Was There A UFO In Our Hands - Alternative View

Was There A UFO In Our Hands - Alternative View
Was There A UFO In Our Hands - Alternative View

Video: Was There A UFO In Our Hands - Alternative View

Video: Was There A UFO In Our Hands - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, June

In one of the recent issues of the Madrid magazine "Mas Alya", whose profile is now fashionable theme of mysterious and unknown phenomena of the surrounding world, the text and footage of the recent reportage of the American television company TNT, a branch of the famous CNN, were published. It is about the fact that in 1968 the KGB managed to get at its disposal either a catastrophe, or a downed air defense "flying saucer" of extraterrestrial origin, and even the corpse of the humanoid that controlled it, which was comprehensively studied in the anatomy department of the Moscow Medical Institute named after Semashko. The broadcaster claims that the reportage it broadcast on one of the cable channels is based on documents received from a former KGB officer, a certain Pavel Klimchenkov, and is a deliberate "leak" from the depths of the Soviet secret department.

He confirmed his belonging to this department in front of a telephoto lens, as if with a genuine official ID. For what purpose the "leak" was organized, he did not say, and therefore, according to the magazine, this whole mysterious story as a whole requires an official reaction from the interested Russian departments, which has not yet been followed.

When Roger Moore, the actor who played agent 007, suddenly appeared on the TNT screen at prime time, and began to talk about the story that happened in the Urals near the town of Bereznyaki in 1968, the audience opened their mouths. The starting point of the investigation of long-standing rumors that the USSR possesses a part of a UFO (an unidentified flying object) was a clipping from the newspaper "Vecherny Sverdlovsk" dated November 29 of the same year. Eyewitnesses of the incident claimed that before their eyes some kind of "shiny ball in the form of a disk" either landed or fell on a steep snow-covered slope. This was followed by footage of the arrival at this place of a military unit of 20 people on army all-terrain vehicles and armored personnel carriers. The soldiers began to carefully comb the area.

A soldier with general's shoulder straps and "two in civilian clothes", whom TNT introduced as KGB officers, are giving orders to people in army uniforms. Experts on military issues of the former USSR confirm that they, and Kalashnikov assault rifles, and transport - "ZIS-151" and "GAZ" - are from that time. But, on the other hand, the shooting is so professional and clear that the specialists have suspicions of staging, which, we note, can be easily refuted by chemical analysis of the film.

The military are walking on virgin snow, gradually approaching a bright silver object in the form of a convex disk, lying on an edge and half peeping out of the snow. The snow did not melt around him, the trees did not suffer when it landed, which would have happened if an aircraft created on Earth had landed. But even if we admit, military experts contacted by TNT believe that it was one of the masterfully falsified “episodes of intimidation” of the Cold War times, which the KGB resorted to in its disinformation paranoia, there is no point in making this “phony” public. years later.

Pavel Klimchenkov, a middle-aged, well-groomed, chubby man in a cap, claims that the operation to locate and capture the UFO was codenamed “Myth”. Numerous documents of the KGB with the stamp "Secret" are presented, which speak of its successful completion. And then went quite incredible footage of the anatomical dissection of the small in size and grayish body of a humanoid. His very thin torso, part of a long thin arm and a head resembling a monkey with close-set eyes are clearly visible. Scientists-anatomists are convinced that all these signs are uncharacteristic for a person of any race and age.

The effect of the original and a photocopy of the order of the Minister of Defense of those years to the commander of the Ural military district, General A. G. Ponomarenko that KGB officers be present at all stages of UFO detection. According to Klimchenkov, their reports were promptly placed on the table of the head of the scientific department, Colonel A. I. Grigoriev. In the documents shown, not only the scientific institution where the anatomical dissection of the humanoid was carried out is named, but also the names of the doctors - Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko. For some inexplicable reason, they all died suddenly on the same day - March 24, 1969, i.e. exactly one week after the completion of the autopsy - some at work, some at home.

As you know, in September 1995, many US media reported a similar story with a UFO allegedly captured in America, and even an autopsy of a humanoid, accusing the CIA of a long-term concealment of this fact. The authorities, fighting off criticism, called the outbreak of hype a hoax of ufologists.

Promotional video:

The story told by TNT also makes some scientists skeptical smiles, although, in their opinion, there is too much believable in it. Only serious studies of photographic film, the originals of the shown KGB documents and medical reports on the cause of death of doctors can bring final clarity.

A no less sensitive question arises about the intellectual property of film documents. Until now, the Russian special services have not declared their rights and their authorship. TNT, in turn, does not hide the fact that it bought them on the black market in Russia, where retired former KGB officers sometimes trade in such "leaks" from secret funds. The price, by the way, turned out to be very tolerable - about 10 thousand dollars, which is also surprising for such rarities. Therefore, according to the American UFO researcher Alex Hefman, the TV company also cannot be considered the rightful owner of the unique - if authentic - materials. Nevertheless, she continues her investigation, now counting on cooperation with the official authorities in Russia.