5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View

5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View
5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View

Video: 5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View

Video: 5G - Apocalypse For Humanity - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, June

Apocalypse 5G: Scientists, ecologists, doctors and citizens of the world demand to stop this experiment that threatens humanity.

Scientists, environmental groups, doctors and citizens around the world are calling on all governments to stop telecommunications companies from deploying 5G (fifth generation) wireless networks, which they call "an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime by international standards."

Research has shown that wireless radiation can lead to DNA damage, neuropsychiatric effects and other health problems.

“Although the radiation associated with 5G technologies has not been studied as extensively as the radiation associated with current cell phone technology, there is a significant body of research and evidence of significant impacts on human health and development,” says dr. Jerry Phillips, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Colorado.

“The concern is not only the potential exposure to radiation associated with 5G, but also what could result from the combined effects of 5G radiation with other non-ionizing radiation sources in our environment.”

As 5G wireless becomes more popular, more signal towers will be built to complement existing cell towers. This is because 5G requires different equipment to deliver such signals. However, 5G requires many more of these towers than previous generations of networks - reportedly about 500 feet away in many neighborhoods - due to the higher frequency that decays faster in the atmosphere.

5G infrastructure requires cell towers to be much closer to each other, thus creating a radiating network of 24/7 wireless emissions near our homes. Radio frequencies from wireless emissions have been classified as a class 2b carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). This is dangerous for our health.

In 2011 the WHO / International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. This classification, according to the original announcement, was based on "an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with cordless phone use."

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