Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View

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Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View
Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View

Video: Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View

Video: Rumors About The Beginning Of Arrests Of Global Elites Appeared On The Network - Alternative View
Video: The Pregnant Doc Telling the Truth About COVID-19 | Informer 2024, September

On March 18, 2020, very controversial information appeared on several US forums with reference to "some sources in government circles." At first it was discussed behind closed doors, but now it has already appeared on public platforms, so we believe that our readers should also familiarize themselves with the message. We can neither confirm nor deny this information, but a number of indirect signs indicate that it may somehow correspond to reality. Below we will note a few words about this, but for now the message itself. This morning, at 4:30 am, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was indicted by US attorneys for a criminal indictment for corporate and financial crimes. Along the way, the owners and editors of the media were instructed to begin brainwashing everyone that the Trudeau couple had the coronavirus and that the couple would be in quarantine for a while.

Another celebrity, Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago on pedophilia charges and is currently being held in a hotel room in Australia. The next arrested celebrities will be Celion Dion, Madonna, Charlie Barkley, Kevin Spacey. The media will say about this that they have a coronavirus.

Italian airports have been completely closed, as more than 80% of Vatican officials and its financial officials were prosecuted on the same criminal charges for financial crimes, pedophilia, child trafficking and sexual abuse.

The United Arab Emirates, where the arrests of members of the royal family began, are now under way with similar arrests.

Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of leading Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in drug trafficking, pedophilia and child trafficking. Instead of 55 years, he received only 23 years. In exchange, he testified against some of the biggest and most influential names, including Prince Andrew of the UK, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg and hundreds of others who were directly associated with Jeffrey Epstein. Earlier, in exchange for a similar testimony, Jeffrey Epstein also made a deal and to hide him, a staged suicide was organized.

The CEOs of some of the world's largest corporations have also been indicted, so dozens of CEOs have resigned in the past 30-60 days. And in the next 3 months, another 700-800 resignations are expected.

The laboratory-created COVID-19 is the cover for the mandatory mass vaccination program, as well as a covert American intelligence operation - an operation so huge that the world has never seen anything like it. 158,000 people are expected to be arrested from former and current politicians, celebrities and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros and his UN representatives.

Promotional video:

Trump will win the 2020 elections, and the arrests of former US presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be covered by the media as illnesses and accidents. All those arrested will be offered the "Death of Rommel" option, which means a choice between suicide and trial, which can lead to public shame.

Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, some will suddenly fall ill. The Vatican will be the first and the Pope will be removed in 2020. The production of human-derived adrenochrome will be made public, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be directly responsible for it.

For two months, stock exchanges, some banks, airports, shipping, shows, sports championships, music awards ceremonies and so on will be closed. Energy prices will fall, food costs will rise.

But before that, the H5N1 bird flu will also be released from China, which will happen this week. All in all, welcome to the New World Order.

Editorial comment

Usually, the posts of various "insiders" on the forums do not deserve particularly great confidence, however, for the purpose of experiment, type the word Adrenochrome in a Google search and see which service gives the top pictures:


This appeared just a couple of days ago and why Google decided to give such a preference is not clear. The only possible explanation is that the topic of adenochrome will soon appear in the press and on television, that is, it will be discussed in the global media, and this is exactly what this insider writes about.

The second interesting topic is the widespread disease COVID-19 of world celebrities who, it is not clear where and how they picked it up. These people do not stroll around the Chinese markets, do not travel in electric trains and do not fly in economy class cabins. One of the explanations for this situation suggested that the guys fled to the bunkers, however, there may also be options with arrests.

In general, it cannot be said unequivocally that the insider's reference to some government sources”is false - indirect facts say that it may be close to the truth. If the illnesses of celebrities continue and bird flu also appears in the press along with the coronavirus, then there may be anything, so we are following the development of events.