The Magic Of Herbs - Alternative View

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The Magic Of Herbs - Alternative View
The Magic Of Herbs - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Herbs - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Herbs - Alternative View
Video: The Power Of Herbs - AWESOME BBC Herbal Medicine Documentary 2024, October

In ancient times, people attached great importance to herbs. In Siberia, in the North, each shaman had his own "witchcraft" tree. The life of a sorcerer was closely connected with a tree - a tree perished, and a shaman perished. So what can plants do?

Nettle - removes spoilage, protects against evil energy and witchcraft. Nettle is also considered healing, and therefore is often used in potions. Oak is a sacred and magical tree that gives strength. Birch is the patroness of women and girls, it is also considered the keeper of the hearth. Spruce - like oak, a sacred tree, is also a symbol of longevity and health. Burdock is a plant with the ability to send spoilage. The nut is a symbol of victory, it is often used to fight someone. Hawthorn - protects from evil spirits. Blackthorn - has the same properties as hawthorn, protects against evil spirits and witches. Willow - will protect you from the evil eye and witchcraft. Cedar - gives strength of spirit and endurance.

Clover is a symbol of good luck and success. Ash - will help to find inspiration Aspen - will not bring anything good, has always had a bad reputation. Rosehip - if you often fail, he will help you. Ivan da Marya - retains love and devotion. Primula - symbolizes the road. Beech - it was believed that the spirit of the times is hidden in the beech St. John's wort is a very strong plant. Protects from evil spells. If you weave and wear a belt of St. John's wort, he will take on all the evil, and if you throw the belt on November 1 (All Saints Day) into the fire, all the evil accumulated on the belt will return to the one who sent it. Elm - symbolizes knowledge. Sow thistle - as it grows in a swamp, was considered the patron saint of evil spirits. Protect from witchcraft: barley, garlic, onion, mountain ash, birch, boxwood, elderberry. They will reveal extrasensory abilities, develop a "third eye": chamomile and orchid.

Plant magic

This topic is very extensive and cannot be placed in either one or two articles, so the section will be constantly updated.

Plants have a certain energy and emit certain vibes - this does not contradict Christianity, since this quality was given to plants by God. So we will unite desires and strength, human energy and plant energy, or simply use their strength.


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Absolutely everything, including plants, has their own biofield, energy. They will in a certain way affect the subtle bodies of a person, his psyche, subconsciousness.

It is from plants that you can begin your knowledge of healing and magic. Indeed, plant magic is experiencing a rebirth. A sage cannot be considered a real sorcerer if he does not know how to use herbs in his practice. Since ancient times, sorcerers have turned to herbs.

Anti-demonic herbs. Fumigation

Each blade of grass absorbs its own range of strength, so we use some herb for headaches, some for liver diseases, some for colds, etc. But there are a number of herbs that have a very powerful healing effect, their effect goes immediately to the entire human body, and not to any separate organ, and, in addition, they regulate the very energy of the body. These herbs have a very clear spectrum of radiation, in which there is practically no black color. In their energy there is nothing from the underworld, there is not even the energies of the dead kingdom, therefore they have a very strong healing effect on a person, as well as the ability to drive away evil spirits. They are called anti-demonic.

These are St. John's wort, hyssop (blue St. John's wort), lavender, nettle, wormwood, thistle, dill, theotokos herb, Ivan da Marya, etc. In order to get the greatest strength from the grass, it is harvested at a favorable time for this.

To protect themselves from evil spirits, herbs are used only in the form of incense or water infusions. Alcoholic infusions, capsules with dried grass are not suitable for this purpose. For the preparation of infusions and smoking, the herbs must first be dried - losing water, they acquire a fiery energy force. A power that increases their ability to drive away evil spirits.

Smoking or incense affects our mind and, purifying our thoughts, drive away possible troubles and misfortunes. They are good because they clean not only the person himself, but also the home. But if evil spirits wedged into your body, fumigation will not help you, it will only protect you from a new attack.

If you want to use anti-demonic herbs to protect your home, add a drop of pine resin to the dry grass and try to carry the incense throughout the apartment. Then, when the apartment is filled with the smell of herbs, open a large window or balcony for a few minutes and wish the evil spirits to leave your house: “As the smoke leaves my house, so do troubles, diseases, etc. leave my house. Then close the window, and the smell of herbs will remain in your home for another day, calling your mind to release from evil thoughts.

We emphasized that the resin must be pine, as it has more cleansing properties.

Aromatic essential oils are not used to drive out evil spirits from the house. They act more on our mind than on the atmosphere of the dwelling, although they are also able to free the head from accumulated negative energy; in fact, their healing effect is based on it.

Herbal infusions act entirely on our entire body, cleansing it of dirty accumulated energy. Water allows the power of herbs to freely fill the cells of our body and tune in to receive light energy. The tremendous power of herbs lies in their ability to form a common energy field, combining their disparate powers into a common mind. When a person uses an infusion of herbs, he involuntarily connects to the general energy field of these plants. And the less he will resist its effects, the faster the recovery will come.

