the last movement of the poles, when China was not flooded, the starry sky will move far, 34 ° up, that is, exactly as drawn on Dendera Zodiac. It turns out that some event associated with the constellation Leo denotes the time when the starry sky rises (goes south), while the lithosphere travels north - in the opposite direction indicated in the Chinese myth. And the northern coast - Egypt, Siberia and so on - will be flooded at this moment.

In countries where Aquarius is in the flood myth, the sea is in the south, and in those countries where in the flood myth there is a lion, the sea is in the north. If we recall the directions in which the pole is shifting, it is obvious that when the coast is flooded from the south, then from the opposite side, if the continent between these shores is vast enough, there will be no flooding, since the coast will not go to the sea, but from it. That is, it is obvious that the flooding of the coast, from the north of which the sea is located, is somehow connected with the constellation Leo. The shores, where the sea is from the south, are flooded when an event occurs associated with the constellation Aquarius.

Indeed, in China, and in India, and in Greece, in Ancient Babylon (Arabian Peninsula), the sea is in the south. In Egypt, Russia (Petersburg) the sea is in the north. Thus, the constellation Leo controls the flood on the northern shores (Russia, Egypt), and the constellation Aquarius controls the southern shores (Greece, India, China, Iraq / Saudi Arabia).

In the Chinese myth, the direction of movement of the lithosphere is directly indicated, which is fully consistent with our version. In the myth of India, Manu is a man with a jug, where a fish lives that saves him from a flood, the constellation Aquarius is depicted on the zodiac as a man with a jug pouring water. This person, very similar to the image of the constellation Aquarius in the zodiac, lives in the south (India), that is, on the coast, on the south side of which is the Indian Ocean. In the myth, he gets into a boat, which is tied to the horn of a grown fish, which was released from a jug and this boat is dragged to a high mountain in the north called Himalaya. It's just an instruction for survival during the flooding of the southern coast of India - to go to the Himalayas - the highest mountains in the world, which are located in the north of India. In the myth of Greece, Deucalion generally turns after the flood into the constellation Aquarius - a direct indication of the connection between the flood and this constellation, and Greece is also located on the coast washed by the sea from the south. According to the Sumerians, the constellation Aquarius was in the center of the “heavenly sea”, and therefore foreshadowed the rainy season. It was identified with the god who warned people about the flood.

These were all "southern coasts". And this is how matters stand with the northern ones.

In Egyptian myth, the flood is associated with a lioness, more precisely, with a creature with a woman's torso (a hint of the constellation Aquarius) and the head of Leo (a hint of a symmetrical constellation Leo). Again, fountains all over Europe, in which water comes from the mouth of a lion. That in St. Petersburg (Samson and many others smaller), that in Germany and so on. In Egypt, as already noted, lion's heads were on the gates of the Nile canals. That is, it is obvious that the flood on the coast washed by the sea from the north is associated with the constellation Leo. Sphinxes (a creature with the body of a lion and a human head - a direct indication of the symmetrical constellations of Leo and Aquarius), standing in huge numbers both in Egypt and throughout Europe - and in St. Petersburg, and in Kiev, and in London and many others more northern cities.

Lion head on the pediment of the Temple of Jupiter in the mountainous part of Lebanon, in Baalbek. The hole suggests that the lion's head was part of a drain or even a fountain.


Plutarch wrote that it was a custom to put figures of lions at the doors of temples, spewing water from their mouths. And the flood itself was depicted by the Egyptians in the form of a lion, who was called the "guardian of the waters."

Samson is the central fountain of the Peterhof palace and park ensemble. In the center of the Samson fountain, tearing the mouth of a lion, from which a stream of water shoots up 21 meters


So, the myths fully support the calculations about periodic pole shifts, as well as the direction in which these shifts occur.

The new chronology of Fomenko / Nosovsky fully fits into the version of the change of poles between 1492 and 1513. The entire history of Europe, according to these historians, begins in the 14-15th century, that is, from the time of the previous pole shift.

Now we have additional data on geography, which also confirm our version. Take a look at South America / Antarctica. The Piri Reis map shows that South America in the east is not flooded by the ocean. That is, the sea level in 1513 was lower than it is now. Where could such a sharp rise in sea level come from? And is it possible to explain such an enchanting "breakthrough" of the Pacific Ocean into the Atlantic only by the rise of water in the ocean? It is unlikely that the Pacific Ocean rose independently of the Atlantic Ocean; after all, these are communicating vessels. Assuming that the ice cap in North America was melting faster than it was increasing in Antarctica, which ended up at the South Pole after the pole shift, then it is quite logical that the sea level rose sharply at first.and then gradually decreased as the ice mass in the glaciers in Antarctica increased. The satellite image clearly shows the "breakthrough" between South America and Antarctica at the point where solid land is drawn on the Piri Reis map.


If you look at where the equator was when the pole was on the territory of North America, (in Nebraska, USA), you will find amazing coincidences: the "breakthrough" took place just in the area of the old equator.


Let's conduct a thought experiment: water on the ocean surface at the equator moves at a speed of 462 meters per second. With the movement of the poles, South America moved from the equator to the south, where the speed of movement of point an on the Earth's surface is much lower. At the breakthrough site (60 ° south latitude), the speed of the point on the surface after moving was 462 * cos (60 °) = 462/2 = 231 meters per second. The water in front of South America immediately after moving could not instantly reduce its speed by half, but by inertia it continued to move from west to east and rushed with a relative speed of 231 meters per second to land on the coast of South America. The mass of water in the ocean is not limited, satellite images show clear traces of "grinding" in the South of South America for a year, there are no sharp peaks, the rocks seem to be washed by water.


