Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View

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Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View
Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View

Video: Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View

Video: Popular Tricks Of Advertisers For Attracting Clients - Alternative View
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Throughout the history of trade, advertising has been the driving force behind the movement of goods. Modern experts build advertising campaigns not only on their observations, research by psychologists, but also on a set of techniques that make the consumer fork out much faster than he expected. What are the most productive tricks?

On social networks and the Internet

One of the ways advertisers capture the attention of potential customers on the world's largest social network, Facebook, is through the Facebook Pixel app. Thanks to him, manufacturers and advertising gurus can easily find potential buyers. For a professional, it is important to know which products the user has viewed and which pages the buyer has not yet visited.


Using the data obtained, the advertiser or marketer sets up an advertising campaign, so that the user gets the impression that the social network is able to fulfill desires. The very next day, the consumer sees in the news feed the product that he has asked the price or looked closely at, which delights some, and some are annoyed by such observation and the possibility of targeting advertising messages.

Artificial constraints and stimuli

Promotional video:

In advertisements and slogans, the technique of limited availability of goods is often used. This artificial scarcity forces the consumer to make a purchase, often more than one copy, and also subconsciously convinces him of the higher quality of the purchased product.


"Scarcity" also applies to promotional offers, for example, an ad is submitted: "There are only 10 minutes left to claim a discount on product X". This approach has a magical effect on many, and the shelf with products is empty.

The reception of an obsessive offer of goods is also effective. In this case, annoying factors are used - leaflets falling out of the press, additional pop-up windows on your favorite sites, and so on. This tactic forces the consumer to see the product many times, which is the ultimate goal of the advertising campaign.

Price Games

Advertising gimmicks with prices are the simplest, but they do not lose their effectiveness. Most sellers prefer to quote the cost of goods in non-round numbers. Usually, the price tag will be limited to 9, let's say not 3 rubles, but 2.99. The rule is exactly the opposite: when it comes to prestigious acquisitions, a purse worth 10 thousand rubles will be perceived much more favorably than the same one with a price of 9,999 rubles. In this case, advertising plays on perceived value.


Often advertisers tell consumers that a product is not just expensive, but very expensive, while the product itself is not yet on the shelves. The value of the item is clearly fixed in the mind of the consumer - this is the first stage of the game. At the second stage, the products are brought to the market, and at the same time the cost decreases, but you can buy the goods only during the promotional period.

The consumer has a fear of not having time to purchase such an expensive item at a reasonable price. It makes sense to follow the course of events and refuse to purchase during the period of the first promotional offer. The next step will be to fix the high, originally announced price, but after a while the price tag will drop sharply, often much lower than during the first action.

Patronage and humor

Large brands conduct advertising campaigns, during which customers receive goods for free, that is, they do not demand money from the buyer - they give him a gift. After that, trust in the product and the manufacturer increases, and the feeling of gratitude begins to move the consumer, which is used by marketers.

In 1971, a study was conducted: a group of people were offered a free drink of a popular brand, after which each person was invited to purchase lottery tickets. As a result, spending on the lottery exceeded the cost of one bottle of the drink several times.


To attract the attention of the consumer is the main goal and task of advertising, one of the main selling methods is humor. At the dawn of the appearance of advertising on Russian television, unique videos were created that became the classics of the domestic advertising industry. For example, an advertisement for juice, where communication takes place between a father and a daughter: "Baby, you're going to burst!" / "And you pour and walk away."

Managing emotions

It has been noticed that any product sells out faster if someone's authoritative opinion is used in the ad or visual message. The most common example is "This toothpaste is recommended by 9 out of 10 doctors."


An equally effective way to force a consumer to make a purchase is to use bright, contrasting colors. For example, placing a bright and large button on a site, the general color scheme of which is decided in calm colors. Willy-nilly, the user clicks on the button out of curiosity and will receive not only information about the product, but also make a purchase in one click.


The use of certain phrases quite accurately conveys universal human emotions that force the consumer to act, although not always in their own interests. Phrases provocateurs:

  • "Don't miss the opportunity!"
  • "There are no hidden costs in our offer."
  • "There is nothing better than …".
  • "Be Like a Marlboro Cowboy / Agent 007."
  • "Be the first to take advantage of this unique offer!"

There are a lot of similar phrases, it is easy to trace their presence in advertising - it is everywhere.

Problems and solutions, "free" cheese

An effective way to attract a buyer is to create a problem that until now most people were not aware of. The logic of this approach is to further intimidate the consumer and offer him an effective solution to a contrived complication. The tactic forces the buyer to give money for the not quite necessary product.


"Soft Selling" is a humane way to make an offer to a buyer that he cannot get away from. Reception has several stages. At the first stage, the consumer is invited to join a thematic community created specifically to popularize the product. The main content is unobtrusive stories about how to use the product, online master classes and inviting everyone to join the same event in real conditions.


It is also encouraged to publish stories about the benefits received from the purchased product, to stimulate consumers with sweepstakes, prizes, etc. Often, a potential buyer is presented with samples, invited to try the product in action at presentations, etc. And having tried the products several times in minimal doses, most become buyers standard volumes of products.

Try on before buying, familiarity

The times when the consumer was inundated with tons of virtual and paper advertising are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Modern technologies allow making targeted offers to millions of buyers. Suppose the child needs sneakers, the mother looked at many sites in search of an acceptable offer. After a while, she receives an offer, which contains a photograph of her son, shod in sneakers of a certain brand. The consumer is given the opportunity to see how the shoe looks on the foot and how happy the child will be.


Language is the most effective way of communication and the only one that gives 100% results in mutual understanding. Social networks have imposed on most users a new understanding of the term "friends", now proximity can be imitated by thousands of people who have never seen or communicated with each other. Moreover, some of these people are virtual bots.


But with the opening of this niche, advertisers have the opportunity to address the buyer directly, using the vocabulary of a loved one. She is more emotional, more quickly accepted and has a greater degree of trust. Even the use of emojis has become a tool in advertising gimmicks.

Don't skip the text

Advertising gimmicks help not only to focus on the benefits of a product, but also to carefully hide additional conditions. The claimed shares may, in addition to an obviously lucrative offer, conceal draconian terms of use for a product or service.


Mobile operators often sin with such methods, offering the buyer to always be aware of events and subscribe to any mailing list, but the text about the price of this service will be written in small print, which often escapes the attention of the buyer. When concluding a contract about something, you should not skip paragraphs that spell out inconvenient terms of the transaction.

Whether or not to fall for advertising gimmicks is up to the consumer himself, he also has the right to abandon the psychology of the buyer and take a balanced approach to assessing his needs, without reacting to artificially generated beacons.

Author: Politikova Tatiana