Therefore, never collect withered, weak grass growing in garbage dumps and in other dirty places - otherwise, taking an infusion from it, you will connect not only to the pure energy of the plant, but also to the energy of the place where it grew; do not try to take inside the "horse" dose of infusion at once - by dramatically changing the energy of the body, you frighten your own body and it begins to resist healing (microdoses work better and more beneficial, it is no coincidence that homeopathic methods of treatment are one of the most reliable); while taking the infusion, help your mind - imagine a field of flowering herbs of the kind you accept - the healing will go faster. While pouring or bathing in the infusion, do not be too lazy to do this - the surge of strength will be greater than with the mechanical performance of the procedure.

St. John's wort. One of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs in central Russia. This is a herb that absorbs sunlight, immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort helps well with depression, fatigue, the first signs of colds. It opens a person's heart, allowing his soul, mind and body to unite into a single whole. All evil spirits are afraid of him just as they are afraid of sunlight. St. John's wort is gaining its greatest strength by mid-July. Previously, it (like all magical herbs) was collected for Ivan Kupala (July 7, new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that caught your eye, then next year you risk not finding it at all in this place.


St. John's wort is not used in smoking, since it does not have the power to drive out evil spirits from the room. It just very powerfully fills the body with the solar energy contained in it. Therefore, St. John's wort is used in infusions or in aromatic oils, that is, for direct effects on the body. Previously in Russia, St. John's wort often replaced tea, which was very good, since in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy, which the body has to extract from other sources.

Hyssop (blue St. John's wort) acts immediately on the subtle energy plans of our body. It is used in smoking, incense, infusions, but it gives the greatest strength to our body in contact with the skin. This allows you to quickly cleanse the energy of a person from accumulated dirt. And the rest of the nature of its action is similar to the usual St. John's wort.

Wormwood is the second most powerful anti-demonic herb in Russia, which is now used extremely rarely. Among others, she drives away evil spirits of water origin. Mermaids are madly afraid of her, and in the Rusal week, to protect against their intrigues, wormwood was hung in houses, and bonfires with the addition of wormwood were burned near the houses. The smell of this herb can drive almost any evil spirits out of the house.

Wormwood loses some of its strength in water infusion, and it tastes very bitter, so it is more often used in the form of incense (besides, the power of wormwood is very high and inside it can only be used in micro doses). Wormwood has the ability to restore our harmony with nature, and with a strong concentration of its fumes, susceptible people can begin to see beings of the subtle world - this is the second reason for such a rare use of wormwood. In fact, it is used only by magicians who are not afraid of otherworldly contacts.

An absolutely safe method of using it is to hang a small bunch of this herb in the house (preferably in the bedroom or hallway).

The smell of wormwood is so unpleasant to water scum that it leaves the house where wormwood is simply present. Wormwood ritual wreaths were always woven on the night of Ivan Kupala. They used them to guess about the future fate, the secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. It was considered a very bad omen if such a wreath fell or broke - this indicated the effect of evil witchcraft on the family. Wormwood is a very strong, but at the same time, very whimsical plant. It grows slowly and does not grow well from seed, so when cutting this herb, try not to cut it to the very root. Cut off only the top - the buds of this plant have the greatest strength (the stem is not needed for work). The anti-demonic properties of wormwood increase on the waning moon.

Nettle. This pungent herb has the ability to resist evil witchcraft. It was used to weaken the body and powerlessness, put it under the soles of boots or boots of the bewitched, so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. Nettle brooms were used to sweep the floors in the enchanted dwelling in order to drive out evil spirits from it.


Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive the evil force of those entering the house. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive evil spirits out of the house, in the form of infusions and baths, to restore a person to his former strength. Nettle was also a part of the ancient elixirs of youth and beauty. The greatest strength is adult, but not old nettle, young nettle was used only for vitamin soups and salads. In magic, both adult and old nettles have always been used; in order to destroy the power of evil, an old plant is more suitable.

Nettle has the greatest anti-demonic power on the young moon. But in order for it to help you or with your hands to someone, you need to tear it without fear and without anger at burns. Nettle by nature is a warrior plant, does not like cowards and aggressors. When such people pluck it, the plant begins to drive a very burning sap along the leaves, which is akin to poisonous, and 70 percent of its healing properties are lost. They tear the nettle with their bare hands for special purposes … For better preservation of its healing properties, it is best to cut the nettle with a knife; this plant cannot be pulled out by the root - half of its strength is lost, since it loses its connection with the place where it grew.

Thistle - if you translate the name of this plant into modern Russian, you will get "frightening devils", which is quite consistent with the abilities of this "grass". The devils are really afraid of her, so this plant was hung at the entrance to the house in order not to let evil spirits into the dwelling. They planted thistles on the graves of sorcerers and damned people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into the heat.

