Artifact "Metal Rod In Stone". Who Could Have Created Something Like This Millions Of Years Ago? - Alternative View

Artifact "Metal Rod In Stone". Who Could Have Created Something Like This Millions Of Years Ago? - Alternative View
Artifact "Metal Rod In Stone". Who Could Have Created Something Like This Millions Of Years Ago? - Alternative View

Video: Artifact "Metal Rod In Stone". Who Could Have Created Something Like This Millions Of Years Ago? - Alternative View

Video: Artifact
Video: Survival Fish Spear Build - Deadly! 2024, October

On Earth, archaeologists periodically find artifacts that can be called rather strange. According to some reports, the age of some finds can reach tens and hundreds of thousands, but then people already inhabited the planet, as scientists say. But what about artifacts that are more than millions of years old, when people on the planet, according to scientists, were not yet?

The topic of ancient artifacts is very interesting, but it is fraught with many secrets, to which, perhaps, we will never know the answer …

One of these artifacts was found in the mountains of China and made a real sensation in the scientific world. The thing is that the artifact is a metal rod that is in the stone. Scientists suggest that the core was overgrown with rock over a long time, according to approximate data for several million years. And everything would be fine, but at that moment, according to the same scientists, people on the planet did not exist yet. Strange, isn't it?

How can you explain this?


There is a version that this threaded metal rod could have got into the stone much earlier, but radiocarbon analysis shows the age of the rock itself, not the rod. From this point of view, everything seems to be logical.

But quite a few people believe that scientists and historians incorrectly determine the age of the people themselves who inhabit the Earth. Maybe our humanity is not 150-200 thousand years old, but much more? Or other civilizations could have existed before humans, the artifacts of which we still find, and in large numbers.

My opinion is based on numerous finds, which are hundreds of thousands of years old, or even millions. I think that we have just begun to learn the secrets of our planet and in the future history will have to be rewritten. How else to explain the fact that scientists often cannot answer questions about ancient artifacts and structures that were built with technologies that, according to scientists, could not exist at that time.

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