Aliens And Dinosaur Eggs Of Crimea: Debunking Myths - Alternative View

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Aliens And Dinosaur Eggs Of Crimea: Debunking Myths - Alternative View
Aliens And Dinosaur Eggs Of Crimea: Debunking Myths - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And Dinosaur Eggs Of Crimea: Debunking Myths - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And Dinosaur Eggs Of Crimea: Debunking Myths - Alternative View
Video: When Scientists Studied Fossilized Dinosaur Eggs, They Found An Amazing Secret Inside Their Shells 2024, October

The list of VIP-guests who have visited Crimea is just right to include … aliens - so often they refer here to their "documented visit". We are talking about unusual drawings on rocks and in caves from the Chatyr-dag plateau to Mangup

From time to time, Russian and Ukrainian ufologists and contactees with alien intelligence come to Crimea, who solemnly "open" and "find" the same images.

“A sensational discovery was made in the Crimea by Zaporozhye UFOs. In one of the caves of the Chatyr-dag mountain range, they found rock paintings. Among the images, researchers of anomalous phenomena saw a flying saucer. Amazing drawings have been discovered in the Cold Cave. On one of the walls, Stone Age artists have captured an ellipsoidal object with rays, around which strange people are dancing,”- this is a quote from a message circulated by the media in 2006.

About the same "sensations" surfaced in 2008 and in February 2010: “Mysterious symbols were found in one of the Crimean caves. One of the drawings depicts a person operating a complex mechanical device with wheels. Primitive people could not possess such devices, therefore, extraterrestrial technology is captured here. " In general, even skeptics have nothing to cover: primitive artists did capture something like that, and it is really difficult to find an earthly explanation.

In fact, the drawings, as explained by the head of the Department of History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages of the Taurida National University, dean of the Faculty of History Alexander Herzen, only give the impression of the ancients. They are only about forty years old. Those made on open areas of rocks quickly wind up - nowadays this process is much faster due to industrial emissions, and those in caves are exposed to moisture.

The Crimeans are still alive, in whose memory the artist wandered in the late 60s of the last century, carving and drawing unusual figures and even whole galleries of pictures in different places. Either he expressed himself like that, or wanted to play a trick on the descendants, but he achieved his goal: his work excites the imagination of descendants, dozens of theories are built on it, "proving" that the aliens once landed in the Crimea.

"Butterflies" on the Karabi-yayla

Not far from the Irtysh mountain, on the Karabi-yayla, tourists are shown "stone butterflies": four stone signs laid out on a flat ground, about five by eight meters in size, and around them there are small depressions.


“In the manner of execution of these figures, one can guess carelessness, haste: the stones in the masonry are different in size - obviously what was lying closer, at hand. They didn't care about symmetry, nor about durability: stones were laid directly on the surface of the earth. Some of them were deeply drowned in the soil, which is proof of the antiquity of the monument. The monument is silent about everything else. If we were looking for evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth, we could attribute the creation of these “butterflies” to aliens from outer space, take them for “landing marks”, says B. Chupikov's “Guide to Karabi”, published in 1988.

In general, a modest hint of aliens then had a lethal effect, there was such a time: books about UFOs were spreading, magazines acquired the headings "Amazing Nearby", cryptozoologists and specialists in contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence were invited to TV shows. In general, the Crimean "butterflies" have become something of a response to mysterious drawings in the Nazca desert - they say, and we are not deprived of attention from space!

Today, signs on the Karabi Yaila are presented not only as ancient signals on the landing strip for flying saucers. For example, tourists are told that this is how the ancient inhabitants of these places marked the boundaries of their possessions, that the signs were part of a large ritual complex. A scientific article was almost published that the signs were laid out in the XIII-XIV centuries as pointers for caravans moving through the Crimea. It is not entirely clear why they should drag through Karabi, when there were more convenient passes and roads nearby.