This plant was not used in smoking - the smoke of the thistle is very bitter, it eats the eyes and throat. It drives out evil spirits, but it is also difficult for people to stay in such a haze. Thistle grows in unkind places, protecting our world from evil. By this plant they judged the people living nearby: a thistle grows - either people are evil, or the place is not good; in any case, it is best to stay away from it. The thistle reaches its greatest strength when its flower blooms.

Lavender - this plant has the ability to concentrate the forces of the human body to fight evil spirits. It is used in the form of smoking and infusions. In large doses, lavender can cause aggression and hatred of everything, so it must be used carefully, little by little. Animals and insects that carry evil do not like the smell of lavender: mice, rats, moths … Therefore, lavender oil was often placed in places where food and clothing were stored. Lavender plucked on the young moon has a milder effect on the human body.

Dill. This herb is a familiar guest in any garden. But few people know that witches hate her smell. The smell of dill dispels the effect of witchcraft, removes the trouble from a person. Infusion of dill helps to expel undead sent by evil witchcraft from the body. The problem with its use is that dill itself is a weak herb. It works well as an aid in cleansing the body and home, but it would be irrational to rely only on it in protection from evil forces.

Virgin Herb is a powerful herb that, unfortunately, does not have a universal effect. Her sphere of influence is fertility. But it always helps to restore fertility to the soil, animals, plants, people. Smoking from the Virgin Herb calms the nervous system, allows you to find a solution to a difficult problem, cuts off the action of energetic sexual vampires. Infusions work in the same way. Washing and bathing in the infusion of the Mother of God helps to preserve the feminine beauty. This herb is poured with the greatest power near the full moon.


Ivan da Marya is the last of the widespread anti-demonic herbs in Russia. It practically does not affect human thoughts, therefore it is used only in infusions. This herb allows the body to achieve harmony of Yin and Yang energy, helps a person achieve happiness in life, attracts to him what he lacks. It removes evil spirits due to the fact that with the help of the reserves of the organism itself, it eliminates energy holes into which evil penetrates. Calms the nervous system, with the constant use of this herb, a person becomes noticeably prettier. But this herb does not store its strength for a very long time. Having collected it near the day of Ivan Kupala (when it matures), you can fully use it no more than a full lunar month.

When dried, it loses about 10 percent of its healing properties with each lunar month, although its chemical composition remains the same. But all the more try not to miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a broom of Ivan da Marya on the evening of July 7 (on the day of Ivan Kupala) in order to wash off those essences that, sticking to you, devour beauty and well-being.

And I would like to end the article with an old popular conspiracy, which was pronounced aloud before tearing any herb for medicinal purposes. It sounds like this: "Earth-Mother, help me grab the grass." We wish you to use the property and power of herbs for your own good, for the happiness of each of us is the happiness of our entire world.

Houseplants, their influence on us. About addictions and character

Indoor plants cleanse and heal the atmosphere in the home. And not only from dust and harmful chemical compounds, but also from energy dirt. Quarrels, anger, hatred, pessimism, failure, lack of money - it is with them that indoor flowers fight. It has long been noticed that in the presence of a heavy, scandalous person, flowers wither and die, tk. cannot stand screams, quarrels, lies and insults. Flowers clear the air of them, often dying themselves. A person who is in such an environment for a long time also suffers psychologically and physically.

The first sign that there are negative energy flows in the apartment is poor growth of indoor flowers, their diseases, and a sluggish appearance. Although, in some people, certain types of plants grow well, while others die. This is due to the correspondence or opposition of the zodiac signs of a plant and a person.

Any plant affects the environment and the person himself. Flowers absorb the energy of impure thoughts and have an impact on the process of thinking and speech of a person, and this influence is very purposeful. In addition, by the appearance of a leaf of a houseplant, you can understand which thoughts it relieves the atmosphere from.

Large, leathery leaves cleanse of long speeches, exaggerated doubts, big problems. People who tend to think about one thing for too long are advised to have a laurel ficus in the house. It will be useful to scientists, researchers, people of art.

The more fleshy the leaves, the more mundane thoughts the plant affects. The fat woman, for example, clears the atmosphere of constant thoughts about money, troubles, and materialistic aspirations. Those who are in a difficult financial situation would not hurt to plant this flower.

Small leaves (azalea, asparagus), free space and minds from the little things of life. Variegated leaves help to see the relationship of seemingly unrelated phenomena.


Trees, like humans, have their own periods of activity and rest, wakefulness and sleep. Among them there are owls, and larks, and arrhythmias. Naturally, it is better to turn to a tree for strength and energy during the period when it is awake. Otherwise, there is such a situation - you came to him with love and hope for help, and the tree is asleep. Until you get it, spend more energy than you get.