That is, the Pacific Ocean simply broke through a natural dam, which was represented by the Andes, and at the speed of sound (231 meters per second) made its way into the Atlantic. And this effect of the breakthrough of a natural dam - the Andes - further increased the height of the tidal wave and, accordingly, its speed. In childhood, we all built dams on streams after rain, and when the dam breaks, the flow rate is noticeably faster than when the stream flows smoothly and evenly. On the satellite image, you can see that initially the breakthrough was along the old equator, that is, the water simply continued its movement, not yet realigning to the position of the new poles, but then the flow turned in the direction of the current direction of the earth's parallels, which is natural, since the ocean at the end eventually adopted a new movement and began to move in accordance with the new movement of the lithosphere.

Another interesting geographic feature that can tell a lot about past events that is not in the official version of history / geography is the Grand Canyon in the United States. This is how this grandiose ravine looks from the satellite.


The typical depth of the enemy is one kilometer. Have you ever seen a ravine one kilometer deep? The walls of this ravine are not stone, but sandy, that is, they are very short-lived. Traces of erosion are visible everywhere with the naked eye. And such a fragile structure has existed for many millions of years? Yes, yes, I believe, as well as the fact that Peter I is sitting on the central square in St. Petersburg barefoot without pants.

Again, the version that the Grand Canyon in Colorado, USA, was formed due to the fact that the Colorado River, after allegedly raising the plateau, began to flow faster and washed out all that volume of land that is absent in the Grand Canyon does not stand up to criticism. Even rivers such as the Amazon or the Nile, which also do not flow over rocky rock, did not even make a gorge of a similar scale. Here, a much more powerful and faster flow is needed so that the land does not have time to settle in the delta or just at the bottom of the river. And there is no other intelligible explanation other than the fact that the Grand Canyon is a consequence of the rapid melting of a glacier of 3 kilometers in height. And the Grand Canyon is just in the south of the United States, in the place where the Sun very intensively melted the ice on the surface, and huge masses of melt water,who rushed with the speed of a good train and washed this ravine, stunning in its scale, the depth of which reaches 1800 (!) meters in some places. The fact that this ravine is 10 million years old is also hard to believe. Such fragile walls (limestone, sandstone) during this time would have already collapsed several times due to rains and other factors causing erosion even near a stone, and now there would be a modest, albeit wide ravine with very gentle and smooth edges in this place., which did not stand out against the background of the relief.and now, in this place, there would be a modest, albeit wide ravine with very gentle and smooth edges, which did not particularly stand out against the background of the relief.and now, in this place, there would be a modest, albeit wide ravine with very gentle and smooth edges, which did not particularly stand out against the background of the relief.

Another geographic feature that just fits perfectly with our version of the pole shift.

Titicaca is a high-mountain lake located on the border of two states - Peru and Bolivia, coordinates - 16 ° 0 ′ 46.13 ″ S 69 ° 10 ′ 2.13 ″ W. It is located at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level, just below Mont Blanc and above Fuji, and the pool area is 8300 square kilometers.

There is also some kind of anomaly with names. The state that used to be on this territory was called Pukina, and one of the nearest cities was Juliaca. It feels like some offended Russians lived here.

The lake is salty and is home to marine fish and crustaceans. Once again: at an altitude of 3812 meters above sea level, we personally observe a body of sea water with an area of 8300 square kilometers. How did so much sea water get to such a height? Let's see where this natural anomaly is located. This is how this place looks from the satellite.


She, this anomaly, is located on the equator before last, not far from Machu Picchu. In our version, such a lake should be exactly in this place. As the reader remembers, water at the equator moves at maximum speed and, when land moves to any point above or below the equator, it continues to move further until it encounters an obstacle, for example, in the form of the Andes. That is, according to the height of Lake Titicaca, one can estimate the height of the tidal wave at the equator - it is 3812 meters, most likely higher, since the area of the lake is very large, so there was not a wave crest at this height.

Almost the same alpine Lake Victoria (Victoria-Nyanza, Ukereve) is a lake in East Africa, in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Located in the tectonic trough of the East African platform at an altitude of 1134 m.

And also not far (600 kilometers) from the equator before last.


Surface area - 68 thousand km², volume - 8400 km³. This is the second largest freshwater lake in the world.

Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi are located nearby, both in the + -600 kilometers zone from the equator before last.

Just some kind of pandemonium of alpine lakes on the line of the equator before last, coincidence, to the left.

And here is another strange feature of North America, which must necessarily be in case the pole shifts in the indicated directions actually occurred. The satellite photo shows the estimated movements of the poles in the past.


It can be seen that the coast of North America follows the envelope trajectory of the North Pole, as well as the boundary of the swamps. If tidal waves regularly come from the same direction, then naturally the coastline will tend to a straight line that is perpendicular to the direction the waves are coming from.

And if the land is regularly flooded to the same length, and climatic changes are repeated cyclically, then the border of the swamps will also be close to a straight line, which is observed in Canada. In addition, the swamps are located exactly where the polar circle was at both positions of the pole, that is, the water could not melt either at the pole in the USA, or at the pole in Greenland. Which is observed on satellite images of Canada.


This info should actually have been in the first part, but it doesn't fit, the post is too long. And here is a fresh find in 2013: a completely preserved mammoth with liquid blood was found in Yakutia.

Even liquid blood was found in the abdominal cavities of the animal, which flowed from the carcass during excavations. This fact amazed the researchers, since during the excavations the air temperature ranged from minus 7 to minus 10 degrees, and the carcass itself was in a block of ice. Even a trunk was found, which is usually not preserved.

For the reindeer herders of the Russian tundra, the remains of a mammoth are an ordinary thing. Romanenko claims that there have been cases when mammoth meat was eaten or fed to dogs.

Can anyone explain how this is possible without the pole shift?

- Part 4 -