"Butterflies" were indeed made by people, but relatively recently, in 1948 - 1949. Alexander Herzen knows about their origin firsthand: from a person who was directly involved in the creation of stone signs. At that time an artillery range was broken at Karabi-Yaila where the military practiced aimed bombing. The battery had to shoot at closed targets, identifying them with acoustic methods. A special device caught the sounds of explosions (they were imitated by TNT bombs), and the guns opened fire. A false artillery position was created at the test site, simulating four "enemy batteries ", The same" butterflies "laid out by the soldiers. It turns out that even the documentation on the creation of the test site has been preserved. So the stone signs can really be called monuments - not archaeological, but historical,symbolizing the beginning of the Cold War.


Fourteen years ago, during the excavation of the Chimerik settlement on Mount Opuk, in the Leninsky District, archaeologists discovered a limestone slab. In fact, both tourists and members of the expedition passed by it more than once. The edge, on which the cross was carved, protruded from the masonry: once a kind of shelter for livestock in a cave was built from a variety of materials. The slab was considered an old tombstone, used as a building material, and was carefully examined after one of the tourists destroyed the old masonry. It turned out that in the hands - a real sensation: under the circle enclosed in a cross were carved four runic signs, nothing like this had ever been found in Crimea.


A piece of limestone was dated to the end of the 4th century, calling it evidence of the transition of the Gothic tribes, already settled in the Crimea, to Christianity. The inscription on the slab turned out to be unreadable: that is, they tried to decipher each of the signs separately - and they argued about this. In the first publications about the runestone, a version of the magic formula was proposed: supposedly the slab stood at the place where the court was conducted, and the signs were supposed to prevent someone else's divination and help establish justice.

Now experts treat the runestone, if not skeptical, then cautiously, with a high degree of probability considering it a fake. Signs that look like runes could have been carved in not so distant times - for example, in the century before last.

After all, on the peninsula there have always been both those who like to joke and people who were so fanatically carried away by their own interpretation of history that material evidence was adjusted to fit it. One can recall at least the famous Abraham Firkovich, who believed that the Karaites appeared on the peninsula five centuries before the birth of Christ. He argued that he was right, among other things, by changing the dates on the old gravestones of the cemetery at the foot of Chufut-kale, he also cleaned up ancient manuscripts. He made such a "contribution" to science that scientists still doubt the authenticity of many of the documents passed through his hands.

Dinosaurs didn't rush here

If you ever hear in the story about the Crimean sights: "dinosaur bones were found here" - do not believe it. As a rule, such tales are built on rumors, really connected with the discovery of the remains of ancient animals, but they have nothing to do with the reptiles that dominated the Mesozoic era. At the time when they were found, Crimea was under water, therefore, there were simply no land giants here, and for obvious reasons the remains of the sea could not have survived. The same applies to reports of "dinosaur eggs" - for them, enthusiasts often take natural mineral formations of a round shape, sometimes even authentically imitating the shell.

But the bones of ancient mammals in the Crimea have been and continue to be found: for example, on the coast in the vicinity of Kerch you can find the remains of dolphins, whales, seals that lived tens of thousands of years ago. Scientists have studied quite well what animals were then found in the mountainous and foothill Crimea - the remains of cave bears, woolly rhinoceros, mammoths, saiga, wild horses, saber-toothed tiger and many other animals were found at different times in caves, in places of Paleolithic sites.

By the way, the theme of bones is one of the most beloved among those who like to distort and freely interpret facts. How many tales are circulating on the Internet - like, for example, about "caves filled with human bones, testifying to mass murders"! In fact, in the cave cities of the Crimea, due to a shortage of places for individual graves, it was practiced reburial in "bone depositories", ossuaries. The remains of the deceased were allowed to mature to a skeletal state, and then they were removed and poured into special rooms or large pits. The smell there (and around), of course, was still the same, but several centuries ago the Crimeans were not as squeamish as we are.

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